
  • 网络Dechang;De-Chang Jin
  1. 德昌水牛染色体G带研究

    A Study on the G-banding of Dechang Buffalo Chromosome

  2. 20年前,大型制造商如德昌电机(johnsonelectric)的汪穗中(patrickwang)在向银行贷款时必须用地产作为担保,尽管企业的订单和现金流都很稳健。

    Twenty years ago , big manufacturers such as Patrick Wang of Johnson Electric could not borrow from banks without property as collateral , regardless of how robust their order books and cash flows were .

  3. 四川德昌县典型泥石流灾害风险评价

    Disaster risk assessment of typical debris flows in Dechang County of Sichuan

  4. 德昌南山长石矿分选除铁工艺研究

    A Study on Iron-removal Process for Separating Dechang Feldspar Ores

  5. 第二部份阐述了星光公司并购德昌电力公司的必要性和可行性。

    The second part analyzes the necessity and feasibility of the mergence project .

  6. 冕宁-德昌稀土成矿带碳酸岩流体研究

    A Study on the Fluids in Carbonatite of the Mianning-Dechang REE Metallogenic Belt

  7. 德昌水牛与杂交水牛乳生化组成的分析

    Analysis on the milk biochemical composition of Dechang buffalo and cross breed of buffalo

  8. 是的,德昌县高家150多人第一次拍成了“百人全家福”。

    Yeah , 150 members of Gao in Dechang county took the photo firstly .

  9. 从他们家里的摆饰很明显地可以看出来德昌的天分是来自于他的母亲。

    It 's obvious from his parents'home decoration that Ed 's talent came from his mom .

  10. 秦岭德昌香薷不同提取方法挥发油成分分析

    Analysis of Chemical Compositions of Volatile Oil in Elsholtzia Ciliata ( Thunb . ) Hyland by Different Extractive Methods

  11. 德昌旱地粮菜四熟种植模式的效益和能量分析

    Analysis on the benefits and energy of planting model of four grain-vegetable crops a year in arid land at Dechang county

  12. 德昌电机为员工提供有竞争力的待遇和优越的学习及发展机会。

    Johnson Electric has been aiming to provide appropriate training and development opportunities to all level of employees under a fair and equal environment .

  13. 针对德昌南山长石矿的基本性质,研究了不同加工方法对其分选除铁效果的影响。

    In light of rudimental properties of Dechang Feldspar ores , this paper investigates the effect of various processing methods on iron removal efficiency .

  14. 以德昌滑坡为工程依托,考察仰斜孔排水对滑坡稳定性的影响。

    Taking the De Chang landslide as the project background , the paper inspects the influence of horizontal culvert on the stability of the landslide .

  15. 德昌县旱地粮菜四熟模式是一年生产一季玉米和三季蔬菜。

    The planting model of four grain-vegetable crops in arid land at Dechang county , Sichuan province , included a season maize and three season vegetables .

  16. 在获知德昌逝世时的那几天里,每当我想到这句话时,心理都感到悲伤和空虚。

    Every time that voice went through my mind in the last couple of days since Ed 's death , I got lost in sorrow and emptiness .

  17. 对四川省德昌县傈僳族的自杀进行调查,分析其特点并对预防自杀提出建议。

    Abstract This was an investigation of suicide among the Lisu natives of Dechang County of Sichuan Province . Its characteristics were analysed and suggestions for prevention were made .

  18. 德昌电机是一家总部位于香港的大型跨国集团公司,在微电机和集成电机系统设计、研发及制造等领域具有全球领导地位。

    Johnson Electric is a Hong Kong-based multinational enterprise and world leader in the design , development and delivery of a broad range of micro-motor and integrated motor system products .

  19. 文中首次尝试将集对原理用于频率曲线拟合度的定量评价中,并对安宁河流域德昌站年最大流量频率曲线拟合度进行分析。

    The principle of Set Pair Analysis ( SPA ) is attempted to be applied to the quantitative evaluation on fitting of the fre - quency curve based on the data of the annual flood peak from Dechang Station within Arming River Basin .