
  1. 君主大人,前军两侧都已到位。

    My lord , we are positioned on both fronts .

  2. 1991年,梅莱斯先生率领叛军推翻了埃塞尔比亚前军政府,随后就任总统。

    Mr. Meles became president after he led rebels to power in nineteen ninety-one , overthrowing Ethiopia 's former military government .

  3. 如今,缅甸越来越崇尚西方,民众转而反对中国以及中国与缅甸前军政府的密切关系。

    Now , as Myanmar increasingly looks to the West , popular sentiment has been turning against China and its historically close ties with the former military junta .

  4. 梅莱斯1991年带领叛军推翻了埃塞俄比亚前军政府,随后就掌权做了总统。

    Mr. Meles became president after he led rebels to power in nineteen ninety-one , overthrowing Ethiopia 's former military government . He was elected prime minister in nineteen ninety-five .

  5. 巴基斯坦电视台播放了一段戏剧性的场面,巴基斯坦前军政府统治者佩尔韦兹·穆沙拉夫叛国案的保释被取消,之后他在伊斯兰堡逃脱了逮捕。

    In a dramatic scene captured on Pakistani television , the nation 's former military ruler Pervez Musharraf escaped arrest in Islamabad after his bail was revoked in a treason case .

  6. 建国前我军护理发展简史

    A Brief History of Nursing before the Founding of New China

  7. 一位军事指挥说卡扎菲被前反叛军监禁。

    A military commander says former rebels have him cornered .

  8. 国际前童子军联谊会;

    Fitdh ; international fellowship of former scouts and guides ;

  9. 天亮前不死军就会包围我们,温泉关会被破

    By morning , the lmmortals will surround us . The Hot Gates will fall .

  10. 来看看前童子军领导者和前“雄鹰”童子军是怎么说的。

    Here is what a former scout leader and a former Eagle scout had to say about it .

  11. 周三,反政府军从摩加迪沙街头拖出两具前政府军士兵的尸体焚烧。

    On Wednesday , resistance fighters pulled bodies of two pro-government soldiers through the streets of Mogadishu and burned them .

  12. 没有差质量图像。建国前我军护理发展简史

    The quality of CT images and the degree of calcified plaques were evaluated . A Brief History of Nursing before the Founding of New China

  13. 第三部分论述了童子军在中国的初步发展,介绍了相对于前童子军,此期童子军的变化,并作了简单评论;

    The third part mainly elaborates the Boy scout education 's preliminary development in China , detailedly introduces its changes opposite to the front , then does simply comments ;

  14. 穆沙拉夫将军领导的前巴基斯坦军政府和新的巴基斯坦文官政府已多次选择与部落地区领袖达成和平协定,以控制极端分子。

    Both the previous military government of General Pervez Musharraf and the new civilian government have opted at various times to try to secure peace deals with tribal leaders to contain the militants .

  15. 这位澳大利亚前国防军司令说,探测到的信号并非自然信号,而是来自人造设备,并且与黑匣子上的定位器信号一致。

    ' It 's nothing natural , it comes from a man-made device , and it 's consistent with the locator on a black box , ' the former Australian defense force chief said .

  16. 当天早些时候,澳大利亚总理托尼·阿博特宣布,将在珀斯建立一座新的联合协调中心,由前国防军空军上将安格斯·休斯敦将领导。

    Earlier in the day , Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott announced former Defense Force Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston will lead a new Joint Agency Coordination Center ( JACC ) based in Perth .

  17. 尽管誉王萧景桓和太子全力拼争,但是梅长苏还是成功的帮景琰铺平了路,夺取了皇位,并昭雪了多年前赤焰军所遭沉冤。

    Despite the efforts of Prince Xiao Jingheng and the crown prince to win the throne for themselves , Mei Changsu succeeds in paving the road for his friend to take over as king , as well as the avenging the injustices dealt to his troops many years before .

  18. 北伐战争前国民革命军的编组

    Organization of the Nationalist Army before the Northern Expedition War

  19. 她是前爱尔兰共和军,他哥哥也是。

    She 's former ira , as is her brother .

  20. 大渡河前的太平军与中央红军的不同结局之原因探析

    An Analysis of the Different Ending of the Tai Ping Army and the Central Red Army before the Dadu River

  21. 这名65岁的男子自称与10年前爱尔兰共和军杀人事件有关,被警方逮捕并审问5天。

    The 65-year-old was held for five days of police questioning over his alleged involvement in a decades-old Irish Republican Army killing .

  22. 这位前澳大利亚国防军总司令告诉澳大利亚国防军学院的毕业,他们需要“保证和重新确认”与澳大利亚公众的关系。

    The former Chief of the Australian Defence Force told graduates of the ADF Academy that they will need to " reassure and reaffirm " the relationship with the Australian public .

  23. 甘巴里到缅甸一个月前,缅甸军政府刚刚宣布,计划在今年5月就新宪法举行公投,然后在2010年举行大选。联合国特使甘巴里表示,这是一个积极的信号。

    He arrives just a month after the government announced plans to hold a referendum on a new constitution on May followed by elections in 2010 , a move Gambari called a positive sign .

  24. 中国高级外交官之子、摩根士丹利(morganstanley)前投资银行家杜军,因内幕交易罪被判破纪录的七年徒刑。

    Du Jun , a former Morgan Stanley Investment Banker and son of a high-ranking Chinese diplomat , was given a record seven-year sentence for the offence .

  25. 去年7月,摩根士丹利(morganstanley)前投资银行家杜军飞抵香港国际机场,试图通过供本地居民使用的自动化入境系统进入香港。

    In July last year a former Morgan Stanley Investment Banker flew to Hong Kong International Airport and attempted to enter the territory through an automated immigration system for local residents .

  26. 联合国举行投票仅数小时前,叙利亚政府军炮轰了霍姆斯市(Homs)部分地区,这似乎是持续11个月的民变浪潮中流血最严重的事件。

    The UN vote took place only hours after the Syrian military bombarded parts of the city of Homs , in what appeared the bloodiest incident yet in the 11 month-old uprising .

  27. 难道下蛋前一定要站军姿吗?

    Must we attention before lay eggs ?

  28. 卫、所都隶属于都司(相当于今省一级的军事领导机构),各都司又分别归中央的五军都督府(左、右、中、前、后等军都督府)统辖。

    Wei and Suo were the subsidiaries of DuSi , a provincial military leading organization nowadays , which was governed by central military organization .