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mén rén
  • disciple;a hanger-on of an aristocrat
门人 [mén rén]
  • (1) [disciple]∶门生

  • 门人弟子。--明. 宋濂《送东阳马生序》

  • (2) [a hanger-on of an aristocrat]∶门客

门人[mén rén]
  1. 瞧门人惊呆了,喘着粗气,摇摇摆晃地走下楼梯。

    The janitor staggered down the stairway , stunned and gasping .

  2. 两个卡乐门人正鞭策着一匹拉着木头的马儿。

    Two Calormenes were driving a horse which was harnessed to a log .

  3. 从《训门人》看疑问代词的非疑问用法

    The Non-interrogatory Usage of Interrogative Pronouns in the Book of Xun Men Ren

  4. 济南西门人行天桥设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Jinan XiMen Pedestrian Overpass

  5. 他是个学校老师,一个婆罗门人,裹着干净的腰布。

    He was a school teacher , a Brahmin , with a clean dhoti .

  6. 但即使那样,大部门人以为时间比金钱更有价值。

    But even then , most people time to be more valuable than money .

  7. 旅馆司门人招手拦了一辆出租车。

    The hotel doorman hailed a taxi .

  8. 一切老的观念,说什么我们是正确的、卡乐门人是错误的,全是蠢话。

    All that old idea of us being right and the calormenes wrong is silly .

  9. 一个住在尼泊尔从婆罗门人和拉其普特人继传下来的印度民族。

    A member of a Hindu people descended from Brahmins and Rajputs who live in Nepal .

  10. 最初,所有的婆罗门人都是牧师。

    Originally all Brahmins were priests .

  11. 曾受业于子思的门人,继承了孔子的学说,被后世尊称为“亚圣”。

    He was a successor of Confucius and has been called the " Second Sage " after Confucius .

  12. 与突尼斯的兄弟姐妹一样,我们也门人同样渴求自由与尊严。

    We in Yemen are no less thirsty for freedom and dignity than our brothers and sisters in Tunis .

  13. 我觉得他们大年夜部门人沿街乞讨没有是果为贫贫,而是果为他们太懒惰。

    I think most of them beg in the street not because they are poor , but because they are lazy .

  14. 然而蒂莲不明白,为什么竟有那么多的卡乐门人,现在他们为什么正在砍伐一片纳尼亚的森林。

    But Tirian could notunderstand why there were so many of them : nor why they were cutting down a Narnian forest .

  15. 一方面,吕柟师从薛的门人薛敬之,秉承了河东学派的思想内涵,悃无华,以躬行实践为主。

    And Lv Nan took the ideology of the school of Hedong region , which was sincere and characterized as practice and fulfillment .

  16. 我要交出我的剑,把我自己也交到那些卡乐门人手里,并且要求他们把我带到阿斯兰面前。

    I will give up my sword and put myself in the hands ofthese calormenes and ask that they bring me before Aslan .

  17. 接着,沙斯塔说,他也不是个卡乐门人,对于这些个老掉了牙的食尸鬼传说,他可丝毫不怕。

    And then Shasta said he wasn 't a Calormene either and didn 't care a straw about these old stories of ghouls .

  18. “干活呀,懒惰的畜生!”一个卡乐门人一边嚷嚷,一边用马鞭子野蛮地鞭打着马儿。

    " Work , lazy brute ," shouted one of the Calormenes : and as he spoke he struck the horse savagely with his whip .

  19. 信息把门人通常从理念上支持公开政府文件与纪录的纲要;但是,一旦这种公开化变得廉价易行,他们可能会质疑其明智性。

    Gatekeepers often support access to government records and proceedings in the abstract ; once access becomes cheap and easy , they may question its wisdom .

  20. 两个卡乐门人随即倒下死了,一个被蒂莲的剑砍掉了脑袋,另一个被珍宝的独角刺穿了心脏。

    Next moment both the Calormenes lay dead , the one beheaded by Tirian 's sword and the other gored through the heart by Jewel 's horn .

  21. 那一天很不巧,徐曼丽赖在我那里还没走,那茄门人就来了。

    It was just my bad luck that Hsu Man-li should still have been hanging about at my place the day that German came to see me ;

  22. 语文是一门人文性的学科,培养学生人文素养,关注学生情感培养,语文具有得天独厚的优势。

    Chinese is a humanities course , fostering the students ' humane attainments , focusing on students ' affective education , Chinese , this discipline has its unique advantage .

  23. 当经济增添放缓时,这类论资排辈的薪酬轨制也已经衰退。可是老员工拿的仍然最多,出格是五十岁以上的员工,而这部门人正在增添。

    The seniority-based pay system has receded as growth has slowed but the older workers , especially the over-50s , who are growing in number , remain the most costly .

  24. 在《明儒学案》中,黄宗羲认为周海门是罗近溪的门人而将其列入泰州学派。

    In the book of Confucians in the Ming Dynasty written by Huang Zongxi , Zhou Haimen was listed in the school of Taizhou as the disciple of Lou Jinxi .

  25. 曾受业于子思的门人,后游历齐、宋、魏、滕等国,宣传自己的政治主张,希望施展自己的政治抱负。

    He traveled around the States of Qi , Song , Wei , Teng and other places , disseminating his political propositions in order to give full play to his political ambition .

  26. 与其说教学是一门科学或者艺术,倒不如说教学是一门人学,因为任何形式的教学都是以师生为核心构建的课堂。

    Instead of saying that teaching is art or science , rather than teaching is human learning , Because any form of teaching is teachers and students to build for core compose classroom .

  27. 关于卡门涡街形状稳定性的一点分析进入大门之后,即可看见「门人小屋」当初可能是进入该城的关卡。

    An analysis of the stability of Karman vortex street configurations Upon entering through the main gates , you will face the Hut of the Caretaker , which may have been an entrance checkpoint .

  28. 直到此刻为止,国王蒂莲想当然地认为卡乐门人驱策的马儿是他们自己的马儿,是哑口无言的毫无智慧的牲口,就像我们这个世界的马儿一样。

    Up till now Tirian had taken it for granted that the horses which the Calormenes were driving were their own horses ; dumb , witless animals like the horses of our own world .

  29. 当然啦,没有理由不该在纳尼亚碰到一两个卡乐门人——个商人或是一个大使——因为在这些日子里,纳尼亚王国和卡乐门王国是和平相处的。

    There was no reason , of course , why one should not meet a Calormene or two in Narnia - a merchant or an ambassador - for there was peace between Narnia and Calormen in those days .

  30. 美国国务院发言人莎琪发表声明说:最近的单方面行动干扰了也门的政治转型过程,由此可能再度发生暴力,对萨那的也门人和外交人员构成威胁。

    Recent unilateral actions disrupted the political transition process in Yemen , creating the risk that renewed violence would threaten Yemenis and the diplomatic community in Sana ' a , State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said in a statement .