
dàn chén
  • birthday
诞辰 [dàn chén]
  • [birthday] 生日(多用于所尊敬的人)

诞辰[dàn chén]
  1. 而孔子的教育理念和教学方法在很大程度上可以代表当今教学改革的方向。建议将教师节改期到孔子诞辰日,即9月28日。

    The educational philosophy and methods of Confucius shed light on the current educational reform , so I suggest the day be changed to Confucius ' birthday , Sept 28 .

  2. 欧盟(EuropeanUnion)刚刚庆祝过12周年诞辰,不过显然它正身陷难关。

    The European Union just celebrated its twelfth birthday , and it 's clearly hit its awkward phase .

  3. 越南政府已经决定于5月19日庆祝他的诞辰。

    The Vietnamese government has fixed on May 19th to celebrate his anniversary .

  4. 但在他200周年诞辰之际,我们自己的文化既可以、也需要去学习他永存历史的原因。

    But as the 200th anniversary of his birth approaches , it is possible — and important for our own culture — to understand how he made himself a lasting one .

  5. 亚洲艺术部百年诞辰:照片中的历史(AsianArtat100:AHistoryinPhotographs)


  6. 今年是挪威著名诗人乌拉夫·H·候格的百周年诞辰。

    This year is the100th anniversary of the birth of Norwegian poet Olav H.Hauge .

  7. 5.ADaytoSayThankYou感恩之日每年的6月14号,是纪念卡尔.兰德斯坦纳诞辰的的日子,他因发现ABO血型系统而荣获诺贝尔奖。

    This day takes place on 14 June every year worldwide which also honors birth of Karl Landsteiner , the Nobel Prize winner for discovering the ABO blood group system .

  8. ANC是非洲最古老的解放党,将于2012年庆祝其百年诞辰。

    The ANC is the oldest liberation party in Africa and will celebrate its centenary in2012 .

  9. 在苏格兰人本周末穿上花呢格纹服装,庆祝民族诗人罗伯特•彭斯(RobertBurns)的诞辰之际,他们可能会惊讶地得知,他们不是喜欢这种服装风格的唯一人群。

    As Scots don their clan tartans in celebration of national bard Robert Burns this weekend , they may be surprised to learn they will not be the only ones .

  10. 翁文灏在矿床地质学上的卓越贡献纪念翁文灏先生诞辰100周年地电自动测量系统国产化(CATS)研究

    Outstanding Contributions Made by Professor Weng Wenhao in the Field of Mineral Deposits & 100th Anniversary of Professor Weng Wenhao 's Birth STUDYING THE AUTOMATIC INSTRUMENTATION SYSTEM ( C-TAS , WHICH MADE IN CHINA ) IN GEOELECTRICITY

  11. 在欧盟(eu)本周将迎来50岁诞辰之际,一项最新民意调查显示,44%的民众认为,自他们的国家加入欧盟以来,其生活水平有所下降。

    The malaise gripping the European Union as it approaches its 50th birthday this week is highlighted in a new poll which shows that 44 per cent of citizens think life has got worse since their country joined the club .

  12. 正因为如此,印度总理莫迪才于2014年10月发起一项雄心勃勃的“清洁印度行动(CleanIndiaMission)”计划,旨在到2019年甘地150周年诞辰纪念日时,让印度各大城市的面貌焕然一新。

    So muchso that prime minister Shri Narendra Modi launched the ambitious " Clean IndiaMission " ( Swachh Bharat Abhiyan ) in October 2014 with a goal of drasticallysprucing up the country 's major cities by Mahatma Gandhi 's 150 birthday in2019 .

  13. 这一天也是诺贝尔得主卡尔.兰德斯坦纳诞辰纪念日,是他发现了ABO血型系统。

    This day has another significance as well since it marks the birthday of Karl Landsteiner who is a Nobel Prize winner for his discovery of the ABO group system .

  14. Grace在巴黎、莫斯科和布鲁塞尔展出结束后,6月份又在伦敦的兰卡斯特宫举办了一场时装秀,以庆祝伊丽莎白二世的90岁诞辰。

    Following her displays in Paris , Moscow and Brussels , Chen held a runway show in Lancaster House in London in June , as part of the celebrations of the 90th birthday of Queen Elizabeth II .

  15. 那时正值印度举国庆祝圣雄甘地(MahatmaGandhi)诞辰的前夕,选择这时间点似乎是为减少印度民众批评政府向西方社会压力低头的可能性。

    the eve of the national celebration of Mahatma Gandhi 's birthday - apparently an effort to limit domestic criticism that India is bowing to Western pressure .

  16. 但现在,他们怀疑这是一场宣传运动的一部分,其宗旨是到2012年成为一个强国。2012年是朝鲜创始人金日成(Kimil-sung)诞辰100周年。

    But now they suspect it is part of a propaganda campaign to become a mighty nation by 2012 , the centenary of the birth of Kim Il-sung , the nation 's founder .

  17. 伊朗总统MahmoudAhmadinejad说作为复活节的礼物和先知Muhammed生日诞辰的礼物,他已经下令释放了英国人。

    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said he had ordered the release of the Britons as an Easter gift and out of respect for last week 's anniversary of the Prophet Muhammed 's birth .

  18. 平壤方面称,从朝鲜西北部发射的这枚火箭将会把一颗地球观测卫星送入轨道,这是为了庆祝4月15日朝鲜政权创立者金日成(Kimil-sung)诞辰100周年。

    The launch of the rocket , which Pyongyang said would put an earth observation satellite into orbit , from the north-west of the country marked the centenary of the birth of Kim Il-sung , founder of the nation , on April 15 .

  19. 纪念温敬铭教授诞辰100周年

    In Memory of 100 Year 's Birthday of Professor Wen Jingming

  20. 还记得她吗?两年前列入过我的诞辰派对。

    You remember her from my birthday party two years ago ?

  21. 2000年张闻天诞辰100周年,理论界和学术界对张闻天研究有所深入。

    2000 was the100th anniversary of formal birthday of Zhang Wentian .

  22. 2006年将是十七世纪荷兰最伟大的画家,伦勃朗的诞辰400周年纪念。

    The year 2006 marks Rembrandt 's four hundred years anniversary .

  23. 为纪念老舍诞辰110周年,特撰此文,寄托哀思。

    This article is to commemorate the110th birthday of Lao She .

  24. 2009年是中国国家图书馆百年诞辰。

    2009 is the100th anniversary of the National Library of China .

  25. 苏南现象与中国二胡艺术发展的四次超越&纪念刘天华先生诞辰110周年断想

    On Four Jumps in Developing of Chinese Erhu Art Phenomenon

  26. 泰戈尔政治思想评介纪念泰戈尔诞辰130周年美国的思想政治教育(二)对美国社会政治观价值观思想道德教育的考察

    A REVIEW OF TAGORE 'S POLITICAL THOUGHT Ideology education in America ⅱ

  27. 超球的内接单形的最大体积&献给柯召老师八十诞辰

    The Regular Simplex Incribed In A Hypersphere Has Maximal Volume

  28. 他们在女王诞辰之日升起国旗。

    They ran up the national flag on the queen 's birthday .

  29. 毕加索百年诞辰纪念展览。

    An exhibition of Picasso in the centenary year of his birth .

  30. 圣诞节是基督教徒庆祝耶酥诞辰的节日。

    Christmas is a Christian holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ .
