
qián rén
  • prehominid;forefathers;predecessor
前人 [qián rén]
  • (1) [predecessor]∶以前的人

  • 满意地详细讲述这位诗人与他的前人的不同之处

  • (2) [forefathers]∶具有共同遗产的早期的人,不一定能追溯到血缘关系

前人[qián rén]
  1. 首先概述了南京国民政府时期刑事立法对前人的继承和发展;

    Firstly it summarized criminal legislation of Nanjing national government period inheriting to the prehominid and development ;

  2. 正文共有五章,在文后还有一个附录,以补充说明柳宗元对前人的接受情况。

    The main text contains five parts . Moreover it supplements a appendix , to replenish explanation Liu Zongyuan with the recipient condition to the prehominid .

  3. 大部分著名的政治语录都是盗用前人的,这个也不例外。

    Most famous political quotes are plagiarisms and this was no exception .

  4. 如今人们看到的单人喜剧表演好多内容都是沿袭前人。

    A lot of what you see in stand-up comedy today is very derivative .

  5. 我们敢于走前人未尝走过的新路。

    We dare to break a path unbeaten before .

  6. 我们正在做我们的前人从来没有做过的极其光荣伟大的事业。

    We are now engaged in a great and most glorious cause , never undertaken by our forefathers .

  7. 对于一个国家的领导人来说,不仅要继承前人所创造的成就,也应该担负起前人的罪行所带来的历史责任。

    For leaders of a country , they , while inheriting the historical achievements made by their forefathers , also need to shoulder the historical responsibilities for crimes committed in the past .

  8. 在学习和总结前人研究成果的基础上,论文采用多Agent技术完成了艾滋病性传播途径的动态模拟和研究。

    Based on the previous research achievements , the thesis completes the movement simulation research of AIDS transmission channels by employing the multi-Agent technology .

  9. 结合前人的研究成果,对神经网络理论中的BP算法进行综合改进,并将其运用于岩质边坡稳定性评判,建立了评判模型。

    Based on other scholars ' achievement in the artificial neural network field , the back-propagation algorithm is improved and used in the stability evaluation of rock slope .

  10. 前人认为,研究区岩溶水系统边界即为渭北东部的铜蒲合子系统边界。区内第三系(N)隔水。

    The former is of opinion that the boundary of Karst-groundwater system in research area is in consonance with the boundary of " Tong-Pu-He Subsystem of Karst Groundwater " in East Wei Bei .

  11. 本人通过总结前人的研究成果,并加以创新,使用乳液聚合法在非自然条件下&电场条件下制备了针状纳米PS聚合物。

    On to summarize the results of previous research and innovation , the needle-like nano-PS was prepared by emulsion polymerization method under unnatural conditions-electric field conditions .

  12. 在评价指标上借鉴了钣金设计原则及前人总结的一些成本估算经验公式,在实现过程中借鉴和利用了成组技术、特征识别、STEP文件等技术手段。

    The evaluate target refer to the sheet-metal design handbooks and cost evaluating experience formula summarized by expert before . In the implementation process tools including group technology > feature recognition 、 STEP files are used here .

  13. 同时,通过对疵点检测的深入分析以及对前人的研究成果的总结,本文分别提出了基于小波分析的疵点检测算法和基于BP神经网络的疵点分类算法。

    Base on the deeply analysis fabric inspection and summarizing the research before , we propose a fabric detection algorithm using wavelet analysis , and an fabric classification algorithm using BP Neural Network .

  14. 在总结前人研究的基础上,提出了一种精确计算伪Zernike矩的方法。

    On the basis of previous research , the method of accurate calculation of the pseudo-Zernike moments is proposed .

  15. 主要结果如下:在前人研究的基础上对茶树银染法AFLP技术体系进行了优化。

    The main results were as follow : An AFLP fingerprinting technique for tea using silver staining method was optimized based on literatures .

  16. 对在满足应力均匀性要求下SHPB的可测应变率范围作了讨论并修正了前人不完善的结论。

    The strain-rate limitation of SHPB test under certain stress equilibrium condition is analyzed and some new conclusion is given .

