首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 了解你的食物近乎是一种民族责任感,他表示:我很高兴自己知道什么肉好,什么肉不好,也知道那个动物饲养的好坏。

    There is almost just an ethical responsibility to know your food , he says . I am glad that I know what good meat is and what bad meat is and know that it was raised well .

  2. 这块肉很好,又瘦又嫩。

    It is a beautiful meat , very lean and tender .

  3. 她母亲把肉洗好了。

    Her mother dressed the meat .

  4. 我要是能天天吃到新鲜的肉就好了。

    I wish I could afford to dine off fresh meat every day .

  5. Connie,肉菜饭好了,Jem做得一手好菜

    Connie , paella 's ready . - Jem is such a great cook .

  6. 因为桂肉很好,因为他们吃过桂肉面包。

    Because cinnamon is the best , because they try cinnamon toast .

  7. 我听说你们的糖醋肉很好。

    I hear that your sweet and sour pork is very good .

  8. 这块肉很好切。

    This piece of meat cuts well .

  9. 野鸡肉晾好方可食用。

    Pheasant needs to be well hung .

  10. 这条肉串好辣啊!

    How hot the meat it is !

  11. 如果我早上把肉煮好,晚上我们就可以吃冷的了。

    If I cook the meat this morning we can have it cold this evening .

  12. 这也是为什么我这样尽心尽力的做这个,还在前一天晚上就把肉炖好

    which is why I 'm being diligent about this and making the stew the night before .

  13. 肉刚刚好,既不太嫩又不太老。

    First , he said the flesh was just right , not too firm and not too soft .

  14. 当肉烤好后,她总是告诉她丈夫把它切成两半。

    And when the meat is roasted , she always tells her husband to cut it in two .

  15. 他用蜡纸把绞碎的肉包好,再用棕色纸包上,用胶纸粘好,在纸包上标上价钱。

    He wraps the ground meat in waxed paper , seals it with gummed paper , and marks the price on the package .

  16. 她教会我如何烹饪、买菜,怎样辨别肉好不好,怎样讲价。

    She taught me how to cook , to shop , what to look for in a cut of meat and how to get the best bargains .

  17. 爸爸,帮我把肉切开,好吗?

    Could you cut my meat up for me please , daddy ?

  18. 如果天气干燥,这肉可以放好多年了。

    If kept dry , the meat will be good for years .

  19. 这块肉没有煮好。

    This meat is not properly done .

  20. 这肉味道不好。

    The meat has an unpleasant taste .

  21. 肉串烤好了!

    The shish kebab is ready !

  22. 鳄鱼肉做的好吗?

    How was your crocodile meat ?

  23. 美洲太平洋沿岸常见的狐鲣;它深色多油的肉能做成好的罐头。

    Common bonito of Pacific coast of the Americas ; its dark oily flesh cans well .

  24. 我们在这里已经好几个月了,没有做饭,没有肉,没有好衣服和好鞋子。

    We 've been here for months , no cooking , no meat , no good clothes or shoes .

  25. 这块肉放了好长时间了,好象坏了。

    This piece of meat has been kept for a long time , as if it has gone bad .

  26. 烤鸡肉离烤好还差得远,但是,其它食品都做好了,而且,时间已经不早了。

    The barbecued chicken was nowhere near done , but all the other elements of the meal were ready , and it was getting late .

  27. 我那天在自己动手包粽子,眼看就要包好了,可是我找了半天也不知道包点什么肉进去的好。

    006 the day I pack dumplings in their own hands , we should see a good package , but I do not know for a long time what point package of meat into the good .

  28. 我们准备做羊肉丸,实际操作起来很简单,只需要把羊肉和菜弄成肉泥就好。

    So , we are going to show you how to make lamb koftas , really simple to make . You will need a food processor to just to chop the herbs and stuff but a really simple little dish .

  29. 几杯下肚之后,其中一个说:“弄点肉来下酒才好!”另一个说:“你身上有的是肉,我身上也有的是肉,还用得着另外找肉吗?”

    After a few drinks , one of them said to the other , " We need to get some meat to eat while drinking ! " The other one Said , " There is much flesh3 on your body and there is a lot of flesh on my body too . Need we look for it somewhere else ? "

  30. 把肉切成片腌好,然后我来烤。

    Slice this meat and marinade it before I broil it .