
zhōnɡ ɡuó xīn wén shè
  • China News Agency
  1. 中国新闻社(ChinaNewsService)援引叶诗文自己的话称:我的成绩来源于勤奋和训练,不会使用任何禁药。

    Ye herself was quoted by the China News Service as saying : My results come from hard work and training and I would never use any banned drugs .

  2. 根据官方媒体中国新闻社(ChinaNews,简称:中新社)上周末的报道,这名开着宝马车去参加辽宁省高考的男生试图用手机作弊,结果被监考老师抓了个正着。

    According to the state-run China News , over the weekend , the student who had driven a BMW to test site in Liaoning province was caught by an official when he tried to cheat by looking at his phone .

  3. 最近,中国新闻社的一则报道称,北京有约50万名年龄在25至50岁之间的女性属于剩女或称3S女性&单身,70年代生人,不知所措。

    A China News Service report recently described the roughly half-million single women aged 25-50 living in Beijing as shengn ü ( leftover women ), or " 3S " women - single , seventies ( most shengn ü born in the 1970s ) and stuck .

  4. 最近,中国新闻社的一则报道称,北京有约50万名年龄在25至50岁之间的女性属于剩女或称3S女性--单身,70年代生人,不知所措。

    A China News Service report recently described the roughly half-million single women aged 25-50 living in Beijing as shengn ü ( leftover women ) , or " 3S " women - single , seventies ( most shengn ü born in the 1970s ) and stuck .

  5. 据中国新闻社报道,中国住房和城乡建设部(简称MHURC)于周四在北京正式成立。

    China 's Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction ( MHURC ) was formally launched on Thursday in Beijing , China News Service reports .

  6. 官方媒体中国新闻社称,工人们持有斧子、弹弓和石块。

    The official China News Service said the workers were armed with axes , slingshots and rocks .

  7. 其中一位同学接受《中国新闻社》采访时表示,他要用这些冰块在宿舍做冷饮。

    One man tells the China News Service he 'll use it to keep drinks cool in his residence .

  8. 中国新闻社报导,当日本正遭受着灾难性地震的痛苦时,上海的投资者们仍然对日本的房地产市场感兴趣。

    While Japan is suffering from the devastating earthquake , Shanghai 's investors are still interested in the Japanese property market .

  9. 我们仍在讨论细节,悠悠对中国新闻社说,拒绝透露更多信息。

    We are still working on the details , You told the China News Service , declining to giving more information .

  10. 中国新闻社以民间通讯社形象对外从事舆论工作,是中国最大的专业对外舆论机构。

    It is the largest professional international communication body in China and has long engaged in international communication as a non-governmental news agency .

  11. 据中国新闻社报道,该女子解释这些照片是她的司机私自传到网上的,是违背她的意愿的。

    She also explained that the photos posted online were taken secretly and against her will by her driver , China News Service ( CNS ) reported .

  12. 中国新闻社透露,刘翔于去年年底在美国接受足踝手术。会上,他还和其他代表们分享了手术后的恢复进展。

    Liu briefed fellow delegates on his recovery from his ankle surgery that was performed late last year in the United States , the China News Service said .

  13. 这种过度狂热、且大幅传播的“婴儿潮”促使官方的中国新闻社专门发表了一期报道,以揭穿“羊年生的小孩走霉运”这种“毫无根据”的民间传说。

    But the babymania is so widespread that the state-run China News Service issued a report trying to debunk the " unfounded " myth of bad luck for those born in Year of the Sheep .

  14. 他还表示,官员正试图减少当地居民的担忧。他告诉中国新闻社,因为保护区以前从未出现过野生老虎。

    Officials , he added , were also working to assuage the fears of local residents because there has never been a wild tiger in the reserve before , he told the China News Service .

  15. 据中国新闻社报道,民政部上周一表示,去年中国超过384万对夫妇结束了他们的婚姻,比2014年增长了5.6%。

    More than 3.84 million couples called their marriage off in China last year , a 5.6 percent increase from 2014 , the Ministry of Civil Affairs said last Monday , the China News Service reported .

  16. 一名来自肯尼亚的学生甚至向《中国新闻社》透露,他平均每月可以赚到3000美元,而这成为了一个自己开支并帮助家庭的重要方式。

    A student from Kenya has even told China News Service that he can earn an average of about USD 3000 per month , making it an important way to pay bills and to help his families .