  17. 在实验2A中我们首先对前人的研究进行了验证,发现读者可以即时意识到中央凹信息与文章语境信息之间的冲突性。

    Firstly in the sub-experiment 2A-1 and 2A-2 , we validated the previous research and found that the integration of foveal information very immediately .

  18. 为了确定前人实验合成的OsC的晶体结构,我们构建了7种可能的OsC结构。

    In order to determine the crystal structure of previously-synthesized OsC , we construct seven possible OsC structures .

  19. 本文拟在前人研究FDI对就业效应的基础上,通过理论分析和实证研究,重点探讨中国汽车制造业FDI对就业的影响。

    The thesis , based on previous study of relation of FDI and employment , will focus on the effect of FDI on employment in automobile manufacture industry through theoretical analysis and empirical research .

  20. 关于冷备系统的可靠性评定问题,前人仅在设备均为指数型部件的情况给出了WCF方法。

    So far , the reliability assessments of cold stand-by systems are studied only for those that consist of components with exponential life .

  21. 本文介绍了CAGD中一些基本理论与概念,借鉴前人的研究成果,阐述了双三次B样条曲面插值算法的原理,为本文所探讨的曲面造型技术提供理论基础。

    Some of basic theories and concepts in CAGD were presented . Based on the existing research finding , algorithm of Bicubic B-Spline Interpolation Surface was expounded as theoretical basis of this paper .

  22. 得出了Banach空间的超球级数为整函数的充分必要条件,并用新方法证明了Banach空间超球级数的展开定理,推广了前人的结果。

    The necessary and sufficient condition which hyperspherical series on Banach space is entire function is obtained . We also used new method to prove the extended theorem of hyperspherical series .

  23. 本文针对现浇混凝土薄壁管桩(简称PCC桩)这种新桩型,在前人工作的基础上,通过室内试验对桩体材料的强度特性进行了研究;

    Based on the work of former researchers , the mechanical properties of the material of the pipe pile are studied in this thesis by indoor experiment ;

  24. 本文在前人对相噪影响分析的基础上,采用精确的数学公式来描述CPE和ICI,并提出用等效的滤波器方法来分析相噪问题。

    Motivated by what has been proposed in literatures , CPE and ICI are described by the exact mathematician formula and analyzed using the proposed effective filter method .

  25. 为此,本文对C2C电子商务中消费者信任的影响因素进行了实证研究。本文首先回顾了相关文献里有关电子商务中消费者信任的定义,归纳了前人提出的C2C电子商务中消费者信任的影响因素。

    The paper has reviewed the definition of consumers trust in e-commerce of relevant literature at first , summed up the influences that consumers trust in C2C e-commerce .

  26. 前人已把τo/ηs、τc卡/η∞、n分别作为钻井液在宾厄姆、卡森、幂律流变模式下剪切稀释性的表征,并在石油钻井工程中作为评价指标。

    Predecessors have taken the τ o / η , τ c ( casson ) / η and η as the characterization of shear thinning behavior of drilling fluid respectively under Bingham 's , Casson 's and power-law rheological models and as the evaluation index in petroleum engineering .

  27. 前人关于有价证券分形维数的研究是在假定维数恒定的情况下进行的,这就使得Hurst指数未能很好发挥其应有的投资指导作用。

    Previous work on fractal dimension of stock was done on the assumption that dimension is constant , which makes Hurst index not exert due guidance action of investment .

  28. 首次从人参果中提取分离得到了AF、AFG。作者在前人基础上建立了新的分离体系。

    With the regard to extraction and isolation of arginine derivatives ( AF and AFG ) from the Panax ginseng berry , the paper explored a new isolating system .

  29. 前人对有机涂层失效中的导电机理做了大量研究,研究方法主要基于电化学交流阻抗谱(EIS),亦建立了较为完善的理论体系。

    Lots of researches about conduction mechanism of coatings during their degradation were carried out by predecessors . The leading research technology was electrochemical impedance spectroscopy ( EIS ) and relatively perfect theory system had been established .

  30. 针对以上研究情况,参考前人的研究理论及结果,本文还对芒果采后贮藏的衰老过程的可能生理机制及1-MCP可能作用位置的路线进行探讨。

    Aim at the above research results , consulting the past research theories and results , we put forwards the possible physiology mechanism of the senescence process and the possible function position of 1-MCP acting on the post-harvest mango .