
xià qí
  • play chess;have a game of chess
下棋 [xià qí]
  • [have a game of chess;play chess] 弈棋;着棋

下棋[xià qí]
  1. “你会下棋吗?”他斜睨着米格尔问道。

    ' Do you play chess ? ' he asked , looking askance at Miguel .

  2. 下棋时,我的心境处于很集中的状态。

    I have to be in the right frame of mind to play chess .

  3. 他下棋赢了我。

    He beat me at chess .

  4. 你从很小的时候就对下棋产生了浓厚兴趣。

    You 've had chess on the brain since you were little .

  5. 他对下棋产生了极为浓厚的兴趣。

    He has developed a consuming passion for chess .

  6. 两个老人正在树下下棋。

    Two old men are playing chess under the tree .

  7. 下棋的走法不但多种多样,而且错综复杂。

    The moves in chess are not only manifold , but involute .

  8. 看见下棋他就馋得慌。

    His fingers itch at the sight of a game of chess .

  9. 你们下棋的瘾头可真不小。

    You are really keen on playing chess .

  10. 他喜好下棋。

    He has a fancy for chess .

  11. 下棋没劲,还是去打乒乓球吧。

    Playing ( at ) chess is no fun ; let 's go to play table tennis .

  12. 由于他漫不经心地下棋,他的白子掷到黑子的虎口里去了。

    Through his lack of attention to the game he had put his white stone into a “ tiger 's mouth ” formed by three black stones .

  13. 工余时间他喜欢下棋。

    He likes to play board games in his spare time .

  14. 下棋是我喜爱的一种消遣。

    Playing chess is one of my favourite pastimes .

  15. 跟我下棋,你是个儿吗?

    Would you take me on at chess ?

  16. 跟他下棋没劲,他老是拔招。

    He is no fun to play at chess because he 's always changing his moves .

  17. 我下棋赢了他。

    I beat him at chess .

  18. 下棋需要全神贯注。

    Chess requires great concentration .

  19. "我不想下棋,"辛迪回答。

    " I don 't want to play chess , " Cindy replied .

  20. 安娜说:"来吧,我们下棋吧。"。

    " Come on , let 's play chess , " Anna said .

  21. 课间休息时我还会做一些其他的事情,比如下棋和剪纸。

    Some other things I would do at recess were chess and paper cutting .

  22. A:星期六早上我们要下棋,我要给你煮面条。

    A : We 're going to play chess on Saturday morning and I am going to cook noodles for you .

  23. 下棋可能是有趣的。

    It may be fun to play chess .

  24. 下棋是他最喜爱的消遣。

    Playing chess is his favourite pastime .

  25. 弈秋是国中最出色的围棋高手。如果让他同时教两个人下棋,其中一个人专心致志,凝神静听弈讲解棋道,而另一个人虽然貌似在听讲,心里却想着要是有只天鹅飞来,怎样才能张弓搭箭把它射下来。

    If let him teaches two students , and one listens carefully and is absorbed in ti while the other one seemingly is also listening , but in his mind , he is thinking about if a swan passes here , how to shoot it down with a bow and arrow .

  26. 臧说丢羊时他在看书,谷说他在下棋,虽然看书比下棋高雅,但他们都干了不该干的事情,在丢羊这一点上并无区别。

    Zang said he lost his sheep while he was reading . Gu said he was playing chess . Although reading is more elegant than playing chess , they both did something they should not have done . So it makes no difference as far as the fact they lost the sheep is concerned .

  27. MechanicalTurk的名字来源于18世纪一台虚假的下棋机器:这台机器看上去是自动化,其实有真人藏在机器内部。

    The name Mechanical Turk comes from a fake chess-playing machine from the 18th century : while it looked like an automaton , a person was secretly hiding inside .

  28. 由MartinWattenberg设计的一个机器人自己下棋的方式,你这里看到的。

    by Martin Wattenberg -- the way a machine plays chess with itself , that you see here ,

  29. 棋子的位置信息由摄像头实时传给计算机,根据这些位置信息被判断处理后的结果,计算机给PLC发相应的指令来控制机械手的下棋动作。

    Chesses ' position information is sent to computer through camera . And based on the re - sult of information handling , the computer will send relevant commands to PLC , which will control the manipulator 's action of chess moving .

  30. 蒙巴顿从国家物理实验室得到了这些消息,从他引用的不怎么准确的“下棋机器”可以看出,他肯定听到了图灵关于ACE的一些展望。

    He had taken his information from the NPL , and the inaccurate reference to chess-playing machines would suggest that he heard an excited Alan Turing talking about the future possibilities of the ACE .