
  • 网络Die Chinesische Landschafts-Malerei;A Chinese landscape painting
  1. 他也是中国山水画发展史上的重要人物。

    He is also the most important figure in the history of Chinese landscape painting .

  2. 三远论表明了中国山水画艺术走向了更加成熟。

    The theory of " Three Distances " shows that Chinese landscape painting has entered a more mature stage .

  3. 中国山水画3D皴法的计算机仿真算法

    Graphical Simulation Algorithm of 3D TS'UN for Chinese Landscape Painting

  4. 中国山水画与油画风景语境分析。

    Landscape painting and the oil painting scenery context analyse china .

  5. 中国山水画意境的特质与功能

    The Specific Property of Image and Function of Chinese Landscape Painting

  6. 试论现代中国山水画的审美取向

    On the Aesthetic Orientation of Paintings of Mountains-Waters in Modern Chinese

  7. 中国山水画与西方风景画意境比较两宋花鸟册页的赏析与临摹

    The Artistic Conception Compare Between Chinese Landscape Paintings And Western Scenery Paintings

  8. 倪云林中国山水画的思想内涵

    On the Spiritual Connotation of NI Yun-lin 's Scenic Painting

  9. 欧洲风景画与中国山水画视觉方式比较研究

    Comparative Studies on the Visual Way of European Landscape and Chinese Landscape

  10. 禅宗对中国山水画的影响

    The Affection on the Chinese Landscape Painting By Chen sect

  11. 试比较中国山水画与西方风景画

    A Comparison of Landscape Paintings in China and the West

  12. 中国山水画是中国人所特有的一个文化概念。

    Chinese landscape painting is a unique Chinese cultural concept .

  13. 论中国山水画与古典园林的关系

    A Preliminary Discussion on Relationship Between Chinese Landscape Painting and Classical Garden

  14. 中国山水画构图的发展与创新

    The Development and Innovation of the Chinese Landscape Painting Composition

  15. 中国山水画写生传统与现代之比较

    The Comparison of Chinese Landscape Sketching between the Traditional and the Modern

  16. 谈谈中国山水画教学中写生的重要性

    Talk about the importance of sketch in landscape painting teaching

  17. 中国山水画笔墨语言的美学意蕴

    Aesthetics Connotation of Chinese Landscape Painting Pen and Ink Language

  18. 意境是中国山水画的灵魂

    The ideal condition is the Chinese landscape painting soul

  19. 试论中国山水画的情性与意境

    On the Mood and Flavour of Chinese Landscape Paintings

  20. 中国山水画是中国绘画最具代表性的艺术形式,山水画的兴起与发展为中国古典园林的建构提供了重要的艺术源泉。

    Chinese landscape painting is the most representative in Chinese Painting art form .

  21. 散点透视下中国山水画所蕴含的审美意识

    Cavalier Perspective of Chinese Landscape Painting under the Aesthetic of the Implied Sense

  22. 中国山水画笔墨认识

    Interpretation of Brush and Ink in Chinese Landscape Painting

  23. 论庄子之道与中国山水画意境

    On the Relationship Between Taoism and the Artistic Conception of Chinese Scenery Drawing

  24. 论当代中国山水画创作形态与价值诉求

    Discussion on Chinese Landscape Painting Forms and Value Demands

  25. 论中国山水画之意境

    On the Artistic Conception of Chinese Landscape Painting

  26. 论述中国山水画与古典园林的文化发展过程。

    The article discusses the culture development of China landscape painting and traditional parks .

  27. 纵观历史发展,早期的中国山水画是以色彩的面貌呈现的,作为一种独特的审美形式,已有上千年的历史。

    Landscape painting color as a unique aesthetic form , for thousands of years .

  28. 宁静致远&中国山水画审美心胸论

    Serenity-based Distance : Aesthetic Mentality of Chinese Landscapes

  29. 中国山水画的产生及审美

    The Origin of Chinese Landscape Painting and Aesthetics

  30. 基于纹理合成的中国山水画系统仿真

    Texture Synthesis-based System Simulation for Chinese Landscape Painting