
xià yì shí
  • subconscious;subconsciousness;undersense
下意识 [xià yì shí]
  • [undersense;subconsciousness] 潜意识

  • 下意识机能症

下意识[xià yì shí]
  1. 他下意识地抓住她的胳膊想挽留她。

    He caught her arm in a subconscious attempt to detain her .

  2. Geminoid也具有那种下意识的动作。

    The Geminoid also has that kind of subconscious movement .

  3. 她在下意识地寻找自己从未见过的父亲。

    Subconsciously , she was looking for the father she had never known .

  4. 几乎是一种下意识的动作,电话铃一响,我就抓起笔。

    Almost as a reflex action , I grab my pen as the phone rings .

  5. 下意识地,她习惯性地把咖啡壶的插头插上了。

    Unconsciously , by force of habit , she plugged the coffee pot in .

  6. 那句话在长期受到禁锢之后下意识地从她嘴里溜了出来。

    The words slipped out unawares from her mouth after the long constraint .

  7. 教练在选择运动员参加训练时,在尤赛恩·博尔特和史蒂夫·莫拉斯(SteveMolasses)两人中,他又会下意识地选择谁呢?

    Subconsciously , when choosing a runner to train , who would the coach be more inclined to choose & Usian Bolt or Steve Molasses ?

  8. 在5月29日美国国债收益率飙升、抵押贷款利率走势出现部分逆转后,美联储(Fed)目前正处在观望之中,官员们不愿仓促作出任何下意识的政策反应。

    The Federal Reserve is in wait-and-see mode following the surge in bond yields and mortgage rates that partly reversed on Friday , with officials unwilling to be bounced into any knee-jerk policy reaction .

  9. 所以,当有人看到一个NBA球员正在举办训练营时,也许他们就不会下意识地认为这是为男孩举办的。

    So that when someone sees an NBA player is hosting a camp , now , you know - maybe they won 't automatically assume it 's for boys .

  10. 另一位研究人员伊尔琳?渥姆斯里博士(DrErinWamsley)称,根据这份报告,人类大脑中的下意识部分会在它认为最重要的的事情上下功夫。

    Co-author Dr Erin Wamsley said the study suggests our non-conscious brain works on the things that it deems are most important .

  11. Ramirez说该政策是政府下意识的反应。政府由于没有采取足够措施使菲律宾船员得以释放而遭受大众批评。

    Ramirez says the policy is a knee-jerk reaction by the government , which has been criticized for doing little to help free the Filipino hostages .

  12. 下意识地,我伸手打开车里的收音机,预先调好的KGBX台是我每天清晨开车去邮电局上班的路上经常听的软摇滚音乐台。

    Reflexively I reached to turn on my car radio , preset to KGBX , the soft-rock station I always listen to on my early-morning drives to my job at the post office .

  13. 定量脑电图监测全麻状态下意识的变化

    A Study of qEEG during Monitoring of Consciousness under General Anesthesia

  14. 这可能是下意识的行为,但这种行为确实在发生。

    It 's perhaps a sub-conscious thing , but it happens .

  15. 我直到今天都会下意识地有点害怕。

    And I 'm still terrified today , sort of subconsciously .

  16. 这种“需求”只是错误的下意识设计。

    Such " requirements " are just bad knee-jerk design .

  17. 她有下意识咬指甲的习惯。

    She has the unconscious habit of biting her fingernails .

  18. 神甫下意识地退后了一步。

    Involuntarily , the priest had backed off a pace .

  19. 月亮象徵直觉和摸索深层下意识。

    Themoon represents intuition and delving deep into the unconscious .

  20. 你通常能看到下意识的反应。

    You also , you always see a knee-jerk reaction .

  21. 都是有系统的,我想,也是下意识的重新构建我们的用语

    were systematically and , I would think , subconsciously restructuring our language

  22. 一种下意识的反应,原因我也不确定

    An involuntary reaction . To what , I 'm not sure .

  23. 下意识里,你想让他活下去。

    In your subconscious , you wanted it to live .

  24. 下意识的我觉得那是对

    Subconsciously . I think that 's what kind of .... yeah .

  25. 我下意识的反应就是把手拿开。

    My automatic response was to pull my hand away .

  26. 微观表现只告诉你他们下意识的情绪状态。

    The micro-expression only tells you their knee-jerk emotional state .

  27. 你可以下意识地收紧面部的肌肉。

    You can consciously contract the muscles in your cheeks .

  28. 他下意识地攥紧枪把想。

    Lao Yang thought as he subconsciously tightened his grasp on the rifle .

  29. 他下意识地跟着忽明忽暗的光走去,然后又突然止住脚步。

    He started to follow the half-glimpsed light , then abruptly caught himself .

  30. 我想我下意识地已经知道了这一切。

    I think part of me already knew that .