
zǒng shōu yì
  • total revenue
总收益[zǒng shōu yì]
  1. 降价固然可以填充闲置的客房,提高饭店的入住率,但却降低了饭店的平均房价(ADR),使饭店总收益并未增加。

    Lower price can fill empty rooms and increase room rate however , it also lower average day rate ( ADR ) and total revenue .

  2. 上一季度苹果公司卖掉了3520万部iPhone手机,而在这一季度374亿美元的总收益中,198亿美元都来源于此。

    Last quarter , Apple sold more than 35.2 million iPhones , which produced $ 19.8 billion of the company 's total revenue of $ 37.4 billion in the period .

  3. 如果五年前买入泰国基准股指SET指数,那么目前的总收益率将达到约270%。

    Backing Thailand 's benchmark SET index five years ago has produced a total return of about 270 per cent .

  4. 且:总收益分配随着赔偿金(γf)的递增在核心企业与从属企业之间向后者倾斜;

    And with the increase of compensation (γ f ), the subordinate firm will get more from the total welfare .

  5. ROI表示为总收益除以总成本的百分比。

    ROI expressed as a percentage is total benefit divided by total cost .

  6. ROI投资回收期总收益(PV)总成本(PV)净现值

    ROI Payback period Total benefits ( PV ) Total costs ( PV ) Net present value

  7. 当你有了ROI的成分后计算它是很简单的事情,ROI就是总收益减去总成本。

    ROI is a simple calculation once you have the components ; it is total benefit minus total cost .

  8. 去年在其消费商务业务中Office、Windows和其他服务性产品及工具的收益超过580亿美元,而公司总收益为860亿美元。

    Last year , across its consumer and commercial segments , Office , Windows , and server products and tools accounted for more than $ 58 billion of the company 's $ 86 billion in revenue .

  9. 但是,目前风力发电每千瓦小时(kWh)的成本明显高于常规能源,其中运行维护费用超过总收益的10%,严重制约了风能的开发和利用。

    But the cost of wind power per kilowatt-hour ( kWh ) is still higher than conventional energy significantly , which seriously restricted the development and utilization of wind energy .

  10. RolandBuresh:“如果一年有5000名农民拨打我们的电话,他们的农田产量每公顷增加0.5吨,那么,这些农民的总收益将增加50万美元。”

    ROLAND BURESH : " If we in a year can be reaching just five thousand farmers and their fields can be increasing the yield by half a ton per hectare , we could be looking at for those farmers in the range of half a million dollars . "

  11. 休斯敦的InvescoDiversifiedDividend基金的高级客户投资组合经理克林特•哈里斯(ClintHarris)购买股票时,会寻找他认为能在两年中提供至少35%的总收益率、且上涨可能至少是下跌可能三倍的股票。

    When buying shares , Clint Harris , a senior client portfolio manager for the Invesco Diversified Dividend fund in Houston , looks for stocks that he thinks can deliver at least a 35 % total return over two years and that have upside potential that is at least three times their downside potential .

  12. 资讯服务机构prequin近期对100名有限合伙人的调查发现,他们预计未来五年全行业的总收益率在17%左右,仅下滑150个基点。

    A recent survey of 100 limited partners by prequin found that they expected gross returns across the industry to be about 17 per cent , or just 150 basis points lower , over the next five years .

  13. 再论总收益与需求价格弹性的关系

    Review of Relationship Between Total Revenue and Demand Price Elasticity

  14. 如果持有债券至到期日取得的总收益。

    The total return on a bond investment realized if held to maturity .

  15. 通过调整价格使商品的总收益增加是价格策略的一种运用方式。

    Increasing total revenue by adjusting price is an effective way of price strategy .

  16. 破产法中的效益观应当是卡尔多&希克斯效益观,即只要总收益大于损害,就是有效益的。

    We believe that it is efficient when the gross benefit exceeds the damage .

  17. 调整价值系数使总收益增加预定值的最优策略

    Optimal policy of revise the value coefficient to make total revenue increase fixed value

  18. 截至至2010年中国旅游年总收益

    By 2010 , China 's total tourism revenue

  19. 经济学中的需求弹性与总收益弹性的关系

    The Relation between the Demand Elasticity and the Overall Pr of it Elasticity in Economics

  20. 减去顾客折扣、退还物、运费和留抵后的总收益。

    Gross sales reduced by customer discounts , returns , freight out , and allowances .

  21. 企业总收益、利润和总成本之间的关系。

    What is the relationship between a firm 's total revenue , profit , and total cost ?

  22. 长期合约关系带来的总收益越低,取得收益的风险越大,长期合约的稳定性就越差。

    The lower total revenue and the larger variance , the less stable long term contract becomes .

  23. 利用任务总收益函数值的大小评价算法的优劣性。

    The value of total task revenue is used to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of this algorithm .

  24. 利用度分布、聚集系数、平均最短路径及社会总收益作为演化判据,给出了网络演化的仿真结果。

    By the criterion of degree distribution , clustering coefficient and average shortest path , the result is showed .

  25. 恰如我们的理论所预言的那样,多样化的方案一般适合此种情形:这样会产生较低的总收益。

    Diversification programs generally fit this category , and the theory predicts that they will generate lower total gains .

  26. 总收益指的是由作物所带来的全部货币量,而没有计入农民的开支。

    Total revenue is the total amount of money brought in by the crop , without factoring in the farmers'expenses .

  27. 商品的总收益弹性与需求弹性守恒定理及其应用

    Conservation the law of elasticity of revenue function and demand function about the same kind of goods and its application

  28. 分析同样表明总收益不仅依赖于出售的商品单位,而且也依赖于所要的价格。

    The analysis also shows that total revenue depends not only on units sold , but also on the price charged .

  29. 经济学家衡量的是企业的经济利润,它是总收益减去所有的机会成本(显性和隐性的)。

    Economists measure a firm 's economic profit as total revenue minus all the opportunity costs ( explicit and implicit ) .

  30. 过去的六个财年中,个人电脑和笔记本收益占戴尔总收益的份额从65%下降至54%。

    Over the past six fiscal years , PCs and laptops have shrunk from 65 % of revenue to 54 % .