
pān yuán
  • climb;clamber;climb the social ladder through pull;ramble;pull
攀缘 [pān yuán]
  • (1) [climb]∶援引他物而上,攀拉援引

  • (2) [climb the social ladder through pull]∶比喻投靠有钱有势的人往上爬

  • (3) [ramble]∶蔓延地生长

  • (4) [pull]∶牵挽

攀缘[pān yuán]
  1. 有些软弱的茎在地上蔓延,另一些则顺着竿子或其他大的植物体向上攀缘。

    Some of these weak stems creep on the ground , Other climb up sticks or other larger plants .

  2. 我太小,无法攀缘他们的树,挖他们的田地,或者杀死他们的牲畜吃。

    I was much too small to climb their trees , or dig their fields , or kill and eat their animals .

  3. 攀缘植物贴着房子正面的墙到处长。

    Climbing plants rambled over the front of the house .

  4. 攀缘植物给院墙披上了绿装。

    Climbing plants clothed the courtyard walls .

  5. 猴子的攀缘能力很强。

    Monkeys are efficient climbers .

  6. 葡萄藤沿墙攀缘而上。

    The grape vine climbed up along the wall .

  7. 猴子性喜攀缘。

    Monkeys have a natural inclination for climbing .

  8. 攀缘植物盘绕着树干。

    The climbing plant curled round the trunk of the tree .

  9. 有的蔷薇攀缘在架子上。

    Some roses climbed on the frames .

  10. 攀缘植物爬满了墙壁,使这座建筑物显得更加古老。

    Climbing plants had grown over the walls , giving the building an appearance much more ancient than it was .

  11. 提示背侧海马CA1/CA3区与小脑皮层之间有经苔状纤维和攀缘纤维的多突触投射。

    These results suggest that there are polysynaptic projections from CA_1 and CA_3 areas of dorsal hippocampus to the lobule ⅵ of cerebellar cortex , and the last relay fibers for these projections are mossy fiber and / or climbing fiber .

  12. 绞股蓝Gynostemmapentaphyllum(Thunb)Makino,葫芦科多年生攀缘草质藤本植物,全草入药。

    The officinal plant Gynostemma pentaphyllum ( Thunb ) Makino is one kind of perennial herb liane , which belongs to Cucurbitaceae and the whole plant is officinal .

  13. 垂直绿化与攀缘植物攀缘植物在垂直绿化中的应用

    Vertical Greening and Climbing Plants Application of Climber in Vertical Virescence

  14. 我种大豆、红豆和白豆。红花菜豆(攀缘豆科植物)。

    I grow soybeans , red beans , and white beans .

  15. 黑猩猩是熟练的攀缘者,在树上睡眠和进食。

    Chimpanzees are adept climbers , sleeping and feeding in trees .

  16. 美国西部和墨西哥北部的攀缘蜥蜴。

    A climbing lizard of western United States and northern Mexico .

  17. 五种攀缘植物光合作用与光因子关系的初步研究

    Relationships between light and physiological characters of five climbing plants

  18. 舟山海岛攀缘植物资源的开发利用

    Exploitation and Utilization of Climbing Plant Resources in Zhoushan Islands

  19. 它们大多数还是游泳和攀缘高手。

    Most of them are also good swimmers and climbers .

  20. 攀缘植物缠绕着这棵枯树的树枝。

    Climbing plants had twined round the branches of the dead tree .

  21. 渴望生命像一朵极艳丽的花,且永远攀缘向上!

    Hope the life likes a colourful flower , and climbing forever !

  22. 攀缘的蕨类植物;有上爬生或攀缘特性的植物。

    A climbing fern ; plants of a creeping or scandent nature .

  23. 东印度攀缘灌木,有弯曲的枝,根象蛇一样。

    East Indian climbing shrub with twisted limbs and roots resembling serpents .

  24. 羊蹄甲属隶属于豆科,乔木,灌木或攀缘藤本。

    Bauhinia belongs to Leguminosae , tree , shrub or climbing vine .

  25. 攀缘草本植物,用作饲料或用于土壤改良。

    Herbaceous climbing plant valuable as fodder and for soil-building .

  26. 澳大利亚和亚洲和玻利尼西亚的攀缘灌木的大的属。

    Large genus of climbing shrubs of Australia and Asia and Polynesia .

  27. 由美洲的一种热带攀缘植物的木头制成的。

    Made from the wood of an American tropical vine .

  28. 提供脚站立或攀缘的支撑的地方。

    A place providing support for the foot in standing or climbing .

  29. 目前共有攀缘植物34科,81属,138种(包括变种)。

    It is known that there are 138 species ( inculuding varieties ) .

  30. 我的花园里长着一些攀缘植物。

    I have some climbing plants in the garden .