  17. 官方的中国新闻社星期三报道,国防大学战略研究所所长、海军少将杨毅说,中国军事的现代化“决不主动打第一枪”。

    Rear Admiral Yang yi , director of the national defense university 's strategic studies institute , said china 's modernizing military " would not actively fire the first shot ", the official China News Service reported on wednesday .

  18. 中国新闻社报道称,他们在云南北部发现了熊猫的踪迹,但他们表示需要进一步调查它们是从四川迁徙过来的,还是在云南隐秘地生活了几个世代。

    They found signs of pandas living in northern Yunnan but said that further investigation was needed into whether they had spread from Sichuan or had been living undiscovered in Yunnan for generations , the China News Service reported .

  19. 中国新闻社报道称,根据于10月份宣布的北京市足球改革方案,北京市将创造一种更加成熟和健康的足球文化,并积极申办国际顶级足球赛事。

    According to Beijing 's soccer reform plans that were announced in October , the city will develop a more mature and healthy soccer culture and make an active bid for an international top-level soccer event , the China News Service reported .

  20. 据中国新闻社报道,北海一位警官表示,两位被拘留的嫌疑犯,廖某和黄某,告诉警方,他们抓到鲨鱼时,它早已死亡而且腐臭。

    A Beihai police officer said that the two detained suspects - named as Mr Liao and Mr Huang - had told them the shark already dead and decomposing when they caught it , according to the China News Service ( CNS ) agency .

  21. [中国新闻社、中国新闻网记者]王部长您好,您作为外长在上任之初就到外交部领事保护中心考察,强调外交官要随时倾听民众心声,维护民众利益。

    China News Service : Foreign Minister Wang , shortly after you took office , you visited the Foreign Ministry 's Consular Service and Protection Center . You stressed that Chinese diplomats must listen to the voice of the people at all times and uphold their interests .

  22. 据中国官方新闻社新华社报道,新任务将由长征三号丙运载火箭发射。

    The new mission which launch to dispatch Long March-3C rocket , according to Chinese official news agency Xinhua .

  23. 中国官方新闻新华社的一篇评论称,美日同盟关系出现的变化是精心策划的,旨在遏制一个亚洲巨人的崛起。

    A commentary by the official Xinhua news agency said changes to the US-Japan alliance were part of a carefully calculated scheme to cage the rapidly developing Asian giant .

  24. 根据中国官方新闻机构新华社(Xinhua)的报道,泥石流埋葬或毁坏了多家工厂、办公室、宿舍及其他低矮建筑。

    Factories , offices , dormitories and other low-rise buildings were buried or damaged by the mudflow , according to Xinhua , China 's state news agency .

  25. 中国官方新闻机构新华社(Xinhua)表示,戴海波不再担任成立了一年的上海自贸区管委会副主任和党组书记。除了自贸区管委会副主任,戴海波还是上海市政府的副秘书长。

    Xinhua , the state news agency , said Dai Haibo , vice-secretary of the Shanghai municipal government , would no longer act as deputy director and party secretary of the year-old Shanghai free-trade zone management committee .

  26. 据中国官方新闻机构新华社的报道,当地居民已救出700名幸存者。

    Residents rescued about 700 survivors , the state news agency Xinhua reported .

  27. 中国国家新闻机构新华社将其提案斥为“亲富”。

    Xinhua , the state news agency , dismissed her proposals as " pro-rich " .

  28. 中国官方新闻机构新华社引述医务官员报道说,宇航员健康状态良好。

    China 's official news agency , Xinhua , quoted medical officials saying the astronauts were all in good health .

  29. 中国官方新闻机构新华社称,首钢将以“最低限度”进行运营,但没有给出具体细节。

    The government 's Xinhua news agency said Shougang would operate at a " minimum level ", but gave no details .

  30. 这部电影让我们开始思考,我们怎么能这样对待这些人,中国官方新闻机构新华社的记者石鹏说,我们对他们的帮助够吗?该片今年夏天曾在新华社放映。

    This film makes us question how we deal with people like this , said Shi Peng , a reporter at the government news agency , Xinhua , where a screening was arranged this summer . Do we help them enough ?