
  1. 口周前进路3例,在颈颌线交界处作一弧形切口。结果:不同的手术进路有不同的手术视野,可导致不同的组织损伤和并发症产生。

    Results : Different operative approach could effected the field of vision during operation , led to different tissue injury and complications .

  2. 门开了,挡住他前进的路。

    The door opened , blocking his forward movement .

  3. 另一本是保罗·瑞安(PaulRyan)撰写的《前进之路》(TheWayForward),瑞安是米特·罗姆尼(MittRomney)竞选总统时的搭档,也是众议院预算委员会(HouseBudgetCommittee)主席。

    the other is " The Way Forward , " by Paul Ryan , who was Mitt Romney 's running mate and is chairman of the House Budget Committee .

  4. 其最新著作为《新美国经济:里根经济学的失败与新的前进之路》,将于今年10月由PalgraveMacmillan出版社出版

    His latest book is The New American Economy : The Failure of Reaganomics and a New Way Forward , to be published by Palgrave Macmillan in October

  5. 母亲是一把火炬,为我照亮前进之路;

    Mother is a torch , lighting up my way forward .

  6. 它们已不能再伤你分毫,并阻挠你前进的路。

    They can no longer hurt you or stand in your way .

  7. 一条河挡住了前进的路。

    A river blocks our way .

  8. 通用汽车和其他美国汽车制造商的前进之路仍是充满坎坷和危险。

    The road ahead for GM and the other American carmakers is still potholed and slippery .

  9. 企业需要领导来指明前进的路也需要他们来不断地给予他们动力和灵感。

    Organizations need leaders to show the way forward and instill a sense of energy and inspiration .

  10. 好吧,我要说的是,前进的路是曲折的,有许多桥等着你去跨越。

    Well , I was gonna say there 're lots of bridges in detours along the way .

  11. 李达的马克思主义哲学中国化之路就是先进文化前进之路。

    LI Da 's way to sinicize Marxist Philosophy is the way of the advanced culture to develop .

  12. 一真正的朋友不会阻止你前进的路,除非你在这条路上不小心摔到。

    A real friend never gets in your way , unless you happen to be on the way down .

  13. 在去年一月发表的前进之路计划中首当其冲的就是现在公司正在酝酿的进一步裁员。

    The firm is now planning further job cuts on top of those in its Way Forward plan unveiled last January .

  14. 一旦人们看到了一条前进的路,最初情绪几乎必定消散,或者,不会那么地铺天盖地。

    Once they see a path forward , the original emotion almost always dissipates , or at least does not feel so overwhelming .

  15. 他认为,前进之路是要艰苦卓绝地与新兴国家构建信任,他还援引了美中关系的扩展来予以说明。

    He thinks the way forward is the painstaking business of building trust with rising nations , and he cites the expansion of ties between Washington and Beijing .

  16. 愿希望之火照耀我们共同前进的路。因为希望是生命的灵魂,心灵的灯塔,成功的向导。

    May the fire of hope light up our way of advance because hope is the soul of life , the beacon in the heart and the guide to success .

  17. 在我情绪低靡的时候,她没有陪我一起哭,而是像一双温柔的手抚摸我的头,指引我前进的路。

    Of low in my mood , she didn 't accompany me with tears , but as a pair of gentle hands touching my head to guide my way forward .

  18. 今天我为我照亮前进之路的天使,做一次蕴含幸福味道的美味佳肴。

    I think I 'm so lucky to have my mother as such a good guide like an angel for me . I decided to cook for my angel today .

  19. 险滩和礁石阻挡不了奔腾入海的河流,我相信问题和分歧也阻挡不了中欧友谊和合作的前进之路。

    Rapids and rocks can never stop a river from flowing into the sea . Likewise , I believe that no issues or differences can stop our friendship and cooperation from growing .

  20. 困难为我们创造反省和同情的机会,如果我们能拥抱现在所发生的事,我们就能拥抱所有可能的一切,这是一条让人前进的路。

    Difficulty creates the opportunity for self-reflection and compassion.If we embrace what 's happening , we are also embracing what is possible -- and a road opens up for us to move forward .

  21. 敌人向前进,一路杀人和掠夺。

    The enemy advanced , killing and plundering as they went .

  22. 我认为前进的唯一之路就是完调忘掉

    I think the only way forward is to wipe away

  23. 即当前进蚂蚁存到达接收端时,系统便会自动地复制出若干个返回蚂蚁并让其进行回溯。这些返回的蚂蚁并不按照前进蚂蚁的原路返回,而是重新进行反方向的寻路。

    That is , when forward ants reach receiving node , system automatically copies several backtrack ants and they return .