
  • 网络Central industry;CICB
  1. 就是中央直属的工业,也还是要靠地方协助。

    Even industries directly under the central authorities need assistance from the local authorities .

  2. 中央要发展工业,地方也要发展工业。

    The central authorities want to develop industry , and so do the local authorities .

  3. 二十世纪五六十年代中央对东北工业基地的经略与建设

    The CCP Central Committee 's Strategic Decision and Construction Of the Northeastern Industrial Base in the 1950s and 1960s

  4. 中央启动振兴老工业基地战略,给东北发展带来了前所未有的机遇。

    The strategies of rejuvenating the northeast industrial base have brought chances to the development of northeast .

  5. 1959年中央政府批准北京工业学院为全国首批16所重点院校之一。

    In 1959 , BiT was designated as one of the sixteen key universities in China bythe central government .

  6. 中央振兴东北老工业基地的战略决策已经实施一年多了,一年来东北三省的经济快速增长。

    The strategy of vitalizing Northeast old industrial base proposed by central government has been implemented for more than one year . The economy developed rapidly in Northeast areas .

  7. 在中央振兴东北老工业基地的有利形势下,吉林省如何提高区域创新能力,从而有效提高竞争力,是十分重要的现实问题。

    Under such circumstances , that central government aimed to revitalize the old industrial bases in Northeast China , how to improve the regional innovative capacity and the competitive power of Jilin province , has become a very important realistic problem .