
  1. 明代文学流派众多,无论是前后七子、唐宋派,还是明末诸派,基本上都笼罩在从秦汉到唐宋的影响之中,构成整个明代文学思潮发展的背景。

    But from early and late Seven Persons , Tang-song School , to later schools , they all were influenced by Qin-Han and Tang-Song literatures , that consists of background of the development of Ming literature .

  2. 黄庭坚诗歌的接受历程与前后七子的兴衰相消长:前七子兴起之前,在明初诗坛的宗唐宗宋之争中,宗宋一派总体呈强势,黄庭坚诗歌往往被标举;

    Its popularity rose and fell with the first and the second Seven Men of Letters : before the rising of the first Seven Men of Letters , the school of learning from Song poetry was at an advantage , and Huang Ting-jian 's poems were often praised ;

  3. 书中一方面继承了前后“七子”的“格调”说,并将“格调”说作为论诗的主要标准;

    In this book , the author adopted " the theory of artistic style in poetry " advocated by the former and the later seven poets , which he took as the major criterion in poetry criticism .