
shènɡ xuān huái
  • industrial promoter
  1. 盛宣怀的铁路思想研究

    The Studies of Sheng Xuan-huai 's Railway Thought

  2. 其思想动机,本质上是利益之争,是为了防止盛宣怀由控制中国通商银行进而控制芦汉铁路。

    His motive was to prevent Sheng Xuan-huai controlling the Luhan railroad through dominating the Imperial Bank of China .

  3. 盛宣怀不仅是清末洋务派的重要代表人物,也是近代中国教育的奠基者之一。

    Sheng Xuanhuai was not only an important representative advocate of the westernization movement of the late Qing Dynasty , but also one of the founders of modern Chinese education .

  4. 在早期中国通商银行的运作中,盛宣怀对该行人事和业务活动一贯进行介入,并握有最终决定权。

    In the early operation of the Imperial Bank of China , Sheng Xuan-huai took intervention on personnel and operation of the bank , and held the last power of decision .

  5. 最后本文既承认盛宣怀在政治上的封建性和反动性,也肯定他在经济领域,包括在企业经营管理方面所做出的成就和贡献。

    It was feudal and reactionary that this text admitted holding and declaring cherishing politically , affirmed the achievements and contribution in the economic field he made in enterprise 's management and administration .

  6. 不注意这些,我们就无法解释为什么盛宣怀兴办铁路成效卓著,最终却因推行干路国有政策而落得千秋骂名。

    If not , we are unable to explain why Sheng , who had done so many merits in China 's railway construction , was still criticized in history hooks for enforcing the main-road-state-owned policy .

  7. 这种状况使得该行的命运与盛宣怀本人及盛所控制的其他洋务企业的命运联系在一起,并使得该行不可能按照所制定的章程制度去运作,往往偏离业务经营的客观要求。

    This made the Imperial Bank of China contacted Sheng Xuan-huai and his other corporations closely and made the bank can not operate according to the established constitution and system . So it often departed the impersonal demands of operation .

  8. 中国通商银行是中国第一家商业银行,其创办者盛宣怀经办洋务多年,因而在管理上通商银行既体出西方的管理思想,又体出中国传统的管理思想。

    Imperial Bank of China , the first commercial bank in China , whose founder SHENG Xuan-huai had dealed with foreign business for many years , not only incarnated the foreign idea of management , but also Chinese conventional idea of management .

  9. 上海交通大学是教育部直属,由教育部和上海市共建的全国重点大学其前身为盛宣怀先生创办于1896年的南洋公学,是中国历史最悠久的高校之一。

    Shanghai Jiaotong University ( SJTU ) , directly subordinate to the Ministry of Education , is a icey university in China , jointly run by the Ministry and Shanghai Municipality.Shanghai Jiaotong University , formerly the Nan Yang Public School , was founded in 1896 by Mr. Sheng Xuanhuai .