
sù shāo
  • biscuiting
素烧[sù shāo]
  1. 除了异常开胃的素烧排骨以及白灵菇(mushroomcutlet)这两道菜外,福和慧的午餐套餐单上再无其它“假肉菜”了。

    Apart from the " spare rib " appetiser and a mushroom cutlet , there were no fake meat dishes on our lunch menus at Fu He Hui .

  2. 略论骨瓷盘类产品器型与素烧匣钵设计的相关性SEM观察A、C、E组金属表面微观结构。采用精密车床加工制作成形器控制瓷盘厚度为1.8mm,附着长度为4mm。

    The Relationship between the Shapes of Bone China Flate Plate Products and the Design of Saggar Shapes A metal die was made with a precision machine tool to control thickness and length of the ceramic .

  3. 鸡素烧是日本料理的代表之一。

    Sukiyaki is one of the representative foods of Japan .

  4. 古代使用铁锹来做鸡素烧,所以得来这个名字。

    The naming comes from the farmer ' w spade sometimes used to cook on .

  5. 介绍了素烧坯改素坯施釉用色釉的配制。

    Introduced the preparation of color glaze used in unglazed ware altering to green body .

  6. 电热隧道窑素烧墙面砖的计算机二维模拟

    Two-dimensional computer simulation of biscuit firing process of wall tiles in the electric tunnel kiln

  7. 等静压盘子堆素烧存在问题的分析

    Analysis on Flaws fo Isostatic Dishes Biscuit

  8. 阴离子交换膜在金电解造液过程中的技术指标,其优于素烧坩埚金电解造液技术指标。

    The indexes were compared with those ones in gold electrolyte preparation with bisque firing crucible process .

  9. 当她收到了坏掉的素烧陶磁娃娃时,她整整实验了两年,才知道如何修复它。

    When she received the broken bisque doll , she experimented for two years before she was able to repair it .

  10. 素烧坯的成分、素烧程度对坯、釉的适应性有影响并进而影响到发光釉的釉面质量和发光性能。

    The elements and burning degree affect adjustability between brick and glaze and at the same time to affect glaze surface quality and luminescent capability .

  11. 本文简略地论述了骨瓷素烧匣钵设计与产品器型的连带关系,并给出了骨瓷匣钵尺寸的初步确定方法。

    The article is discussed on the relation ship between the design of saggar shapes and the shapes of firing products in brief , and offer a primior way to calculate the gauge of Bone China saggar .

  12. 通过优化素烧和烧成窑中的保温料配方,改善保温料的导热和保温性能,扩大并均匀温场,以提高成品率、扩大产量。船(舰)载炮远距离直瞄射击研究

    The article mainly researching content including : ( 1 ) By optimizing the heat preservation materials compounding of the biscuit firing and sintering furnace , the heat conduction and preservation characteristics are improved . Firing of Shipboard SPG

  13. 祭司的素祭都要烧了,却不可吃。

    Every meal offering offered for the priest is to be completely burned : nothing of it is to be taken for food .