  • peach;peach-shaped things
  • cry loudly;wail
  • 落叶小乔木,品种很多,果实略呈球形,表面有短绒毛,味甜,有大核,核仁可入药:~儿。~李(喻所教的学生)。~李不言,下自成蹊(喻实至名归,尚事实,不尚虚名)。世外~源(指不受外界影响的地方或幻想中的美好世界)。

  • 形状像桃子的:棉~儿。

  • 指核桃:~仁。~酥。

  • 姓。


{植} (桃树及其果实) peach:

  • 蟠桃

    flat peach;

  • 水蜜桃

    honey peach


(桃状物) peach-shaped things:

  • 棉桃儿

    cotton boll;

  • 核桃



(姓氏) a surname:

  • 桃应

    Tao Ying


(哭) cry loudly; wail:

  • 号桃大哭

    cry one's eyes out

  1. 在中国,桃作为一园艺树种,其历史远比任何其它已知的地区都早。

    The history of the peach as a garden crop in China far antedates any claim that can be substantiated for other geographic areas .

  2. 采用3种方法分离杏、桃等核果类树种的基因组DNA,比较了其分离效果。

    Three methods were adopted to isolate genomic DNAs of stone fruit trees , such as apricot and peach .

  3. 我能闻到瓜桃熟透了的香甜味道。

    I could smell the honeyed ripeness of melons and peaches .

  4. 此地盛产水果,尤以梨桃著称。

    The place abounds with fruit , especially pears and peaches .

  5. 一两个星期之后,几乎所有有病的棉花都结桃了。

    After a couple of weeks , almost all the infected plants bore cotton bolls .

  6. 千门万户曈曈日,总把新桃换旧符。(王安石《元日》)

    To every home the sun imparts its brighter rays , | old peachwood charms , renewed , 'gainst evil shall insure .

  7. 多美的鲜桃,明暗交加多么诱人!整家整户在晚上逛市场

    What peaches and what penumbras ! Whole families shopping at night !

  8. 我叫桃瑞丝。韦斯莱。波特先生。我真不敢相信,总算见到您了

    Doris Crockford . Mr. Potter . I can 't believe I 'm meting you at last .

  9. 金丝桃素对C6胶质瘤细胞周期变化的研究

    The effects of cell cycle by photodynamic hypericin induced C_6 glioma apoptosis

  10. 贯叶连翘提取物中金丝桃素的初步HPLC测定

    Preliminary Determination of Hypericin in Hypericum perforatum Extract by HPLC

  11. 植物桃耳七中鬼臼毒素的提取及HPLC分析

    Purification of podophyllotoxin from Sinopodophyllum emodi and analysis by HPLC

  12. 金丝桃素分子结构及其与HIV病毒蛋白酶作用的分子动力学研究

    Studies on Molecular Structure of Hypericin and Its Interactions with HIV-1 Protease by Molecular Modeling

  13. 桃乙烯生成信号途径与Ca~(2+)·CaM之间关系不明。

    But the relationship between Ca + CaM and ethylene prodution in peach was not clear .

  14. 利用RAPD标记对桃品种特殊种质分析

    Analysis of Special Cultivar Germplasm in Peach by RAPD Markers

  15. 改良CTAB法提取成熟肥城桃果实的总RNA

    Improved CTAB Method for Total RNA Extraction of Mature Feicheng Peach Fruit

  16. 桃果实ACC合酶cDNA的克隆

    Cloning of an 1 aminocyclopropane 1 carboxylate cDNA Synthase from Peach Fruit

  17. 建立了元宝草中主要活性成分金丝桃素的HPLC定量分析方法。本方法有良好的重现性及精密性,为金丝桃属植物的金丝桃素质量控制提供了检测方法。

    The method developed for quantitative analysis of hypericin in H. sampsonii by HPLC has good reproducibility and accuracy .

  18. 有13个系统与桃红眼白卵(pe)系杂交后代不分离,且卵色纯一,初步推定它们均由pe基因支配。

    No segregation occurred in the cross progenies of 13 systems with pe series and their egg color was homogeneous .

  19. 用单个特异引物扩增桃ACC氧化酶cDNA及其在大肠杆菌中的表达

    Amplification of peach ACC oxidase cDNA by single specific primer and expression in E.coli

  20. RP-HPLC法测定贯叶连翘片剂中有效成分金丝桃素和金丝桃苷的含量

    Determination of Effective Compounds Hypericin and Hyperoside in Hypericum perforatum Tablets by RP-HPLC

  21. 桃属植物种间亲缘关系及演化研究&花粉蛋白SDS电泳分析

    Studies on Relationship and Evolution of Amygdalus Plants by SDS Electrophoresis Analysis of Pollen Proteins

  22. 结果表明:在桃果实成熟及采后贮藏过程中产生的超氧化物自由基和H2O2含量与乙烯释放量呈一定相关性。

    The results showed that the content of superoxide radical and H_2O_2 formed during peach ripening and storage were related to ethylene biosynthesis .

  23. MTT结果显示光活化金丝桃素呈剂量依赖性抑制喉癌细胞的生长。

    MTT assay showed that hypericin associated with light irradiation inhibited growth of laryngeal cell with dose dependence manner .

  24. 超高压处理对鲜榨桃汁中多酚氧化酶(PPO)活力影响的研究

    Research on effect of ultra high pressure treatment on activity of PPO in fresh peach juice

  25. 热激处理对桃、李离体花枝2n花粉产生的影响

    Induction of 2n Pollen in Prunus by Heat Shock

  26. 利用SRAP和SSR分子标记分析了47份桃品种的遗传多样性。

    SRAP and SSR markers were employed to analyze the genetic diversity of peach varieties .

  27. 与桃果实非酸/酸性状连锁AFLP特异片段的克隆及序列分析

    Cloning and Sequence Analysis of AFLP Specific Fragment Related to Fruit Non-acid / acid Trait of Peach

  28. 而在桃果实软化过程中,多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)起着比较重要的作用。

    In the post-harvest ripening stage , polygalacturonase plays a major role and makes the fruit rapidly soften .

  29. 伤处理和乙烯对桃ACC氧化酶基因表达的影响

    Effect of Ripening , Wounding and Ethylene Treatment on Expression of ACC Oxidase Gene of Peach Tissue

  30. 杜鹃花总黄酮(totalflavonesofRhododendra,TFR)是从杜鹃科植物杜鹃花中提取的有效部位,其主要成分为槲皮素、金丝桃苷等黄酮类化合物。

    Total flavones of Rhododendra ( TFR ) was extracted from the flower of Cuckoo .