
táo sū
  • walnut cake
  1. 调查中还发现,大多老人喜欢吃豆腐、喝豆奶粉等豆制品。36.7%的平邑百岁老人喜欢吃甜食,如糖、饼干鸡蛋糕、桃酥等。

    The survey also shows that most of them enjoy drinking soymilk and eating bean curd and bean products . 36.7 % of them like desserts , such as sugar , cookies , cake , and walnut cake .

  2. 大豆膳食纤维粉在桃酥中的应用研究

    Study on Application of the Soybean Dietary Fiber Flour in Walnut Short Pastry

  3. 乐平将成为中国桃酥之乡。

    Leping will become China which makes semi-finished township .

  4. 这是我刚在食品店买的桃酥,您先尝尝。

    I have just bought some crisp peach cookies from the food store . Have a taste .

  5. 玉米2例;花生壳、黄豆及桃酥碎片各1例;

    Cases were corn and one shell of peanut , one bean , one fragment of cookie ;

  6. 他可是为乐平带动了一个桃酥产业,创造了乐平一个特产和品牌的功臣。

    He 's for yaumcha fuel a , which makes semi-finished industry creates yaumcha a specialty and brand of hero .

  7. 本机用于桃酥饼干辊印脱模成型。将调粉机已调好的面团,经辊印成各种形状机不同克数的饼干生坯。

    This machine is used for roller printing and forming of walnut sweet cake , which makes semi-finished biscuits of various shape and weight through roller printing .

  8. 本文研究了降低糖油用量强化多功能大豆膳食纤维粉对桃酥质量的影响。

    This paper discusses the effect reducing sugar and oil or fat content and increasing multifunctional dietary fiber flour of the soybean on the walnut short pastry quality .