
  • 网络financial position;financial condition
  1. 企业财务状况的灰关联分析

    Grey Relational Analysis of Enterprise ′ s Financial Position

  2. 赊销对企业财务状况的影响及科学管理

    Credit sale has influence 0n financial position of business and its scientific management

  3. 在系统中,设计出了借款企业财务状况BP神经网络模型,使系统增加自学习能力和对环境自适应能力。

    In system , design the borrowing business enterprise financial standing BP nerve network model , make system increment from study ability with to environment from orientation ability .

  4. 财务困境是一种特殊的企业财务状况。

    Financial distress is a special financial state of the company .

  5. 利用现金流量表进行企业财务状况分析

    Cash Statement Is the Key to Analyze Financial Status of Enterprises

  6. 用主成份分析法对企业财务状况进行综合评价

    Synthesis Appraising on the Enterprise Financial State by Principal Components Analysis

  7. 企业财务状况及经营成果的系统评价

    System Valuation of the Financial situation and Management Achievement of the Enterprise

  8. 基于主成分分析法研究发电企业财务状况

    Study Financial Situation of Power Enterprise Based on The Principal Component Analysis

  9. 电力企业财务状况质量分析与评价

    Discussion of Analysis and Evaluation on Quality of Financial Condition of Electrical Enterprises

  10. 基于价值和风险的企业财务状况评价

    The Evaluation of the Financial Status of Enterprise Based on Value and Risk

  11. 该模型整体上能够较好的对交通运输企业财务状况作出预警。

    The model is effective to give an alarm in transportation enterprises overall .

  12. 最后从A企业财务状况出发,分析其财务价值。

    Proceed from A enterprise 's financial situation finally , analyse its financial value .

  13. 上市公司担保行为及其对企业财务状况影响研究

    The Research on China Listed Companies ' Guarantee Behavior and Its Effect on Financial Status

  14. 第三章主要阐述种业及种业企业财务状况。

    Chapter III described the main types of industry and the seed industry financial position .

  15. 配股融资对企业财务状况的影响及可持续发展的融资策略

    Effect of Ration Stock Finance on Financial Affairs of Business and Financial Strategy of Sustainable Growth

  16. 从结构上来讲,亚洲货币被低估了,企业财务状况良好,流动性充分。

    Structurally , Asian currencies are undervalued , balance sheets are healthy and liquidity remains ample .

  17. 会计报告和审计报告是会计信息使用者获取企业财务状况、经营发展情况最主要途径。

    Accounting reports and audit reports are the main way that users obtain enterprise 's financial information .

  18. 应用因子分析法评价地方国有企业财务状况

    Discussion on the Evaluation of the Financial Condition of the Locally-administered State-owned Enterprises with the Factor Analysis

  19. 建立一套财务危机预警系统是防止和控制企业财务状况恶化的有效途径,这在国内外理论界已形成共识。

    To establish a financial crisis early-warning system is an effective way to prevent and control financial failures .

  20. 企业财务状况是指企业的资本运作过程中表现出来的各种状态。

    Financial status of enterprise refers to all kinds of states manifested in the course of capital functioning .

  21. 高管们还在核查欧元区解体对企业财务状况的潜在影响,这个任务更为紧迫。

    More immediately , they are examining how a break-up of the euro might affect their financial health .

  22. 企业财务状况仍然健康,而我们继续预计亚洲地区将保持稳健的经济增长。

    Corporate balance sheets remain healthy , and we continue to expect solid economic growth across the region .

  23. 利润及利润分配表则以权责发生制编制基础,从动量的角度反映企业财务状况经营成果变动的原因;

    Income Statement and Profit Appropriation Statement reflect a company 's financial conditions from current amount angle on Accrual-basis .

  24. 然后本文借助因子分析法将众多财务指标进行分类,打分,归纳成四个可以全面反应企业财务状况的指标。

    Using factor analysis can classify many financial indicators into four indicators which can represent the financial situation comprehensively .

  25. 通过网络财务可以及时了解企业财务状况,部署经营活动,做出财务安排,推动经济发展的进程。

    Through timely obtaining financial information and making business or financial decision , net financial advances the economic development .

  26. 财务综合分析是衡量企业财务状况优劣的重要手段。

    Financial synthetic analysis is an important way for enterprises to measure the good and bad of the finance situation .

  27. 为了全面分析企业财务状况,评价企业财务实力,需要设置一套能全面反映企业财务状况的指标体系,目前的指标设置,一方面太烦琐,不能抓住要害;

    An intact evaluation system is needed to analyze the corporation financial situation and to evaluate its financial strength extensively .

  28. 财务报表的目标,是提供在经济决策中有助于一系列使用者的关于企业财务状况、经营业绩和财务状况变动的信息。

    The objective of financial report is showing information useful for users about company institution , operating performance and financial condition changes .

  29. 为此,笔者构建了从中小投资者的视角出发、基于价值和风险的企业财务状况评价体系。

    For above reasons , author design the system of medium-small investors ' evaluating the financial status of enterprise based on value and risk .

  30. 报告的主要形式则是编制反映企业财务状况、经营成果及其现金流量的财务会计报表。

    The main style of the report is editing the financial accounting statement reflecting the corporate financial situation , operation results and case flow .