
zhuō mí cáng
  • hide-and-seek;blindman's buff;be tricky and evasive
捉迷藏 [zhuō mí cáng]
  • (1) [hide-and-seek]∶蒙目相捉或寻找躲藏者的游戏

  • (2) [be tricky and evasive]∶说话兜圈子,让人难以捉摸

捉迷藏[zhuō mí cáng]
  1. 孩子们曾从捉迷藏游戏中得到过很多快乐。

    The children used to get a lot of pleasure out of the hide-and-seek game .

  2. 在这树密枝长叶茂花繁的时节,要在这个花果园里寻找谁,简直就象玩“捉迷藏”一样了。

    In that leafy , flowery , bushy time , to look for any one in this garden was like playing at " hide-and-seek " .

  3. 捉迷藏是孩子们的传统游戏,风靡全国。

    Playing hide and-seek Hide-and-seek is a traditional game for children , popular around the nation .

  4. 捉迷藏Hide-and-seek捉迷藏是一种流行的儿童游戏,其中至少有两个玩家隐藏在一个固定环境中,另一个或多个搜寻者来寻找他们。

    Hide-and-seek is a popular children 's game in which at least two players conceal9 themselves in a set environment , to be found by one or more seekers .

  5. 他们围着石头花瓶捉迷藏。

    They played at hide and seek round the stone vases .

  6. 许多孩子在花园里捉迷藏。

    Many children played at hide and seek in the garden .

  7. 我们浪费了太多时间在捉迷藏上了。

    We 've spent too much time only to walk away .

  8. 婴儿走到母亲背后做捉迷藏的游艺戏。

    The baby went behind his mother to play a hiding game .

  9. 孩子们在密不透风的芦苇荡里捉迷藏。

    The children were playing hide-and-seek in the very thick reed marshes .

  10. 留学解答资讯网:这不是一个简单的“捉迷藏”般的爱情故事。

    This is not simply a love story like'seek and hide ' .

  11. 命运让我们玩起了捉迷藏。

    It is the destiny that make us play hide and seek .

  12. 你的小捉迷藏,只是让我留言了。

    Your little hide and seek just makes me shout .

  13. 这就像和我自己的影子捉迷藏一样。

    It was like playing hide-and-seek with my own shadow .

  14. 我们不是小孩子,别捉迷藏啦。

    We 're not kids . don 't play hide-and-seek .

  15. 孩子们喜欢在此捉迷藏。

    The children love to play at hide-and-seek here .

  16. 这一根铁丝同他玩起捉迷藏来了。

    That bit of wire had engaged him in a game of hide-and-seek .

  17. 灰尘铺满零乱的书斋,歌儿呵,你可愿在那里捉迷藏?

    There among that dusty disorder , would you care to play hide-and-seek ?

  18. 那捉迷藏如何?

    Jenny : How about , uh , hide-and-seek ?

  19. 孩子还可以玩跳绳和捉迷藏。

    They can also play skip rope and hide-and-seek .

  20. 捉迷藏:如果你在10分钟内找到我你就赢了。

    Hide and seek : if you find me within ten minutes you win .

  21. 我们以前捉迷藏时,你捉住过我么?

    Did you ever used to get me when we used to piay hide-and-seek ?

  22. 他们的捉迷藏藏身处太小了。

    Their hide-and-seek hiding spots were too small .

  23. 孩子们常常在这里捉迷藏。

    The children often play at hide-and-seek here .

  24. 我们可怜地同不可避免的命运捉迷藏。

    We were miserably juggling witn the unavoidable .

  25. 象捉迷藏一类游戏中,你数数时绝对不能偷看。

    You must not peek while you are counting in such games as hide-and-seek .

  26. 我们跑,我们爬,我们把球扔来扔去,我们捉迷藏。

    We ran , we climbed , and we threw balls and played catch .

  27. 孩子们喜欢的一个游戏是捉迷藏。

    A favorite children 's game is hide-and-seek .

  28. 他们捉迷藏可以玩好几小时。

    They can play hide-and-seek for hours .

  29. 我想我是在与伙伴做一个捉迷藏的游戏。

    I think that I am the game which is doing a hide-and-seek with colleague .

  30. 不要和我捉迷藏了。

    Don 't play me like that .