
  1. 再次,深入理解系统需求,分别具体设计并实现了系统的拓扑、告警和性能三大管理模块,实现了EPON网络拓扑自动发现并形成拓扑图功能、EPON网络性能管理功能和EPON网络故障管理功能。

    After understanding the requirement of system , the topology , and alarm and performance management module are specifically designed and implemented .

  2. ISO9000、ISO4000、OSHAS18000三大管理体系的建立、认证和持续改进,已成为现代企业的管理水平和持续发展能力的重要标志。

    Implementation , accreditation and continuous perfection of three management systems , namely ISO 9000 , ISO 14000 and OSHAS 18000 , have become an important landmark for the management level and ability of sustainable development of modern enterprises .

  3. 标杆管理是20世纪90年代三大管理方法之一。

    The benchmarking was one of the three greatest management methods of90 's in20 centuries .

  4. 浅谈三大管理在县际路网工程建设中的重要作用

    The Study on the Important Role of " Three Management " to County Road Network Engineering Construction

  5. 业务流程重组、标杆管理和战略联盟被誉为当今的三大管理思想。

    Business process reengineering , benchmarking and strategic alliances are regarded as the three major management thoughts .

  6. 它是项目管理中的三大管理之一,与成本管理有着非常紧密的联系,对项目的效益发挥起着十分重要的作用。

    As one of the three chief management in project management , links tightly with cost management , it plays an extremely important role for the benefit exertion .

  7. 标杆管理与企业流程再造战略联盟一起并称为20世纪90年代三大管理方法。

    It is difficulty to make a reasonable performance evaluation . The benchmarking and the enterprise process redesign and strategic alliance are called the 1990s three big managements tool .

  8. 在工程项目管理中,进度管理是与质量管理、成本管理并列的三大管理目标之一,是项目成功的关键因素。

    In engineering project management , schedule management is one of the three management objectives including quality management , cost management and schedule management , and is the key success factor in implementing a project .

  9. 由于质量、费用和进度等三大管理在桥梁施工中十分重要,费用与进度的关系是加快进度往往要增加投资,但是加快进度能使项目提前竣工,则可增加营运收入,提高投资效益;

    The relation between expense and schedule is that quickening schedule will increase investment ; but increasing schedule can finish the item ahead of schedule , so it can increase the income of use and improve investment benefit ;

  10. 基本建设投资管理是基本建设质量、投资、工期的三大管理目标之一,也是降低工程建设成本,提高基本建设投资效益的重要手段。

    The investigation management of basic construction is one of three targets , which are the management of quality , investigation and project time limit . Either it is an important method of reducing the construction cost and improving the investigation benefit .

  11. 最后,笔者深入探讨营销管理在公司地位的演变和营销管理职能与其它三大管理职能之间的关系,分析了营销竞争力与企业竞争力之间的关系。

    The writer then studies the changing position of marketing management in companies and the relationship between the function of marketing management and the functions of the other three major managements and analyzes objectively and scientifically the relationship between marketing competence and enterprise competence .

  12. 三大etf管理公司贝莱德、道富银行和先锋集团希望划清“实物”etf和新型衍生品(其中一些已被杠杆化)之间的界限,以保护它们的业务。

    The big three ETF managers BlackRock , State Street and vanguard want to protect their franchises by drawing a line between " physical " ETFs and newfangled derivatives , some of which are leveraged .

  13. 最后介绍兰新铁路XX标段的项目组织结构、总体施工部署具体分析该标段的三大项目管理指标体系&进度管理、安全管理和工程质量管理等方面所取得的成果。

    Finally , section XX of the Lanzhou-Xinjiang Railway project organization structure , construction of the overall deployment of specific analysis of the section three project management index system & schedule management , security management and project quality management and other aspects of the results .

  14. 股利政策是上市公司的三大财务管理决策之一。

    Dividend policy is one of the three financial management decisions of listed companies .

