
  • 网络acquisition;M&A
  1. 实际上,中国航运集团天津天海即将达成的以60亿美元收购技术分销商英迈(IngramMicro)的交易,将会是中国在美国进行的最大的一宗科技企业收购。

    Indeed , pending now is Tianjin Tianhai 's $ 6 billion deal for the technology distributor Ingram Micro , which would be the largest Chinese acquisition of an American technology company .

  2. 非国有企业收购国有控股权绩效实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on the Performance of Stock Acquisition of State-owned Enterprises

  3. 随着Facebook和Twitter增长,对社交营销公司的需求也在增长,新一轮的初创企业收购方兴未艾。

    As Facebook and twitter grow , so has the demand for social marketing companies , hence the recent round of high-profile startup acquisitions .

  4. 中国企业收购了绿蛇传媒(ChorokbaemMedia)等韩国集团,一些著名的电视剧制作商已经迁往中国,与此同时,韩国娱乐公司正在与资金雄厚的中国企业建立合作关系、共同制作内容。

    Chinese companies have taken over groups such as Chorokbaem Media , with some famous television producers moving to China , while Korean entertainment companies are forming partnerships with cash-rich Chinese groups to produce content together .

  5. 瑞典汽车制造商萨博汽车(saabautomobile)被一家中日合资企业收购,将转型生产电动汽车,主打亚洲市场。

    Swedish carmaker Saab automobilehas been bought by a Chinese-Japanese group and will be turned into a manufacturer of electric vehicles focused on the Asian markets .

  6. 本文从关联交易的角度,对公司管理者收购上市公司控制权(MBO)与民营企业收购上市公司控制权(PBO)以后的隧道效应进行了实证分析和比较分析。

    This paper is an empirical and comparative study of tunneling effect of management buyout and private enterprises buyout , based on related transactions .

  7. 这是因为根据加拿大亚太基金会(asia-pacificfoundationofcanada)发布的调查显示,只有18%的加拿大人支持中国国有企业收购加拿大公司的控股权益。

    That is because only 18 per cent of Canadians are in favour of a Chinese state-owned company buying a controlling interesting in a Canadian company , according to a survey published by the Asia-Pacific foundation of Canada .

  8. 在金融危机发生前,欧洲主要针对企业收购的杠杆贷款市场规模一度达到2200亿欧元,而CLO就是这个市场上的主要融资来源。

    They were the main source of funding for the once € 220bn European leveraged loan market for mainly pre-crisis corporate buyouts .

  9. 沃尔沃的雄心可与另一个东山再起的豪车品牌——英国的捷豹路虎(JaguarLandRover)作比。捷豹路虎以前也是福特旗下的品牌,后来被亚洲企业收购。

    The company 's ambition draws comparisons with another resurgent premium carmaker - Jaguar Land Rover of the UK - which was also formerly part of the Ford stable and has since fallen into Asian possession .

  10. 经纪公司里昂证券(CLSA)或许已被中国内地一家中规中矩的国有企业收购,但它依然在举办自己特有的、稀奇古怪的论坛——或者说是派对。

    A buttoned-down state-controlled Chinese firm may have bought brokerage CLSA , but that 's not stopping the company from carrying on with its trademark quirky party-cum-conferences .

  11. 史密斯还证实,自己在台湾多家技术公司拥有大量联系人向他提供消息,他还与摩根士丹利(morganstanley)一名投资银行家有联系,后者向他提供过3起企业收购案的信息。

    Mr Smith also testified that he had a number of contacts in Taiwan at technology companies who gave him information and links to a Morgan Stanley investment banker who provided him with information about three corporate takeovers .

  12. 沃尔沃(Volvo)下周将发布被中国企业收购后的第一款新车型。该车型将决定这家瑞典汽车制造商能否到2020年时将销量提升到之前的接近两倍。

    Volvo will next week unveil its first new model under Chinese ownership , a make-or-break model for the Swedish carmaker in its bid to almost double its sales by the end of the decade .

  13. 美国最大工业集团之一霍尼韦尔(honeywell)的首席执行官高德威(davecote)表示,尽管爆发了金融危机,但企业收购价格仍然过高,许多行业的估价未能反映出新的现实。

    Corporate acquisitions are still too pricey despite the financial crisis as valuations in many industries fail to reflect the new reality , the head of one of the largest US industrial groups .

  14. MBO信托是现代企业收购制度之一,与传统的管理层收购相比,MBO信托具有许多先天的优势,能够很好地解决管理层收购制度面临的法律困境。

    MBO trust is one of the purchase systems for modern enterprises . Compared with traditional management purchase , MBO trust has some inbred advantages in the sense that it can deal with the legal dilemma faced by management purchase system .

  15. 美国若干政府机构的一个委员会&外国投资委员会(Cfius)依法能够阻止外国企业收购美国敏感资产,只要它认为相关交易对美国国家安全构成了威胁。

    A committee of US government agencies known as Cfius can legally block acquisitions of sensitive US assets by foreign companies if it deems that the deals pose a threat to security .

  16. 自2014年美国禁止华为(Huawei)进入美国电信基础设施市场部分领域以来,美国阻止了中国企业收购一家俄勒冈州风力涡轮公司、一家加州云计算公司以及一家德国半导体制造商在美国的分公司。

    Since the 2014 decision to bar Huawei from selling into parts of the US telecoms infrastructure market , America has blocked Chinese acquisitions of a wind turbine company in Oregon , a California cloud computing firm , and the US-based division of a German semiconductor maker .

  17. 在中国一家推土机制造企业收购意大利游艇制造商法拉帝(Ferretti)不到一年过后,这家名称复杂的公司的董事长又说,他的收购行动还没有结束。

    Less than a year after his company bought Italian luxury-yacht maker Ferretti , the chairman of a Chinese bulldozer maker with a cumbersome name says he isn 't done shopping .

  18. 企业收购和合并导致的企业网络扩充。

    Enterprise network expansion as a result of mergers and acquisitions .

  19. 企业收购兼并是一个常见的企业成长的方式。

    Merger and acquisition is a common way of enterprise development .

  20. 在中国,企业收购的做法自然也有所不同。

    They certainly do corporate takeovers a little differently in China .

  21. 中国的企业收购很少是直来直去的。

    Takeovers in corporate China are rarely a straightforward matter .

  22. 雇员可从美国企业收购获益。

    Employees in companies acquired by US multinationals tend to B.

  23. 同时,日本企业收购者在世界范围内四处寻觅收购目标。

    Meanwhile , Japan 's corporate buyers prowled the world for trophies .

  24. 也掀起了外国企业收购国有资产的浪潮。

    Also raised the foreign enterprise to purchase the state asset the tide .

  25. 企业收购,特别是对国有企业的收购,以前一直是很罕见的。

    Takeovers , especially of state-owned companies , were until recently a rare phenomenon .

  26. 企业收购中对目标房地产企业投资价值的评价研究

    Study on Investment Evaluation of the Real Estate Companies Would Be Acquired in Acquisition

  27. 尚不清楚新基金会不会被用来支持企业收购。

    It is unclear whether the new fund will be used to support acquisitions .

  28. 杜家笑了&一家第三世界的企业收购了一家第一世界的公司,来撬开另一个第三世界的市场。

    Mr Duggal smiles that a third-world company bought a first-world firm to crack another third-world market .

  29. 回到法国后,他在35岁发起了自己的第一宗企业收购。

    After returning to France , he launched his first corporate raid at the age of 35 .

  30. 在瑞士,很少有人对中国企业收购该国的一家国家冠军企业提出此类担忧。

    In Switzerland few such concerns have been raised about China Inc snapping up a Swiss national champion .