
  • 网络AndTangle;AndTangle - Brain Challenge
  1. 据说七巧板是在公元18世纪末的某个时候在中国发明的,不久后通过贸易船只传到了美国和欧洲。翻花绳Stringfigure

    It is reputed to have been invented in China sometime around the late 18th century CE and then carried over to America and Europe by trading ships shortly after .

  2. 翻花绳也可能会用到嘴、手腕和脚。

    String figures may also involve the use of the mouth , wrist , and feet .

  3. 翻花绳就是用自己的手指或是在多人手指之间翻转绳子从而形成形状。

    A string figure is a design formed by manipulating string on , around , and using one 's fingers or sometimes between the fingers of multiple people .

  4. 如此一来,银行间就像翻花绳一样,彼此交叉持股:一家银行的负债是另一家银行的资产。

    In this way they wove a cat 's cradle of cross-claims on each other : one bank 's liability was another bank 's asset .