
shènɡ dé
  • grand moral virtues
盛德 [shèng dé]
  • (1) [sublime virtue]∶崇高的品德

  • 君子盛德

  • (2) [deep kindness]∶深厚的恩德

  • 足感盛德

  1. 几年前,盛德国际律师事务所(SidleyAustin)投资管理业务部的全球联席主管劳林o布鲁门塔尔o克莱曼,收到一个糟糕的通知:她第二个儿子就读的学校拒绝在秋天继续给他提供上学机会。

    Some years ago , Laurin Blumenthal Kleiman , global co-head of Sidley Austin 's investment management practice , received the unwelcome news that her middle son 's school wouldn 't offer him a place in the fall .

  2. 在芝加哥盛德律师事务所工作时

    It was at the Chicago law firm of Sidley and Austin

  3. 盛德还面临司法管辖区的问题。

    The firm also faced a jurisdictional problem .

  4. 在盛德事务所,她是知识产权部门的律师,专门处理娱乐业的法律事务。

    At Sidley she was part of the intellectual property group and specialized in entertainment law ;

  5. 那个夏天,奥巴马在芝加哥法律公司盛德国际律师事务所做着暑期助理的工作。

    In the summer in question , Obama was working a summer job as an associate at Chicago law firm Sidley Austin .

  6. 盛德电器厂是一家制造电梯电器、机床电器、低压电器设备的专业厂!

    Shengde Electrical Appliances Factory is a specialized works for the manufacture of the elevator apparatus , machine tool appliance , low voltage equipments .

  7. 盛德面临的局面几乎前所未有:一家需要重组的中国公司,既有国内债权人,也有海外债权人。

    Sidley Austin faced a situation with little precedent : a Chinese company in need of restructuring , with both onshore and offshore creditors .

  8. 1988年,她从哈佛大学法学院毕业,之后就职于芝加哥最好的盛德律师事务所,专攻市场法和知识产权法。

    She graduated from Harvard Law School in1988 and was hired by the blue chip law firm Sidley & Austin in Chicago , where she specialized in marketing and intellectual property law .

  9. 孔子观尧,以之为“大”,实际上孔子是在肯定尧之人生历史地表现为其盛(至)德与崇高、广大且光明之审美风貌的合一。

    After grasping and confirming the essential problem of Confucius thought , this essay contends : according to Confucius , the life of Yao unified historically his great virtue and aesthetic scene which is sublime , vast and bright .