
  1. 我们始终坚定人民立场,强调消除贫困、改善民生、实现共同富裕是社会主义的本质要求。

    China upholds the principle of putting people first and emphasizes that ending poverty , improving people 's well-being and realizing common prosperity are the essential requirements of socialism .

  2. 尽管如此,一些专家表示单就对抗以色列方面,哈马斯似乎是站在巴勒斯坦人民立场。

    Nevertheless , some experts say that simply by fighting against Israel , Hamas appears to be standing up for the rights of the Palestinian people .

  3. 管理者要真正树立公共权力意识,真正站在人民的立场上行使权力,以民为本。

    Managers should establish a sense of public power , exert the power standing on the real position of the people and people-oriented .

  4. 凭着人性来判断,从人民的立场出发,他的文学批评充满阶级斗争气息,号召人民起来推翻顽固的黑暗王国。

    His literary criticism is imbued with a sense of class struggle , arousing the people to overthrow the tyrannical and obstinate Dark Kingdom .

  5. 对于这位大政治家所持的党派立场和人民的立场之间的关系,我在随后的研读中进行了深入的思考。

    Then I entered into the melancholy details of the relation in which the great statesman stood to his party and to the representatives of the people .

  6. 在一个组织试图平衡人民的立场可以成为管理团队的有效途径,但它可以导致内部权力斗争和低效率的官僚机构。

    Within an organisation trying to balance peoples positions can be an effective way of managing teams although it can lead to internal power struggles and inefficient bureaucracies .

  7. 中国屏蔽互联网搜索门户网站谷歌(同时开放门户网站比如搜狐等供公民接入互联网)同样是可以理解的,也是正当的&从中国人民的立场看来。

    That China has blocked such internet search portals as Google ( while affording open internet access to its citizens through portals like Sohu . com ) is also understandable and justifiable from the standpoint of the interests of the Chinese people .

  8. 马克思主义的本质是站在无产阶级和劳动人民的立场上探索实现人类生存安全和彻底解放途径的政治学说,在马克思的时代则体现为无产阶级的革命学说。

    Marxism is a political doctrine that explores the way of realizing human life security and thorough liberation on the stand of proletariats and laboring people . There are both relations and differences between the three component parts and the essence of Marxism .

  9. 然而随着那不是混着好玩岁月的流逝并亲身体验生活的严重后,他转而重视诗的社会价值并彻底摒弃了唯美主义的价值取向而站在人民的立场上呼唤时代的鼓手。

    However , he turned to pay much attention to the social value of the poems and abandoned his persuit of " aestheticism " and called for " drummers of the times " in the firm stand of the people soon after personally experiencing " the hardships of life " .

  10. 他们都站在工人阶级和人民利益的立场上,运用实事求是的方法,认识社会主义。

    They all stand in the position of working class and the interests of the people , using a pragmatic approach , to understand the socialism .

  11. 它是中国人民的政治立场和文化选择,与近代中国法制变革互为表里,并制约着传统法制的现代化变革。

    As a political stand and cultural option of China , the trend of nationalism restricted the change of traditional legality modernization being outside and inside of the modern legality modernization .

  12. 我们一定要坚定中国人民根本利益的立场和出发点。

    We must be based on the point of doing anything for the fundamental benefit of Chinese people steadfastly .

  13. 马克思主义具有维护无产阶级和劳动人民利益的鲜明立场,这就决定了环境正义的阶级属性。

    Marxism clearly safeguarded the interests of the proletariat and the laboring people , which determines the class attribute of its environmental justice .