
  1. 改吃纯素会有帮助,但两人吃一年纯素所减少的碳排量要小于一次长途飞行的碳排量。

    Going vegan will help , but two people going vegan for a year would be outweighed3 by just one long-haul flight .

  2. 原降钙素会减少监护室抗生素的使用?

    Will procalcitonin reduce antibiotic use in intensive care ?

  3. 1995年丹麦因阿伏霉素会导致抗药菌的增殖而将其禁用。

    In1995 , Denmark forbade Avoparcin , because it causes hyperplasia of drug-resistance bacterium .

  4. 小麦面粉中的类胡萝卜素会由于添加具有酶活性的大豆粉的作用而褪色。

    The carotenoid pigments of wheat flour are bleached by the addition of enzyme-active soy flour .

  5. 有些科学家相信人类的信息素会通过正常的气味传导而影响我们的决定。

    Some scientists believe human pheromones might be influencing our decisions along the normal olfactory pathway .

  6. 科学家发现这些血管加压素会让这些小老鼠今后的行为和记忆出不同程度的问题。

    The researchers were able to show that vasopressin was behind the behavioural and memory problems .

  7. 令人震惊的是,吸烟者服用-胡萝卜素会增加患癌的风险。

    And shockingly , smokers who took beta carotene were at an increased risk of developing cancer .

  8. 从那里,这些性信息素会与其他气味分别随着神经传导到大脑中。

    From here the sexy scent travels along a neural pathway to the brain separate from other scents .

  9. 杨教授表示,事实上,无糖汽水的甜味替代素会带来更大的问题。

    In fact , the false sweetness of diet soda can be quite problematic , according to Young .

  10. 有人认为一些甜味素会使某些人视力模糊、头晕目眩、头痛或恶心。

    Some artificial sweeteners are thought to cause blurred vision , dizziness , headaches and nausea in some people .

  11. 但要避免发根:头皮会分泌天然油脂有助于头发健康,护发素会破坏这一作用。

    But avoid your roots : the scalp produces natural oils to help on the near end of things . Conditioning treatments could prevent them from helping .

  12. 从发梢开始,向头发中间涂抹。但要避免发根:头皮会分泌天然油脂有助于头发健康,护发素会破坏这一作用。

    Start with the tips of your hair and work your way up to mid-shaft . But avoid your roots : the scalp produces natural oils to help on the near end of things .

  13. 并且在雨水等流水作用下部分磷素会被带入水体,增加水体中的磷含量,加剧河流湖泊的富营养化和地下水的污染。

    At the same time , the phosphorus in soil may flow into the waters with rainwater . Therefore , the increase of phosphorus intensifies the pollution of the rivers , lakes and the underground water .

  14. 矿物质、维生素和所有微波食物的营养素会降低或改变,这样人们只能摄入较少甚至没有有益物质,或者人体吸收被转化不能新陈代谢的成分。

    Minerals , vitamins , and nutrients of all microwaved food is reduced or altered so that the human body gets little or no benefit , or the human body absorbs altered compounds that cannot be broken down .

  15. 研究人员发现,服用补充剂者和未服用补充剂者并没有区别,不过研究人员表示,考虑到受试者的人数有限,他们不排除β胡萝卜素会对特定人群产生一定的微弱影响。

    Researchers found no difference between those who took the supplement and those who didn 't , though because of the number of study participants , researchers said they couldn 't rule out a small effect one way or the other in certain groups of people .

  16. 绿茶中含量较多的维生素C氧化产生的茶褐素,会使茶汤变得黄褐不清。

    Green tea vitamin C content of more TB produced Su-oxidation , the tea will become clear Malacosoma .

  17. 果实中积累葫芦素C会导致黄瓜苦味,严重影响黄瓜品质。

    The accumulation of cucurbitacin C in fruits will result in bitterness in cucumber and seriously affect the quality of cucumber .

  18. 另外,过多的睾丸素反而会降低人体内的睾丸素水平。

    Even extra testosterone can lower a man 's testosterone .

  19. 表皮中黑素含量会影响皮肤对紫外线的敏感性。

    The pigmentation of epidermis may influence the sensitivity of skin to ultraviolet-induced erythema reaction .

  20. 寄主标记信息素也会给释放着带来不利的影响,如信息盗用和盗寄生现象等。

    Host marking pheromones sometimes may bring adverse effects on the releaser , such as eavesdropping and cleptoparasitism .

  21. 威尔逊说,睾丸素可能会抑制免疫系统;切除睾丸的男子能比没有切除睾丸的男子多活15年。

    Testosterone may suppress immune systems , said Dr Wilson ; castrated men outlive non-castrated men by up to 15 years .

  22. 斯德灵大学的研究人员克雷格罗伯茨说,子宫内的睾丸素可能会影响手指长度和面部结构。

    Stirling University researcher Craig Roberts said exposure to testosterone in the womb likely affects facial structure as well as finger length .

  23. 肝癌:发霉的食物,如霉变的花生、大豆等,都含有黄曲霉素,会引起肝癌。

    Liver Cancer : moldy foods , such as moldy peanuts , soybeans , etc. , all contain aflatoxin , can cause liver cancer .

  24. 假设认为男性参加竞赛如果获胜,睾丸素水平会上升;失败,则下降。

    This suggests that males involved in a competition will experience a rise in testosterone levels if they win , and a fall if they lose .

  25. 饲料用作物如黑麦草和车轴草等的问题之一是,这些作物中含有太多木质素,会引起牛等反刍动物的疾病。

    One of the problems with forage crops such as ryegrass and clover is that they have too much lignin , which can cause ruminants like cows to get sick .

  26. 创造特别是对水份,让人们皮肤更光滑和充满活力,这些包含丰富羊胎素成份会使您的皮肤富有弹性,您的脸色更年轻。

    Created especially to moisturise , smooth and rejuvenate , these cr è mes are enriched with Bee Propolis and Ovine Placenta to revitalise your skin for a more youthful complexion .

  27. 在新的研究中,科学家们继续研究了乳腺的信息素是否会影响新生儿将获得母乳的可能性与其他的气味相联系。

    In the new work , the researchers investigated whether the mammary pheromone plays a role in the ability of newborns to learn to associate other odors with the availability of milk .

  28. 克兰菲尔德大学的研究表明:把英国本土饲养的牛和羊转换成牛肉、羊肉替换进口的豆腐或者是素肉会增加耕植土地的数量,造成森林被毁坏的风险。

    According to a study from Cranfield University , " Switching from British-bred beef and lamb to meat substitutes imported from abroad such as tofu and Quorn would increase the amount of land cultivated ,

  29. 加拿大亚伯达大学神经系统科学家皮特赫德称,男孩在胎儿形成4-6个月期间,睾丸素水平会有一次大幅提升,这会对以后的健康和行为产生影响。

    In boys , during fetal development theres a surge in testosterone in the middle of the second trimester that seems to influence future health and behavior , says Pete Hurd , a neuroscientist at the University of Alberta .

  30. β-胡萝卜素含量降低会导致番茄红素/β-胡萝卜素比例升高,这可能是UV-C照射樱桃番茄果实颜色表型发生变化的原因之一。

    The lower content of β - carotene , leading to higher lycopene to β - carotene ratio , is probably responsible for the altered color phenotype in UV-C treated fruit .