  15. 人邦无本生物控造开合非由工业、林业和卫生三大部门管理的。

    At presence , pest control is individually administrated by three important departments & agricultural , forestry and environmental agents in our country .

  16. 上市公司的股利政策与融资决策、投资决策并称为上市公司的三大财务管理决策,也是现代公司财务管理中的一大难题。

    In listed companies , dividend policy , financing projects and investment decisions are referred to as the top three decisions in financial management theory . Besides , they always are difficult problems in the modern financial management theory .

  17. 本文浅述了市场经济条件下企业成本管理应树立的观念,并对比分析了当今三大成本管理代表模式的管理思想与管理特点,以期为现代企业的成本管理提供借鉴和启发。

    The new conception of enterprise cost management that should set is expounded , management theory and characteristic of the representative modes in cost management are also comparatively analyed , in the hope of offering enlightenment and reference for modern enterprise cost management .

  18. 现代企业人力资本运营,一般说来,包括三大运作管理环节或层面:①人力资本投资战略规划与企业人力资本的形成管理;

    And so on . So , the enterprise must build the model of Human Capital investment suit to itself . Generally modern corporation human capital operation contains three levels : ① he strategic investment of human capital and management of human capital ;

  19. 本人从事项目管理多年,根据实际经验,对目前施工项目管理中存在的一些问题,进行了较全面的分析,并对施工项目的进度、质量和成本三大目标管理进行了重点说明。

    The author has been pursuing project management for many years . Based on own experience , the author provides comprehensive analysis on the problems in project management , and emphasize on construction pace , quality and cost , which are known as three major objectives in project management .

  20. 本文首先研究了国外三大主流服务管理平台:IBM、SUN、BEA,提出这些服务管理平台的优点及共同存在的问题。

    Firstly , this paper studies the three major foreign service management platform : IBM 、 SUN 、 BEA , presents the advantages of these services management platform and common problems .

  21. 中化集团三大金融风险管理问题研究

    Research of Three Financial Risks Management in Sinochem Group

  22. 提倡对健康、安全、环境三大要素的管理及控制,强化安全控制。

    Promoting the management and control for health , safety and the environment , strengthening the safety control .

  23. 系统主要分为三大模块管理员管理模块、教师管理模块和学生管理模块。

    The system consists of three modules Administrator management module , management module of teachers and students , management module .

  24. 这是本周中国三大航空公司管理层洗牌后,分析师们给出的解释。

    That is the spin analysts are putting on this week 's shuffle of management at the country 's top three carriers .

  25. A企业导入三大标准构建管理体系的探讨大白菜回交导入系群体构建及其遗传分析

    A Study on Enterprise A Implementing Three Major Standards to Establish Management System The Development of Backcross Introgression Lines ( BILs ) and Genetic Analysis for Brassica campestris

  26. 文章从施工三大指标的管理角度,阐述施工进度管理在项目管理中的作用,以及如何做好施工进度管理的一些具体做法。

    From the three major indexes of construction administration , this article has explained the functions of construction progress administration in project administration and proposed some specific ways to accomplish it .

  27. 实现了对工程中的进度,质量,成本三大指标的控制管理,并将GIS与GPS相结合,实现了对远程施工机械可视化的调度管理。

    The system manages plan , quality , cost in construction . Combining GIS with GPS , which displays long-range machines in figure for manager .

  28. 报告描述了这类软件的三大主要脉络&管理和监控、呼叫过程和会议日程安排。

    Three major categories of software-management and monitoring , call processing , and scheduling-are described in detail .

  29. 其主要分为三大模块:业务管理、库房管理、决策查询。

    It mainly divides into three big modules : Business management , storehouse management , policy-making inquiry .

  30. 系统主要包括以下三大业务:档案管理、基本诊疗和综合统计。

    The system mainly consists of three businesses : file management , basic diagnosis and treatment and comprehensive statistics .