
táo huā yuán
  • the Peach Garden;Arcadia
桃花源 [táo huā yuán]
  • (1) [the Peach Garden]∶在湖南省桃源县境,是一个风景秀丽的天然公园,传说陶渊明因此地而作《桃花源记》,故而得名

  • (2) [Arcadia]∶又称桃花浔,桃花洞。指避世隐居的地方,亦指理想的境地

桃花源[táo huā yuán]
  1. 论桃花源理想作为现实的生活方式

    On " the Peach Garden " Ideal as a Real Life Style

  2. 《慧心莲》和《重返桃花源》是她最新出版的两部佛教小说,这两部小说在台湾引起了重大的反响。

    " Wisdom Lotus " and " Return To The Peach Garden " are the Buddhism novels that she has published up to now .

  3. Annandale的营销口号既言简意赅又过目不忘:“请君入住桃花源”。

    Annandale 's marketing slogan is as simple as it is compelling : " Stay where the world can 't find you . "

  4. 这就是当今的桃花源村坝美。

    This is the beauty of today 's paradise village dam .

  5. 桃花源究竟在何处?

    But where after all was this ancient shangrila ?

  6. 陶令不知何处去,桃花源里可耕田?

    Now that he can till fields in the Land of Peach Blooming ?

  7. 隐逸精神乌托邦:桃花源&重读《桃花源记》并诗

    The Seclusion Spirits of Utopia : Paradise Peach & Reread Paradise Peach Note and Poetry

  8. 美的世界与善的世界&桃花源与理想国的比较分析

    The Beautiful World and Good World

  9. 这个神秘恐怖故事里,在加勒比海岸一个桃花源般与世隔绝的地方隐藏着一个可怕的秘密。

    A secluded , idyllic hideaway on the California coast hides a horrific secret in this occult chiller .

  10. 小说回避了社会的主要问题,去塑造理想的桃花源。

    The novels have avoided the social main problems , and to create the ideal peach blossom source .

  11. 亚力山大城市里的桃花源

    Alexander Wonderland in City

  12. 最后,对桃花源旅游资源做可行性分析,及预测桃花源旅游资源的开发前景。

    Finally , making the Shangrila tourism resources ′ feasibility analysis , and forecasting Shangrila tourism resources development prospects .

  13. 但这些帝王把美景视作纯粹的装饰品,忽视了景观与生活的密切联系,最终无法实现桃花源神境。

    But , seeing the landscape as mere decoration , they overlooked the deep tie between beauty and necessity , and failed .

  14. 从桃花源、后花园到大观园&一个文学类型的文化透视

    From the Land of Peach Blossoms through the Back Garden to the Daguan Garden & A Thorough Review of a Literary Style

  15. 在桃花源,他遇见了和妻子、情夫长得一模一样的桃花源人。

    In the Land of Peach Blossoms , he met his wife and lover who looks identical to the Land of Peach Blossoms .

  16. 中山大学话剧社根据07年底上演的台湾戏剧《暗恋桃花源》改编成了自己的舞台剧。

    The Sun Yat-sen University drama club staged their own version of Peach Blossom Land by Taiwanese dramatist Lai Chuansheng at the end of2007 .

  17. 传统农村并不是一团和气的桃花源,但是危机的根源何在,是专制制度还是民间的租佃关系,值得认真研究。

    The worth-studying issues are the roots of crises , and whether it is a monarchy system or a civil relationship of landlord and tenant .

  18. 立足于现实、历史,经过理性的、人性的思考构建的桃花源被当做了真实的存在,对现实的架空,处于理想仙境的和神国带给人们的却是虚无。

    But based on reality and history , through a rational human thinking , the " paradise " was as a real existence and the overhead of the reality .

  19. 武陵人(李立群饰)因妻子外遇而负气出走,本想溯流而上自杀,却误入了桃花源。

    Wuling people ( Li Li-chun , decoration ) andaffair because his wife left , the upstream wanted to commit suicide , but into the Land of Peach Blossoms .

  20. 而桃花源则是桃花的多种传统文化意蕴融合的产物,成为历代文人涵咏不尽、向往不已的精神皈依。

    The fountain of peach blossoms spring was the outcome of the peaches ' various traditional culture implications , becoming the spiritual home the intellectuals eulogized and longed for .

  21. 受道家思想的深刻影响,桃花源原型在20世纪中国文学中依然延续,沈从文等作家一再重温桃源梦。

    Influenced by the Taoism , a series of writers like Shen Cong-wen still renewed the old romance of peach-blossom-Eden archetype and carried it though Chinese literature in the 20th century .

  22. 更有趣的,是当我们在槐树中间穿过时,好像另走进了一个草木青青的仙境,真正的桃花源。

    It is more interesting that , when we go through the locust trees , it seemed that we entered a fair place full of green grass , a real heaven world .

  23. 这个无锡的“桃花源”,有悬崖峭壁,有秀美园林,但更加吸引人的是其中观赏太湖的绝佳位置。

    Here in Wuxi 's " Utopia ", there are awesome cliffs and beautiful gardens , but what is most appealing about this place is its superior vantage point overlooking Taihu Lake .

  24. 此外,“小国寡民”是老子设想的理想世界、桃花源,这与我们现在所说的“小的是美好”的思想不谋而合。

    Besides ," small territory and population " is the ideal world imagined by Laotse which happens have the same view with the thought we are talking now " small thing is the niceness " .

  25. 归园田后的陶渊明和居住在瓦尔登湖畔的梭罗深深热爱着他们的自然生活,并以此为据,写出了千古传诵的佳作《桃花源诗并序》与《瓦尔登湖》。

    Tao Yuanming and Thoreau were deeply in love with their life in nature , on the basis of which , they wrote their masterpieces " The Peach Blossom Spring " and " Walden " .

  26. 但从《桃花源诗》和《桃花源记》中都可以看出,文中有许多线索可以间接证明桃花源内外人们衣着不同;

    From " Poems of Peach Blossoms " and " Notes on the Land of Peach Blossoms " many clues can be found out which could prove indirectly the differences of clothes inside and outside Peach Blossoms ;

  27. 叙述一个渔人出外捕鱼的时候,偶然来到了桃花源这个地方。另一个追溯戏剧起源的理论认为它来自人们对叙述故事的兴趣。

    In it he tells a story which goes like this : A fisherman happened to come upon a place called Peach-Blossom Spring . Another theory traces the theater 's origin from the human interest in storytelling .

  28. 近日,谢娜乘坐的从北京到郑州的航班延误,导致由她主演的话剧《暗恋桃花源》推迟两个多小时上演。

    Recently , the flight which xiena , a protagonist of the play " hiden love of peach garden " , took from Beijing to Zhengzhou that caused the play has been delayed for more than two hours .

  29. 从《小门神》到《阿唐奇遇》到《猫与桃花源》,再到《白蛇:缘起》,我个人感觉,追光是一家有野心、有技术,但在叙事功力上却欠点火候的动画公司。

    From Little Door Gods to Tea Pets to Cats and Peachtopia and White Snake , I believe Light Chaser is an ambitious studio which excels in animation technique , but it has yet to hit the mark in storytelling .

  30. 那么前者的乌托邦城市不仅是指陶渊明笔下的桃花源那样的理想境界,更是指那种通过人们的建设和完善,在未来终究会出现的美好城市。

    Then the former is not only the utopian city of paradise described by Tao as the ideal state , but is that the construction and improvement through people , will eventually appear in the future , a better city .