
  • 网络the Social Responsibility theory
  1. 其思想可以归纳为以下几点,社会责任论、相对罪刑法定、社会防卫论、人身危险性。

    Their ideas can be summarized as follows social responsibility theory , the relative legality , social defense theory of Dangerousness .

  2. 大众媒介伦理道德建设已经迫在眉睫,因此,我们不得不回到上世纪20年代初提出的报刊的社会责任论,思考这个经典理论对如今的指导意义。

    Therefore the construction of mass media ethics is imminent . Therefore we have to go back to the social responsibility theory proposed in the early 20th century , and think about the significance of the classical theory .

  3. 社会责任论因义务对象的模糊在短时间内无法操作。

    The opinion of Social Responsibility cannot be operated in a short time because of the vagueness of the duty objects .

  4. 施拉姆认为,在美国社会责任论产生时期,几乎所有媒体都接受了自律的信条。

    Wilbur Schramm believed that , in the social responsibility period , almost all the media have accepted self-discipline creed in the United States .

  5. 以社会责任论作为政府媒体管理理论基础的设定也符合我国以人为本,建设服务型政府的目标。

    The theoretical basis of social responsibility as a Government media management , meet the people-oriented , goal of building the service Government in our country .

  6. 如何顺应新的传媒生态、平衡商业利益和公共服务责任,成为社会责任论者亟需面对的新课题。

    How to adapt to the new media ecology , balance business interests and the public service responsibility , become a new topic that social responsibility needs to face .

  7. 报纸上评论文章的减少和读者信息接近权萎缩已使美国报纸所依赖的新闻理论&社会责任论陷入尴尬的境地。

    At the same time , the decreasing of critics and editorials in American newspapers and the dwindling of readers ' access to information put the basic journalism theory of social responsibility into the predicament situation .

  8. 基于企业社会责任论、共生理论和合作博弈论,首先分析了企业与其所属的共生群落通过共生协作产生持续增长的共生新能量,并实现财务共生效应。

    Based on corporate social responsibility theory , symbiosis theory and cooperative game theory , this article analyzes that the corporation and its symbiotic community could produce increasing symbiotic new energy persistently through the symbiotic collaboration and could realize financial symbiotic effect .

  9. 罪责的社会化与规范责任论的重构&期待可能性理论命运之反思

    Social Culpability and the Reconstitution of the Normative Theory of Culpability : Reflections on the Fate of the Theory of Reasonable Expectation