
  1. 鉴于美国企业的金库里积压着近2万亿美元现金没有投资,奥巴马必须采取更多有力措施来提振企业信心、缓解企业的担忧,特别是在税收和监管不确定性方面。

    With almost $ 2tn mouldering uninvested in US corporate treasuries , it is imperative that he take more vigorous steps to lift business confidence and address concerns , particularly about tax and regulatory uncertainty .

  2. 国有企业中,金融企业的小金库问题相对较少,问题主要发生在其分支机构,资金来源主要是虚列支出,资金用途主要是用于违规支付手续费、向重要客户支付额外费用等。

    It is mainly the branch financial institutions that have private coffers which generate funds by making false lists of expenditure . The funds of the private coffers are mainly used to pay processing fees illegally and pay additional fees to VIP clients .

  3. 企业现金不是股东的财产,也不是企业高管的小金库,存起来以备不时之需。

    Corporate cash is no more the property of shareholders than a rainy-day fund of executives , hoarded in case something comes up .