
  • 网络climbing shoes;Rock climbing shoes
  1. 攀岩鞋一般非常小,很紧,不舒服但是很有用。

    Climbing shoes should be very small and tight , uncomfortable but very useful .

  2. 看一下穿过的攀岩鞋通常就可以得到答案。

    A look at the climber 's already-used climbing shoes can usually provide this answer .

  3. 由于脚是你上升最重要的工具,所以你应该多关注攀岩鞋的选择。

    Since your feet are your most important instrument for upward motion you want to put some care in choosing your shoes .

  4. 如果经常的拖脚,攀岩鞋就会因此很快的磨出洞来。

    If a climber drags his or her feet regularly , he or she will rapidly wear holes in their shoes from this .

  5. 你会怎么称呼一个只配备攀岩鞋和一袋粉笔灰就去攀登世界最高楼的人?

    What do you call a man who scales the world 's highest buildings equipped with only climbing shoes and a bag of chalk powder ?

  6. 一旦攀岩鞋非常合脚了,就是时候辨别脚法是否阻碍了攀岩者的进步了。

    Once well-fitted climbing shoes have been acquired , it 's time to discern whether climbing footwork is keeping a climber from improving at climbing .

  7. 花点时间来决定你攀岩鞋的尺码:先将脚塞进可能最小尺码的鞋,然后逐一加大尺码直到你觉得舒服了。

    Take your time determining the size : cram your feet in the smallest shoes possible , then add some sizes until you feel comfortable .

  8. 高手们与你穿同样的攀岩鞋,却可以做到精确而敏感的脚法,就如你穿运动鞋和攀岩鞋的区别。

    The precision and sensitivity that good climbers bring to their footwork , wearing the same shoes as you , is the same as that between wearing trainers and rock boots .

  9. 最基本的装备是:一双攀岩鞋,一个粉袋,一些镁粉和一个用来把鞋蹭干净的小毯子。

    The basic necessities to pick up bouldering include : a pair of climbing shoes , a chalk bag , some chalk ( Magnesium Bicarbonate ) and a rug or doormat to clean your shoes .