
  • 网络the thirty years war;thirty years' war
  1. 陛下和他的臣子们在三十年战争的舞台上,在叛乱和战争的幕景前创下了这一丰功伟绩。

    They achieved this in spite of a backdrop of strife and rebellion sparked by France 's involvement in the Thirty Years War .

  2. 论文中认为自三十年战争后的《威斯特伐利亚和约》订立后,民族国家的雏形主权国家完全确立。

    Thesis that since the Thirty Years War in the " Peace of Westphalia " entered into after the rudiments of the nation-state " sovereign state " fully established .

  3. 三十年战争与《威斯特伐利亚和约》

    The Thirty-year War and the Peace Treaty of Westphalia ;

  4. 三十年战争的结局并不干脆利落。

    The end of the Thirty Years War was an untidy affair .

  5. 中欧已从三十年战争的废墟中稳步地恢复过来了。

    Central Europe recovered steadily from the devastation of the Thirty Years War .

  6. 论三十年战争中欧洲各国国家利益意识的觉醒

    The Wakening of National Interests Awareness of the European Nations During the Thirty Years ' War

  7. 欧洲三十年战争揭开了近代国际关系的序幕。

    The Thirty Years ' War in Europe served as a prelude to modern international relations .

  8. 三十年战争中的一次战斗;法国人战胜西班牙入侵者。

    A battle in the Thirty Years ' War ( 1643 ); the French defeated the Spanish invaders .

  9. 三十年战争表明,我们欧洲人在作出那些艰难但必要的决定方面拖得太久了。

    The 30 years war shows that we Europeans have been delaying making the necessary hard decisions for a long time .

  10. 他好象参加了三十年战争,弄得满身疮痍地逃了回来。

    he seemed to have been in a Thirty Years ' War , and just escaped from it with a sticking-plaster shirt .

  11. 当时号称“北方飓风”的国王古斯夫斯.阿道尔弗正处在“三十年战争”的军事鼎盛阶段,他亲自规定了这艘船的规模和武器配备。

    King Gustavus Adolphus , 'The Northern Hurricane ' , then at the height of his military success in the Thirty Years'War , had dictated her measurements and armament .

  12. 在流血的上个世纪-三十年战争-在神圣罗马帝国,奥地利是一家领先的权力“的德国”。

    After the bloodletting of the last century – the Thirty Years War – within the Holy Roman Empire , Austria is a leading power among " the Germanies " .

  13. 三十年战争、百年战争是不会有的,因为长期打下去对美国很不利。

    A thirty years ' war or a hundred years ' war is highly improbable , because a long war is very much against the interests of the United States .

  14. 例如,8世纪中国的安禄山叛乱或17世纪中欧的三十年战争死亡人数占总人口的比例就比二战大。

    As a proportion of the population , more people were killed during the An Lushan rebellion in eighth-century China , for example , or by the Thirty Years War in 17th-century central Europe .

  15. 德国会臣服于罗马,德语也将被罗马语替代,新政改革很可能不会发生,更不用说三十年战争或一战了。

    Germany would have come under Roman rule , Germanic languages would be replaced by Romance ones , and the Reformation would likely never have happened , nor would the Thirty Years War or World War I. The modern world wouldn 't just be different ;

  16. 自欧洲三十年战争结束成为近代国际关系的开端并产生了以主权为本质属性的民族国家开始,国家利益就成为所有国家行为的起点和国家生存与发展的前提条件。

    National interests has been the starting point of national actions and the premise of the survival and development nations since nation states of sovereignty as the essential attribute came into being with the ending of European Thirty-Years War and the starting of modern international relations .