
  • 网络three cylinder engine
  1. 作为这个项目的第一步,丰田将推出一款1.3升的四缸发动机和一款1.0升的三缸发动机,它们将采用一些先进技术来提高燃油效率,其中包括一种名为“阿特金森燃烧循环”(Atkinsonburningcycle)的技术。

    First off will be a 1.3-liter four-cylinder and a 1.0-liter three-cylinder that employ several advanced processes that improve fuel efficiency , including one known as an Atkinson burning cycle .

  2. 三缸发动机的平衡与结构设计

    Balance and Structure Design for Three - Cylinder Engines

  3. 直列三缸发动机冷却系统三维数值模拟研究

    Research on the Three Dimension Simulation of Cooling-Water System for Upright 3-Cylinder Engine

  4. 文中以一台家用轿车三缸发动机为对象,进行缸内过程的三维模拟计算。

    Three-dimensional numerical simulation to GDI in-cylinder process for a family car engine was carried out .

  5. 三缸发动机惯性力与力矩的新公式及减振措施

    The New Formula of the Inertia Force and Moment of a Three-cylinder Engine and the Measure of Reduced Vibration

  6. 作者以一台家用轿车三缸发动机为对象,对缸内直喷的空气流动、混合过程和燃烧情况进行三维模拟计算分析。

    In this paper , the airflow , mixing and combustion processes of a family 3-cylinder car engine with GDI were studied by means of the three-dimensional numerical simulation method .

  7. (汽车的)中轴壳三缸汽车发动机的曲轴平衡与振动测试

    The Crank Balance and Vibration Measurement on a Three-Cylinder Car Engine

  8. 沃尔沃在最近的一次活动中宣布,未来它将采用三缸和四缸发动机,而且正在与吉利共同研发混合动力车和变速箱。

    In its latest initiative , Volvo will confine its engines to three-cylinder and four-cylinder models , plus hybrids and transmissions under development with Geely .