
chéng qì
  • receptacle;vessel
盛器 [chéng qì]
  • (1) [vessel]∶盛放东西的器具(如大桶、瓶子、罐、杯、碗)

  • (2) [receptacle]∶接收或容纳某种东西的物体

盛器[chéng qì]
  1. 盛器、喉管及断开式联轴节规格;

    Specification for vessel , pipework and breakaway coupling ;

  2. 探讨手术室环境中干备无菌持物钳及其盛器合适的更换时间。

    Objective To discuss the time to change dry asepsis frame and vessel .

  3. 结论病房环境中干备无菌镊及其盛器的更换时间以8h为佳。

    Conclusion The optimal changing interval of sterile tweezers and container in wards of hospital was under 8 h.

  4. 病房环境下干备无菌镊及其盛器更换时间探讨

    Optimal Changing Interval of Sterile Tweezers and Container In Wards of Hospital

  5. 会阴手术盛器及托盘的制作和应用

    Making and application of a tray and a container for perineum operation

  6. 拆下零件应用盛器妥为保存,不要丢失。

    The dismantled parts should be kept carefully in order to avoid loses .

  7. 手术室干备无菌持物钳及盛器更换时间的探讨

    A discuss about the time to change dry asepsis frame and vessel in operation room

  8. 有开孔座位的小椅子,座位下放置便盆或其他盛器,供训练小孩大小便用。

    A small chair with an opening in the seat and a receptacle beneath , used for toilet-training young children .

  9. 赫利奥斯的象征物是马头、七彩王冠、羊角盛器和成熟的水果。

    The symbols of Helios were horses ' heads , a crown of seven rays , a cornucopia , and a ripened fruit .

  10. 并且以其认为适当而合乎体统的方式处置上述遗骸及盛载上述遗骸的棺木、瓮盎或其他盛器。

    And dispose of such human remains and any coffin , urn or other receptacle containing such human remains in such decent manner as it may think fit .

  11. 另外,诸如对于盛器的选择过于简单和随意,在宣传上不太到位等等一系列的原因,山东面点在当今的饮食市场竞争中处于了一种相对的弱势地位。

    Moreover , due to reasons such as simplistic and arbitrary choices of dish containers , insufficient public advertisement and promotion , Shandong pastry is in a disadvantaged position in the food market competition today .