
Lǐ Shìmín
  • Li Shimin; leader of insurrection against the Sui dynasty who founded the Tang dynasty;reigned 626-649 as Tang Taizong
  1. 李世民对王羲之书法认为已经达到了“尽善尽美”。

    Li Shimin regarded Wang 's calligraphy work as perfect .

  2. 李世民何以成了虫王?

    Why Did LI Shi-min Become the Insect God ?

  3. 玄宗是唐代继李世民之后又一位开明国君。

    Xuanzong was another enlightened emperor after Li Shimin in the Tang Dynasty .

  4. 玄武门之变,李世民登位。

    Li Shimin ascended the throne upon the " Xuanwu Gate Coup D'Amato . "

  5. 这是电视《贞观之治》李世民的话。

    Li Shimin in the TV series " Government of Zhenguan " said the above .

  6. 中国的古代君主中,李世民可算得上是最具有光彩的帝王。

    Among the ancient monarches of China , Li Shimin can be regarded as the most glorious one .

  7. 唐秦王李世民女侍卫墓志初考

    A study of the newly discovered tomb epitaph of the female guard of Li Shimin Qin Wang of the Tang

  8. 唐太宗李世民东征高丽,往返都经过此地,并住兵扼守;

    Tang Taizong Li Shimin Dongzheng Korea , and from all over here , and live in Bing critical point ;

  9. 故事发生在隋朝末年跟唐朝初期之间,游戏中你将扮演李世民。

    The story happened between the late Sui dynasty and the early Tang Dynasty , you are playing as Li Shimin .

  10. 李世民当了皇帝(太宗),每年正月初三要欢宴群臣。

    After Li Shiming became the emperor , he held a huge celebration on the third day of every new year .

  11. 第一部分讨论作为一个军事统帅李世民所具备的军事技艺,主要从射术、骑术、剑术和刀术三个方面论述。

    The first part discusses Li Shimin 's military skills mainly from three aspects : his shooting skill , horsemanship and swordsmanship .

  12. 李世民还以乐于接受批评,以大臣的批评为镜子闻名后世。

    The emperor is also known he used his ministers as a mirror and their criticisms of him as a reflection of himself .

  13. 唐太宗李世民是中国历史上公认的杰出皇帝,也是一个充满争议的复杂人物。

    Li Shimin , the first emperor of Tang dynasty , is one of the most famous and greatest emperor in China history .

  14. 据传真迹随着唐太宗李世民寿终而成了殉葬品,再也没有人见到过。

    It is said that the authentic work was buried with Li Shimin , the emperor of the Tang Dynasty , and was never seen again .

  15. 李世民(600~649),庙号太宗,唐朝第二位皇帝,公元626年至649年在位。

    Li Shimin ( 600 ~ 649 ) , temple name Taizong , was the second emperor of the Tang Dynasty of China from 626 to 649 .