
zǒng zhàng
  • general ledger
总账[zǒng zhàng]
  1. 中国建设银行ERP财务总账与报表系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of ERP Financial General Ledger and Report System for China Construction Bank

  2. 总账、日记账应当采用订本式。

    General ledger , journal ought to be used revise this form .

  3. 在最后算总账的时候,诚实的人会有好报。

    In the final reckoning truth is rewarded .

  4. 总有一天我们要跟他算总账。

    The day will come when we 'll make him pay for this .

  5. 接下来,再次更新账单,将总账单设置为价格减去折扣和销售税,这从state表读取。

    Next , we update the bills again , setting the total bill to the price minus the discount plus the sales tax , which is read from the state table .

  6. 总账与UFO相结合正确编制利润表

    Making the Profit Flow Table Correctly with General Ledgers and UFO

  7. 总账与UFO相结合下的会计报表编制

    Accounting Report Forms Uniting With UFO and General Bill

  8. 乐观人士指出,意大利及日本等国的公共部门债务多年来一直维持在GDP的100%以上,即便如此,仍无须面对令人畏惧多时的算总账的一天货币崩盘或者市场拒绝进一步放贷。

    Optimists point out that countries such as Italy and Japan have sustained public sector debts of more than 100 per cent of GDP for years , without ever facing that long-dreaded day of reckoning when the currency collapses or the markets refuse to lend any more .

  9. 算总账的日子再一次推迟了。

    The day of reckoning has been postponed yet again .

  10. 所有的销售额都已入总账了吗?

    Have all the sales figures been posted up yet ?

  11. 负责深圳分公司总账及税务;

    Responsible for the SZ branch GL and tax declaration ;

  12. 负责公司的总账,月底及时准确关帐。

    In charge of general ledger , close the accounts every month .

  13. 负责编制各种明细账及总账。

    Be responsible for drawing up kinds of subsidiary ledger and general ledger .

  14. 护理员的考核。对总账子系统自动转账功能的探讨

    Checking the nursing workers . On Automatic Transfer Function of General Ledger Subsystem

  15. 海外账户的总账簿呢

    Where 's the ledger for the offshore accounts ?

  16. 他把总账拿来让我查账。

    He brought the ledger for me to check .

  17. 对总账子系统自动转账功能的探讨

    On Automatic Transfer Function of General Ledger Subsystem

  18. 及时登记现金和银行存款日记账,定期与总账核对。

    Booking petty cash & bank accounts , and regularly reconcile with the gl .

  19. 此外显示数量的短缺,维持说明的足够的内部检查和一般总账的推荐信控制。

    Amount of shortage , recommendations for maintaining adequate internal check and general-ledger accounting control .

  20. 它由两个基本部分组成:一个普通日记账和一个分类总账。

    It consists of two basic components : a general journal and a general ledger .

  21. 一旦到了数据仓库中,将财务数据返回总账并保持总账平衡。

    Once in the data warehouse , the financial data is reconciled back to the general ledger .

  22. 在数据层面一体化方案中.对统一的数据字典、权限管理、总账控制等进行了分析。

    In the solution of the data layer , the data dictionary , the purview management and the general-ledger control .

  23. 显而易见的风险是,如果算总账的一天真正来临,情况会变得严峻得多。

    The obvious risk is that when a real day of reckoning does arrive it will be that much tougher .

  24. 总账收据是指一种现金收据,它不是因为销售产品给顾客而取得的。

    GL receipt is a receipt of cash which is not as a result of a sale to a customer .

  25. 设备总账(移民和难民事务部)指汇编纪录载程序和规范成品装置。

    Device master record ( DMR ) means a compilation of records containing the procedures and specifications for a finished device .

  26. 其中,基础设置为总账管理提供基础业务数据,总账完成整个会计业务。

    Of these , basic setting provides general account control with basic operation data and general account completes total accounting operation .

  27. 行定义&账户可以被拖入总账或者可以使用资产负债表的形式。

    Row Definition – The accounts can be pulled into the general ledger or you can use a Balance sheet form .

  28. 她每周从旧金山回来一次,想办法把乔布斯支票簿上的数目移入总账。

    driving down from San Francisco once a week and figuring out how to port Jobs 's checkbook into a ledger .

  29. 人们躺下来,取下他们白天里戴的面具,结算这一天的总账。

    Lying in their beds , stripped of the masks they had worn all day , people took stock of themselves .

  30. 我的主要职责是负责总账核算,对外税务申报,与税务等外单位的沟通和协调。

    My main duty is responsible for general ledger accounting , external reporting tax , the flat tax such as the communication and coordination .