
  • 网络social mental phenomena
  1. 人际信任是一种复杂的社会心理现象。

    Interpersonal trust is a social and psychological complex phenomenon .

  2. 作为一种特殊的社会心理现象,群体无意识是一种客观存在。

    As a special social phenomenon of psychology , collective unconsciousness is an objective being .

  3. 社会心理现象与室内设计

    Social psychology and interior design

  4. 也就是说,自我监控过程是一种普遍存在的社会心理现象,要求个体根据不同的社交环境进行自我监控。因此,有关自我监控与人际心理素质之间的研究则显得更加重要。

    Self-monitoring is a ubiquitous social psychological phenomenon which requests for self-monitoring in accordance with different sociality environment .

  5. 从众心理是一种较为普遍的社会心理现象,这种现象在大学生群体中也广泛地存在着。

    The conformist mentality is a common social psychological phenomena , this phenomenon also widely exists in college students .

  6. 偏见是一种普遍存在的社会心理现象,也是社会心理学关注的焦点之一。

    Prejudice is a widespread social and psychological phenomenon , and also one of the focus of social psychology .

  7. 本文阐述了脑功能定位的具体技术及其与社会心理现象相结合的心理神经模型。

    This paper sets forth the technology of brain functional location , and its social psychological nerve model integrated with psychological phenomena .

  8. 同时,由于社会心理现象的复杂性,因此并不一定都适合直接进行脑功能定位。

    Moreover , because of the complexity of social psychological phenomena , direct brain implement brain functional location is not always suitable to do .

  9. 面子作为一种复杂的社会心理现象,其重要性受到了广泛关注,因为它对跨文化交际的成败起着举足轻重的作用。

    As a complex social psychological phenomenon , the importance of face receives widespread attention , because it plays a decisive role for the success of cross-cultural communication .

  10. 心理效应是指由于社会心理现象,心理规律的作用,使人在社会认识过程中,对人或事所持有的一些特殊反应。

    S : Psychological effort is men 's special reaction , effected by the social psychology phenomenon and psychological regularity to human beings and objects during the process of recognizing society .

  11. 心理暗示是一种普遍的社会心理现象,它在日常高校生活和教育教学活动中有着明显的积极作用,但同时也存在一定的消极作用。

    Mentality implication is a widespread social mentality phenomenon . It has obvious positive effect in everyday life as well as education and teaching activity , but their do exist some negative effect at the same time .

  12. 教师合作文化是一种复杂的社会文化心理现象。

    Teacher 's cooperative culture is a complex psychological phenomenon of social culture .

  13. 定型作为一种复杂的社会和心理现象,历来是社会和人文各学科关注的对象。

    Stereotype , as a complicated social and psychological phenomenon , has always been the subject of academic inquiries in all disciplines of society and humanities .

  14. 青少年偶像崇拜被凸显出来并受到人们的关注是近二十年来的事情,但偶像崇拜却是一种产生于人类远古并延及现代的社会文化心理现象。

    Idol worship among youth and adolescence revealed and subjected to the concern of people is close 20 years ' matter . Yet the idol worship is one kind ' Community Culture Psychology ' phenomenon from mankind remote antiquity to contemporary .

  15. 中央苏区时期马克思主义中国化是一个复杂的政治、社会和文化心理现象。

    Marxism sinicization was a complicated psychological phenomenon of politics , society and culture .

  16. 居民家庭能源消费并不仅仅是经济现象,它同时也是社会现象和心理现象。

    The overall amount and structure of domestic energy consumption is the result of every residents'selection behavior .

  17. 虚拟人格是随着互联网的发展而出现的一种社会心理、伦理现象。

    The made - up personality on internet is a social psychological and ethical phenomenon that arises with the development of internet .

  18. 在坚持高等教育以人为本的今天,从德育的角度研究女大学生自杀态度这一特别的社会现象或心理现象,并提出相应的教育对策,具有积极的现实意义;

    We persevere that the essential of higher education should be human , so this paper has positive realism meaning because it put forward corresponding countermeasure through research to the suicide attitude of college girls from the point of moral education ;

  19. 相对剥夺感是现在中国社会普遍存在的心理现象,是个人或群体通过与参照群体比较而产生的一种自身需求得不到满足的主观感受。

    Relative deprivation is a common psychological phenomenon in the Chinese society .

  20. 体育明星崇拜作为一种复杂的社会现象,具有社会心理现象和社会文化现象的双重性质。

    Sports stars worship as a complex social phenomenon , has social psychological phenomenon and social cultural phenomenon of dual nature .

  21. 期待作为社会心理因素之一,密切联系着社会现象与心理现象。

    As one of the social psychological factors , anticipation closely relates to the social phenomenon and the psychological phenomenon .

  22. 这种结合的趋势有助于促进神经科学和社会心理学的发展,有助于解释社会心理现象中固有的一些具体问题。

    The tendency of this kind of integration helps the development of nerve scientific and social psychology and explation some concrete intrinsic problems in social psychological phenomena .

  23. 社会适应是人们现实生活中一种重要的社会心理现象。

    Social adaptation is an important phenomenon of social mind in actual life .