
  • 网络nurhachi;nurhaci;Nurgaci
努尔哈赤 [nǔ ěr hā chì]
  • [Nurhachi] (1559-1626.9.30) 中国清王朝的创建者。满族。姓爱新觉罗。16世纪末统一建州女真各部。1601 年建立八旗制。1616 年称汗,建后金政权,年号天命。1618年开始进攻明朝,不断取得胜利。1625 年迁都沈阳,称为盛京。1626 年 2 月进攻宁远(今辽宁兴城)时受伤,旋去世。清朝建立后追尊为太祖

  1. 朝鲜政府在16世纪早期开始收到来自努尔哈赤政权的官方文书。

    The Korean government began to receive official letters from Nurhaci 's government in early1600s .

  2. 明朝的灭亡是一件长期的事情,它的覆灭早在1600年努尔哈赤统治的满族出现后就埋下了祸根。

    The fall of the Ming Dynasty was a protracted affair , its roots beginning as early as 1600 with the emergence of the Manchu under Nurhaci .

  3. 努尔哈赤真是个小东西。

    This nurhachi 's a real small guy .

  4. 努尔哈赤的兴兵与复仇汉代复仇所见之经、律关系问题

    The Relationship between Classics and Decrees : on the Opinions about Revenge in Han Dynasty

  5. 琼斯博士为我找到了努尔哈赤。

    Dr Jones found Nurhachi for me .

  6. 在他晚期统治中,明军在萨尔浒战役中败于由努尔哈赤领导的所谓的后金军队。

    In his late reign , the Ming army was defeated by the leader of the so-called'Latter Jin'regime-Nurhachu in the Battle of Sarhu .

  7. 林丹汗在蒙古左翼与努尔哈赤较量,最后以失败告终后率领察哈尔本部西迁。

    Ligden Khan fight against Nurhachi with the help of the Left Wing Mongols , but he was defeated and moved to the west with the Chakhar Tribe .

  8. 自努尔哈赤命令创制满文起,满文便开始取代蒙古文,成为清政权在关外辽东地区使用的主要文字。

    Since Nurgaci ordered to create Manchu language , it has replaced Mongolian and become the main scripts outside the Shanhai Pass in Liaodong area of Qing government .

  9. 在杰出的将领袁崇焕的带领下,明朝得以不断击退满族人,其中最著名的是1623年(努尔哈赤被比自己兵力少得多的袁军所杀)以及1628年。

    Under the brilliant commander , Yuan Chonghuan , the Ming were able to repeatedly fight off the Manchus , notably in 1623 ( where Nurhaci himself was killed by a much smaller force commanded by Yuan . ) and in 1628 .