
  1. 专业招聘机构万宝盛华(Manpower)在26个国家进行的一项调查显示,全球许多地区正出现专业人才短缺问题,迫使雇主们支付更高的工资。

    Talent shortages among professional workers are emerging around much of the globe , forcing employers to pay higher salaries , according to a survey across 26 countries by the recruitment specialists Manpower .

  2. 职介公司万宝盛华(manpower)进行的一项调查显示,全球劳动力市场正处在转折点,近半数受访国家的雇主预计,未来3个月,自己的员工数量会出现净增长。

    The global labour market is at a turning point , with employers in nearly half of countries expecting net increases in their workforces over the next three months , according to a survey by manpower , the recruitment company .

  3. 万宝盛华首席执行官杰夫约雷斯(jeffjoerres)表示,制造业一直是就业岗位增长最强劲的行业之一,今后该行业将继续决定复苏的形势。

    Manufacturing , which has been one of the strongest sectors for job creation , will continue to shape the recovery , said Jeff Joerres , manpower chief executive .

  4. 我们是一家世界500强的人力资源公司,万宝盛华。

    This is a Fortune 500 Human Resources Firm , Manpower .

  5. 钜盛华的融资工具使用了常见于结构型资管计划的2:1的杠杆。

    Jushenghua 's vehicles used a 2:1 leverage ratio typical of structured asset management plans .

  6. 全球劳工管理和人才招募公司“万宝盛华”的企业事务主席阿克列斯。

    David Arkless is president of corporate affairs of the Manpower Group , an international labor management and recruiting company .

  7. 在公布这份全球调查前,今年早些时候万宝盛华曾发布一份更为详尽的有关中国的报告,作出了中国人才严重短缺的判断。

    The global study follows a more detailed report on China earlier this year which judged the talent shortage there critical .

  8. 万宝盛华表示:聘用合适的人员、留住最好的员工以及培养未来的领导,在任何市场中都是艰巨的任务。

    It said : Recruiting the right people , retaining the best staff and developing leaders of the future are difficult tasks in any market .

  9. 银行作为优先级份额持有人,买入了这些资管产品总价值的三分之二,钜盛华作为劣后级份额持有人,持有其余的三分之一。

    Banks bought the senior tranches worth two-thirds of the total value , while Jushenghua put up the final third , comprising the subordinate tranche .

  10. 万宝盛华是在华全方位的人力资源雇佣管理服务商,为客户提供一揽子的雇佣及人才管理的解决方案。

    Manpower is the leading employment services firm in China , and provides the complete range of recruitment and talent management solutions to its clients .

  11. 万宝盛华独树一帜的解决方案,向大家展现了其对本地人才市场的知识的广度和深度。

    Manpower 's unique proposition lies in the knowledge of local talent market and expertise of caring for candidates through assessment , career guidance and training ;

  12. 在周三即将公布的一项研究中,万宝盛华称,表示更青睐中国企业的中国籍求职者的数量大幅攀升。

    In a study to be released on Wednesday , Manpower reports a sharp increase in Chinese job-seekers who say they prefer to work for Chinese companies .

  13. 万宝盛华表示,由于互联网上有关国内外就业机会的信息大量增加,劳动者也越来越清楚自身的价值。

    Workers are also becoming more aware of their worth with the Internet providing much greater information on job opportunities at home and abroad , says manpower .

  14. 万宝盛华称,尽管中国高校的毕业生人数急剧增加,但内资企业和外商投资企业都难以找到关键管理和行政岗位的人选。

    Both domestic and foreign-invested companies were struggling to find staff for key managerial and executive roles despite the explosion in output from Chinese universities , Manpower said .

  15. 在接受调查的中国求职者中,表示第一选择是外企的比例,较2006年万宝盛华上一次调查的结果下滑10%。

    The percentage of Chinese job seekers surveyed who said their first choice was a foreign company fell 10 per cent from a previous Manpower survey in 2006 .

  16. 万宝盛华表示,经季节因素调整后,除运输/公共事业领域外,美国所有行业的招聘活动预计都将保持稳定或有所降温。

    Manpower said that US hiring activity after allowing for seasonal adjustments was expected to remain stable or decrease in all industry sectors but one : transport / public utilities .

  17. 万宝盛华表示,英国的雇主3年来首次增加了招聘计划。尽管英国的失业人口仍在增多,但该消息让求职者看到了一线希望。

    In the UK , Manpower said employers were reporting improved hiring plans for the first time in three years , giving jobseekers a glimmer of hope in spite of rising unemployment .

  18. 然而,万宝盛华更为担忧的是,政府对于正在兴起的移民工人潮没有做好应对准备。在许多发达国家,随着劳动人口老龄化,为维持经济平稳运行,移民工人将越来越必不可少。

    Manpower , however , is more concerned that governments are ill-prepared to deal with the rising tide of migrant workers that would become increasingly necessary to keep economies running smoothly as workforces aged in many developed countries .

  19. 万宝盛华称,专业人才的短缺正开始对经济增长机会形成威胁。专业人才一般指中层管理会计师、工程师、信息技术人员、销售与市场营销人员,以及其它通常需要学位资格的岗位。

    The shortage of professionals – typically middle management accountants , engineers , information technology workers , sales and marketing staff and other posts that normally require degree-level qualifications – is now starting to threaten growth opportunities , Manpower said .

  20. 他谈到了万宝盛华在泰国的一个汽车公司客户。该公司过去有1500名雇员,在危机最糟糕的时候这一数字降到了300人,但已经回升至800人。

    He tells of one of Manpower 's automotive clients in Thailand who used to employ 1,500 of the company 's workers : that number fell to 300 at the worst point of the crisis but has since recovered to 800 .

  21. 但研究表明,他们是理想的员工:万宝盛华集团的一项研究发现,千禧一代比其他几代人工作更努力,每周工作时间超过45小时,21%的人还要做另一份工作以维持生计。

    But research shows that they make ideal employees : A study from ManPowerGroup found that millennials are working harder than other generations , putting in more than 45 hours per week , with 21 percent taking on another job to make ends meet .