
  1. 在中国古代史学上,先人们对此有许多精辟论断,反映了他们的卓识和睿智。

    In ancient China , much excellent analysis on it had been done .

  2. 中国古代史学文本的理论与实践

    Theory and Practice of Ancient Chinese Historical Texts

  3. 第三,关于中国古代史学和近代史学的研究。

    The third part is about the research of Chinese ancient history and modern history .

  4. 中国古代史学中的比较研究

    Comparative study in ancient Chinese Historiography

  5. 在这个史学理论体系指导下,产生了大量彝文历史著述,丰富了中国古代史学的内容。

    There were a large number Yi script historical writings emerged by guidance of this theory system .

  6. 中国古代史学史发展的事实,表明史学发展与创新,与自然科学联系在一起。

    The history of historiography of ancient China showed that the developments and changes of historiography relate closely to natural science .

  7. 周秦诸子历史认识的特点与局限,对中国古代史学思想的发展产生了深刻的影响。

    Both the characteristics and limitations of them set great influence on the development of the historical thoughts in ancient China .

  8. 中国古代史学异常繁荣与封建社会政治上的大一统和王权专制的不断强化息息相关。

    The prosperity or ancient historiography had much to do with the political unity or feudal society and the strengthening of imperial power .

  9. 邵晋涵对中国古代史学所作的批评,特点鲜明,包含着丰富的史学思想,具有重要理论价值。

    His comments on ancient Chinese history , marked by its affluent historical thinking with peculiar features , are of great theoretical value .

  10. 《左传》与中国古代史学的优良传统有密切关系,它是许多优良传统的源头。

    Zuozhuan is closely related with the excellent tradition in ancient Chinese historiography , the very source of the many excellent Chinese traditions .

  11. 中国古代史学研究繁荣,史家辈出,史籍浩翰,历史教育发达。

    The flourishing of history research in ancient China was attributed to the work of historians of different generations , the advanced history education and a vast collection of history books .

  12. 史论作为一种历史认识形式在中国古代史学中占有重要地位,也最能体现史家的历史认识特色。

    The historical commentary took one kind of historical knew the form ancient times in the history held the important status in China , also most could manifest historian 's historical understanding characteristic .

  13. 中国古代史学研究部分是从中国史学起源问题的研究、先秦史学的总论以及史家、史著的研究这三方面着手。

    The research of Chinese ancient history is expanded in three aspects : the origin of Chinese history , the summary of Pre Qin history and historian and the study of history work .

  14. 本文将中国古代史学理论分为前期史学和后期史学两个阶段,前期史学理论的基本特征表现为对真的追求;而后期史学理论的研究旨向则主要指向通。

    This essay maintains that there are two phases : early historiography and late historiography , fundamental characteristic of former is the pursue of " true " , and purpose of latter is " consistent " .

  15. 期望这一研究有助于对中国古代史学发展演变轨迹的体认、理解和对陈寿这位伟大史家及其著述《三国志》更趋客观、合理、科学的认知。

    Through analyzing and summarizing , it is attempt to help us have an objective , rational and scientific understanding and recognition of the evolution of ancient Chinese history track and the great historiographer Chen Shou as well as his Annals of the Three Kingdoms .

  16. 半世纪以来的中国古代音乐史学研究

    On Historiography Studies of Chinese Ancient Music in Half a Century

  17. 中国古代官方史学的兴盛与当代史学新机制的完善

    The Rise of Official Historiography in Ancient China and the Perfect of the Present Historiography

  18. 此外,《通典》还开刨了中国古代经世致用史学的先河。

    In addition , The " Tongdian " has also created a precedent of ancient Chinese statecraft historian .

  19. 中国古代音乐史学源远流长,成就斐然。

    China 's ancient music historiography is of long standing and well established , and has splendid results .

  20. 本文对中国古代音乐史学界旷日持久的“徽”字之争,进行了综述性整理。

    The article is the summary of the twelve-year discussion of the word " Hui " in the study of China ancient music history .

  21. 音乐史学是介于音乐学和历史学之间的分支学科,研究中国古代音乐史学的发展历程,揭橥其发展规律,对于中国古代音乐史、史学史和文化史的研究均具有重要意义。

    Music historiography is a branch discipline between musicology and history . It has profound significance to study the development course of China 's ancient music historiography and reveal its rule of development to the research on China 's ancient music history , historiography history and culture history .

  22. 在中国古代,法制史学是传统史学的一个重要部分。

    In ancient China , legal history is an important part in traditional history .

  23. 杨翼骧在中国古代史、史学史上都做出了自己的贡献,尤以中国史学史研究成就显著。

    Yixiang Yang made the contribution in ancient Chinese history and history of the historical studies , particularly notable in the latter .

  24. 主要集中于中国古代史、中国史学史、古籍整理和历史文献等领域。

    His academic achievements are consisted of the History of Ancient China , History of Historical Science , Chinese historiography in the Ancient Books and history literature and many other areas . His historical thoughts were manifested through his major works .

  25. 明清之际学案体的成熟是中国古代学术史体例成熟的标志,也是中国古代史学体裁的一大创新。

    The maturity of learning case style between the Ming and Qing dynasties marks the maturity of ancient Chinese academic style and also one of the creations of ancient Chinese historiography style .

  26. 《史记》是中国文化发展的必然产物,这仅是中国文化与中国古代史学辩证关系的一个方面,而另一个方面则是中国古代史学有全面反映中国文化的社会功能。

    This is only one aspect of the dialectical relationship between the Chinese culture and the ancient Chinese historical science . Another aspect of it is that the ancient Chinese historical science has the social function of comprehensively reflecting the Chinese culture .