
pān yuán
  • climb;clamber;climb up through pull;escalade;invoke;quote;cite;climb the social ladder through pull
攀援 [pān yuán]
  • (1) [escalade;climb;clamber]∶抓住或依附他物而移动

  • (2) [invoke;quote;cite]∶援引提拔;支持。援用,引用

  • (3) [climb the social ladder through pull]∶追随,依附

攀援[pān yuán]
  1. 她喜欢攀援,飞跃下悬崖。

    She loved to climb things , and fling herself off cliffs .

  2. 现在塔旁建有云梯,可以攀援而上。

    Now tower built beside the ladder , you can climb themselves up .

  3. 那些常春藤攀援而上,爬满了整面墙。

    These Chinese ivies climbed upwards and covered the entire wall .

  4. 利用遮阳网产生光照强度梯度,以研究攀援植物绞股蓝(Gynostemmapentaphyllum)幼苗对光梯度的形态和生长反应。

    Variation in morphology and growth of seedlings of the climbing plant , Gynostemma pentaphyllum was examined in response to a light intensity gradient artificially created using plastic shade web . This revealed that G.

  5. 中国的一种常绿的、攀援的蔷薇属植物,花单生、黄色或白色。

    Chinese evergreen climbing rose with yellow or white single flowers .

  6. 三种攀援植物生理生态学特性的研究

    Studies on the Physiological and Ecological Characteristics of Three Climbing Plants

  7. 通过不定根攀援的植物,比如,常春藤。

    A plant that climbs by its adventitious roots e.g. ivy .

  8. 福建西北部木本攀援植物观赏与应用

    Ornamental value and application study of woody climbing plants in northwestern Fujian

  9. 4种攀援植物光合作用对不同光照的适应

    The Adaptation of Photosynthesis of 4 Climbing-Plants to Different Irradiance

  10. 安徽省木本攀援物区系基本特征的研究

    Basic Floristic Characteristics of Climbing Woody Plants in Anhui Province

  11. 美洲热带草本植物,有香草味道的花;在树上攀援。

    Herb of tropical America having vanilla-scented flowers ; climbs up trees .

  12. 一种用来支撑攀援植物生长的格子结构。

    A structure of latticework used to support climbing plants .

  13. 石家庄市木本攀援植物及其在垂直绿化中的应用

    The woody climbed plants and the application in vertical greening in Shijiazhuang

  14. 生境与生态:攀援于低海拔常绿阔叶林的乔木或灌木上。花期:8月。

    Habitat and Ecology : In lowland broad-leaved evergreen forest . Flowering : Aug.

  15. 开蓝紫色花的美国南部攀援植物。

    Climber of southern United States having bluish-purple flowers .

  16. 巴西的一种直立或攀援灌木,花深粉红色或红色。

    Erect or climbing shrub of Brazil with deep pink to red flowers .

  17. 推测缠绕藤本与其他攀援方式的藤本相比,耐受低温胁迫的能力更强。

    We speculate that twisting climbers are more cold-tolerant than other climbing plants .

  18. 我就爱远涉惊涛阻隔的重洋,就爱攀援野人栖迟的海岸。

    I love to sail forbidden seas , and land on barbarous coasts .

  19. 许多攀援蕨类具有较长的蔓延根状茎。

    Many climbing ferns have long creeping rhizomes .

  20. 攀援植物在城市绿化中的作用

    Application of the Climbers in the Urban Greening

  21. 绞股蓝为多年生攀援草质藤本。

    Gynostemma pentaphyllum is a perennial climbing vine .

  22. 贵州攀援植物资源与垂直绿化

    The climber resources and vertical afforestation in Guizhou

  23. 攀援植物在北方水土保持生态修复中的应用

    Application of Climbing Plants to Ecological Reclamation of Soil and Water Conservation in Northern China

  24. 非洲一种开红花的观赏灌木或攀援植物。

    Ornamental red-flowering African shrub or climber .

  25. 任何铁线莲属的观赏攀援植物,通常开美丽的花。

    Any of various ornamental climbing plants of the genus Clematis usually having showy flowers .

  26. 有时为攀援植物具有刚毛的科;产于美洲非洲和南阿拉伯半岛。

    Family of bristly hairy sometimes climbing plants ; America and Africa and southern Arabia .

  27. 贵州有丰富的攀援植物资源。

    Guizhou is rich in climber resources .

  28. 浙江天台山野生观赏攀援植物资源及其园林应用

    Resources and garden application of ornamental and climbing wild plants in Mt. Tiantai of Zhejiang

  29. 攀援植物凌霄花及其利用

    Climbing plant Campsis Grandiflora and Its uses

  30. 木质攀援植物常生长于热带。

    A woody climbing usually tropical plant .