
  • 网络the next bus
  1. 别着急,我们可以搭下一班车。

    Don 't worry , we can take the next bus .

  2. 开往桂林的下一班车是什么时候?

    What time does the next bus leave for Guilin ?

  3. 开往华盛顿的下一班车什么时候离站?

    When do the next train for washington leave ?

  4. 下一班车很快会来。

    There 'll be another one along shortly .

  5. 下一班车多快会到?

    How soon will the next train come ?

  6. 火车开了,我们得等下一班车了。

    The train has left . We 'll have to wait for the next train .

  7. 下一班车误点了吗?

    Is the next train late ?

  8. 下一班车总会来的。

    One will come along eventually .

  9. 下一班车是什么时候?

    When 's the next train ?

  10. 我陪着小心,用温和的口吻询问开往哈蒂斯堡下一班车的情况。

    Taking care to pitch my voice to politeness , I asked about the next bus to Hattiesburg .

  11. 乙:每小时正点就有一班车,下一班车再等十五分钟就开。

    B : It runs every hour on the hour . So the next train leaves in 15 minutes .

  12. 我们误了8.30的车,但现在要紧的是别误了下一班车。

    We 've missed the8.30 train , but what matters now is that we don 't miss the next one .

  13. 你不是说你在等7路车吗?等一下还会有下一班车的

    Didn 't you say you were waiting for the number 7 bus ? There 'll be another one along shortly .

  14. “你最好就走到这儿,”他说,虽然她到第一个街口就已停了步,“在这儿塔下一班车。”

    " You 'd better stop here ," he said , though she had already come to a halt at the first corner ," and take the next car . "

  15. 诺基亚公司另一位经理塔皮奥赫德曼说,在芬兰,人们将不仅希望用它购买公共汽车票,而且想从中了解下一班车什么时候到达。

    In finland , says Tapio hedman , another Nokia executive , people will not only want to pay for their bus tickets , they will want to know when the next bus is due .

  16. 下一火班车还要过一小时才开。

    There is an hour 's interval to the next train .

  17. 你能不能看看到南京的下一次班车什么时候开?

    Can you look up the time for the next train to nanjing ?