
  • 网络fleshy stem;succulent stem;Thick stemmed;succulant stem;fleshy stem fleshy stem
  1. 食用仙人掌肉质茎总DNA的提取

    Extraction of DNA of Fleshy Stem of Opuntia Ficus-indica

  2. 肉质茎中除CAT外,其他几种保护酶的活性在膨大后期下降至低于雄茭茎尖。

    The activities of protect enzymes except CAT in the gall were lower than which in the culm tips of Unpregnant Zizania Latifolia .

  3. 在肉质茎开始膨大时,肉质茎中的POD、PPO、PAL、CAT、SOD的活性都很高,在膨大过程中快速下降。

    The activities of POD , PPO , PAL , CAT and SOD in the gall were very high when the gall begain expanding , but descended rapidly in the latter expanding process .

  4. 仙人掌肉质茎的化学成分

    Studies on the constituents from the stems of Opuntia dillenii

  5. 茭白肉质茎膨大发育的生化基础研究

    Study on the biochemical changes during stem gall formation in Zizania latifolia

  6. 大头菜植物的可食用的萝卜形的肉质茎。

    Fleshy turnip-shaped edible stem of the kohlrabi plant .

  7. 木质素和纤维素在肉质茎发育的早期含量较高,随着茎的发育,其含量持续下降,发育后期二者的含量又明显上升。

    The contents of lignin and cellulose declined with stem swelling , they started to rise after reached the lowest level .

  8. 结果从仙人掌肉质茎80%乙醇提取物分离得到3个新化合物,14个已知化合物。

    Result Three new compounds , together with 14 known compounds , were isolated form the 80 % ethanolic extract of its stems .

  9. 茭白产品器官是茭白植株受菰黑粉菌侵染膨大后形成的肉质茎。

    The product organ of water bamboo ( Zizania latifolia Turcz . ) is the enlarged flesh stem infected and caused by water bamboo smut fungus ( Ustilago esculenta P.

  10. 各盐处理区根系含水量和肉质化程度大于茎叶,但与盐浓度的相关性不大。

    The water content and carnification degree of roots in all treatments were higher than shoots , which , however , was not significantly related to salt concentration .

  11. 海生肉质植物,具有肉质的茎干,未发育的鳞状叶和小的穗状花;以前用于制玻璃。

    Fleshy maritime plant having fleshy stems with rudimentary scalelike leaves and small spikes of minute flowers ; formerly used in making glass .

  12. 肉质植物具有肥厚的肉质叶、茎或根,能够吸收和贮存大量水分,以度过不良环境。

    Succulent plants are described as plants which are adapted to store water in their leaves , stems or roots in order to be able to survive in stress environments .