
  1. 纳米技术是一项前沿科学技术。

    Nanotechnology is an advanced science technology .

  2. 信息网络时代,生物特征识别技术作为新兴的前沿科学技术得到很快的发展。

    In information network era , biological feature recognition technology is rapidly developed as an emerging advancing front technology .

  3. 作为一所新型研究型大学,西湖大学将主要开展基础性、前沿科学技术研究。

    Westlake University will be a new type of research-oriented university , with emphasis on basic and advanced scientific and technological research .

  4. 随着社会的发展,人类的安全意识越来越高,身份识别技术成为了前沿科学技术关注的热点。

    With the development of the society , security consciousness of human beings is higher and higher , so personal recognition techniques have turned into a hot issue of the advanced science and technology .

  5. 量子密码是量子力学和密码学相结合的产物,它解决了经典密码体制的密钥分配的难题,是当今世界上最热门的前沿科学技术之一。

    Quantum cryptography , which is a combination of quantum mechanism and cryptology , solves the dilemma of the classical cryptography and has been developed as one of the most popular information technologies in the world .

  6. 活动内容从学生兴趣出发,选择富含生活气息的趣味物理实验。内容新颖,生动有趣,以废旧生活材料为实验材料,紧密结合物理学科知识,融合前沿科学技术,讲课与制作并举。

    We choose novel and interesting physical experiments in life style as the content on the basic of interest , take advantage of waste life materials as the experimental material , naturally combine the physical knowledge tightly , add the frontier knowledge of science and technology at the same time .

  7. 低相干光断层扫描,是近十几年来发展起来集多种前沿科学和技术为一体的超高精度成像技术。

    Optical coherence tomography ( OCT ) is a high resolution imaging technology developed in the recent years and based on many cutting-edge sciences and techniques .

  8. 选定的论文将发表对脊髓损伤的来源计算智能日报和杂志的前沿计算机科学与技术。

    Selected papers will be published on SCI source of Computational Intelligence Journal and Journal of Frontiers of Computer Science and Technology .

  9. 中国科学技术大学是中国科学院所属的一所以前沿科学和高新技术为主、兼有特色管理和人文学科的综合性全国重点大学。

    The University of Science and Technology of China ( USTC ) is a state key comprehensive university under the leadership of the Chinese Academy of Sciences ( CAS ) with the emphasis on up-to-day science and high-tech , supplemented by characteristic administration and liberal arts .

  10. 正电子发射型计算机断层显像(Positronemissiontomography,简称PET)是用解剖形态学方式进行功能、代谢和受体显像并提供分子水平信息的一项前沿医学科学显像诊断技术。

    Positron emission tomography ( Positron Emission Tomography , i.e. PET in brief ) is a technique of medical localization diagnosis in frontier science that conducts functional , metabolic and receptor visualization with anatomic morphology and provides information of molecular level .