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fān jiǎn
  • rummage;glance through and check;leaf through
翻检 [fān jiǎn]
  • [rummage;leaf through] 翻动查看(文件、物品等)

翻检[fān jiǎn]
  1. 双语辞典在为人们提供查证、翻检功能的同时,也为学习者提供了潜在的阅读功能,而且,在某种意义上讲,这一功能的优势甚至为其他阅读材料所不及。

    Dictionary offers the learners the potential reading functions , which are incomparable by other reading materials .

  2. 也就是说,它不仅仅是一本冷冰冰的仅供人翻检的纸媒体,而应该是一种通过展览、活动、出版,以及建立在其上的各种可能的建构。

    It is not only a cold , passive paper medium , but a framework based on which exhibitions , activities , publishing , and many other options could be opened up .

  3. 考释佛经中疑难词语,除利用古注、翻检词书之外,还可以与中土文献对勘,从佛经本身求解。

    To research difficult words and expressions in sutra apart from depending on classical notes and ancient dictionaries , we can proofread them with Chinese literature or seek explanation from sutra itself .