
zhōnɡ jiān dào lù
  • Intermediate road;middle road
  1. 独立之后的印度在其发展道路上选择了一条中间道路,在经济模式上也采取了混合经济发展模式。

    Post-independence India chose the " middle road " as its development direction .

  2. 杜鲁门选择了无效的中间道路:和蒋介石站在统一战线,但是不提供太多支持。

    Truman chose an ineffective middle road : side with Chiang , but not too much .

  3. 在它的影响中没有中间道路。

    There is no half way work abut its influence .

  4. 他说,在定居点的问题上没有中间道路可走。

    He said there is no middle solution on the settlement issue .

  5. 是后现代主义与自由主义之间的一个中间道路。

    It is a middle way between postmodernism and liberalism .

  6. 论俄罗斯中间道路的资本主义

    Discussions on the New Middle - way Capitalism in Russia

  7. 我讨厌那些根本没有必要开在中间道路的人。

    People who drive in the middle lane unnecessarily .

  8. 这个重要的哲学学派力图在反活力论与反还原论之间寻求一条中间道路。

    This school tried to find a middle way between the anti-vitalism and anti-reductionism .

  9. 韩国科学家提出了一条“中间道路”,希望能解决这个问题。

    South Korean scientists are proposing a " middle of the road " solution .

  10. 那个国家走了一条中间道路。

    The country steered a middle course .

  11. 他表示,中间道路“可能被其本身的不一致性压垮”。

    The middle way " threatens to collapse under its own inconsistency " , he said .

  12. 杜鲁门政府对南非种族隔离制度采取中间道路政策的原因

    The Reasons for Truman Administration 's Policy of the Middle Path to the Racial Segregation System in South Africa

  13. 印度独立后,尼赫鲁根据本国国情和时代特征,探索了一条工业化道路即中间道路&印度式的社会主义。

    Nehru explored an industrialization way called middle way & India socialism according to the situation of India and the age earmark after independency .

  14. 不过,在自由主义与禁令之间,还是有一条中间道路一种温和的家长主义方式,就像现在几乎所有西方国家对香烟那样。

    There is , however , a path between libertarianism and prohibition the mildly paternalistic approach that nearly all western countries now take towards cigarettes .

  15. “必须不偏不倚,找到一条中间道路,想办法有选择地、深思熟虑地借助能给予你优势的、真真切切的长处。”

    You have to strike a very careful medium where you find ways to very selectively and thoughtfully borrow the true capabilities that will give you advantages

  16. 中国外交部星期二就伊朗核问题试图寻找一条中间道路。中国呼吁各方为外交解决伊朗核问题做出更多努力。

    China 's Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Jiang Yu said the Iranian nuclear issue had reached a critical moment , but indicated China would not support a new round of sanctions .

  17. 虽然如此,正如我已多次声明的那样,我要再次重申:我对中间道路的立场没有任何的改变,并愿继续保持接触和商谈。

    Nevertheless , as I have declared many times , I remain firmly committed to the Middle Way approach and reiterate here my willingness to continue to pursue the process of dialogue .

  18. 然而,陆克文用中国传统来框定批评意见,由此在听过就忘的密室清谈与站在台上高声说教之间,打开了一条有意思的中间道路。

    Yet by framing criticism in terms of Chinese tradition , Mr Rudd has established an interesting middle road between the quiet chat that gets ignored and standing on a soapbox to deliver lectures .

  19. 因为特定的思想背景和生活背景使雅斯贝斯行走在传统工程技术哲学与人文主义、理性主义与非理性主义之间的中间道路上,对技术保持中立的态度。

    Due to the specific ideological background of his life , Jaspers was partially between the traditional engineering philosophy and humanism and between rationalism and non-rationalism . This made him maintain a neutral attitude towards technology .

  20. 韩国科学家提出了一条“中间道路”,希望能解决这个问题。在韩国著名的科技大学--韩国科学技术高级研究院,未来的电动车不需要停在一个地方充电或是更换电池,因为它可以直接从路面上获得能量。

    At South Korea 's leading technology university , the electric car of the future does not require a pit stop to charge or change batteries - because it draws its power right from the road itself .

  21. 少数学生力图在学习成绩和受人欢迎之间找到一条中间道路,但那些聪明而用功的孩子多半会被戏称为“读书狂”或“老师的宝贝儿”。

    While a handful of pupils manage to walk the fine line between academic achievement and popularity , it is more likely for the clever , hard-working child to be picked on as a " swot " or " teacher 's pet " .

  22. 冯小刚的个体生活际遇中曾遭受种种挫折,使他不得不选择一条中间道路,致力于创作介于商业电影和艺术电影之间的作品,既满足大众的文化需求又有自己独特的艺术品位。

    Feng life chances of individuals had been setbacks , so he had to choose a middle road . Committed to writing between commercial films and art films in the works between . Both to meet the cultural needs of the public art has its own unique taste .

  23. 浅析普京中间主义道路的主要内容

    The Main Contents of Putin ′ s Neutralist Line

  24. 这一调整是现代化的过程,是革故鼎新的过程,即淡化传统意识形态牵绊,对新自由主义元素妥协和接受,走实用主义的中间化道路的过程。

    This adjustment is the process of modernization , to downplay the blockage of traditional ideology , to accept the neo-liberal elements and take the middle way of pragmatism process .

  25. 两栋房子隔着一段距离,中间有条道路,其宽度足可以同时通过两辆轿车。

    The two houses stand apart and there is a path between them wide enough for two cars to pass at the same time .

  26. 为此,应该在这样两种理论立场中间选择一条中间道路,既看到技术对于海权的意义和作用,也要看到海权发展的特殊规律。

    Therefore , we should choose a middle road in between these two theoretical positions , not only to see the significance and role of ocean authority , but also to see the special laws of development of ocean authority .

  27. 中间派是用于指温和的,走中间道路的党派和政治,他们受到教条主义者和唯心主义者的藐视。

    The centre is the name for moderate , middle-of-the-road parties and politics , scorned by the doctrinaire and idealist .