
dé xìnɡ
  • vexing;disgraceful
  • morality and conduct;disgusting or shameful behaviour, manner, etc.
德性 [dé xìng]
  • (1) [moral character]∶道德品性

  • 子思言尊德性,而归于道问学。--清. 刘开《问说》

  • (2) [disgusting]∶同德行( déxíng)

  1. 不但如此,它还能培养我最景仰的那些德性-勇敢和诸如此类的东西。

    Moreover , it tends to foster the human qualities that I admire most-courage and its analogues .

  2. 麦迪首战只得4分,全场出战15分钟5投1中,但NBA的大牌球星在季前赛都是这副德性。

    TM had4 points in15m , 1 of5.Most superstars are like this in preseason .

  3. 市民社会德性化发展&对市民社会道德建构的思考

    Moralization Development of Civil Society : On Civil Society Moral Construction

  4. 末日意识天性与德性是人的两种基本属性。

    Nature and virtue are two basic attributes of the man .

  5. 从制度设计的角度认识人的德性

    On the Design of the System in Connection with Moral Character

  6. 富有德性智慧的人是具有极强的人格魅力的。

    People with moral intelligence are possessed of strong personal charm .

  7. 三是新历史主义方法的特征,本文将其概括为:在实践中界定德性;

    Third , characteristics of neo-historicism : define virtue in practice ;

  8. 我想知德性国马克的兑换率。

    Iwould like to know the exchange rate for German marks .

  9. 音乐之所以能给人以美,就因为它内涵德性。

    Music produces beauty for man just because it contains morality .

  10. 德性是一个人内在恒定的高尚道德品性。

    Virtue is one of people s constant noble inner morality .

  11. 德性是指在后天的学习实践中所获得的,是人所独具的深层需要下的特性品质的综合。

    Virtue is the comprehensive quality characteristics of deep need unique .

  12. 相对于契约诚信,德性诚信又有其内在合理性;

    Relative to contract integrity , dharma integrity has its internal rationality ;

  13. 德性的公正与规范的公正及其关系

    Justice of Virtue and Justice of Norm and their Relationships

  14. 个人自主性与公民的德性教育

    Personal Autonomy and Moral Character Education for Citizens On Virtue

  15. 品德与德性:概念辩难

    An Examination of the Conception of Moral Character and Virtue

  16. 德性是人后天获得的社会属性。

    Virtue is the social attribute which comes from cultivation .

  17. 这副德性,要动粗吗。

    By the looks of this , a little assault as well .

  18. 康德论德性与幸福的统一

    The Combination of Virtue and Happiness in Kant 's Ethics

  19. 孟子与亚里士多德德性理论之比较

    Comparison between Mencius ' and Aristotle 's theories on ethics

  20. 财富的德性呼唤&中国当代财富伦理的思考

    Call virtue of wealth & thinking of china 's contemporary wealth ethics

  21. 德性的磨炼是抵制罪恶的诱惑。

    The ordeal of virture is to resist all temptation to evil .

  22. 是教师德性研究的原点。

    It is the original point of research on teachers'virtue .

  23. 如何构建合乎于德性的数字艺术消费?

    How to build the consumption virtue of digital art ?

  24. 从中国传统文化中汲取德性道德资源。

    Derives the morality moral character moral resources from China traditional culture .

  25. 德性且只有德性的力量使选择成为道德的选择,向善的选择。

    Only virtue can make choice become moral choice and good choice .

  26. 元展开为德性与生生不息。

    Yuan is unfolded as virtues and ceaseless producing .

  27. 道德教育:从道德单元到德性的形成

    Moral Education : from Moral Elements to Moral Virtue

  28. 俭,是中国古代各种德性的基础。

    Thrift is the very basis for the various virtues in ancient China .

  29. 因此,他在《德性之后》中提出了他的德性论。

    Macintyre put forward his theory of virtue in his book After Virtue .

  30. 无论是亚里士多德的德性传统,还是原始儒家的德性传统,都可以为现代伦理理论的建设提供丰富的智性资源。

    Modern ethical theory could benefit from Both Mencius'and Aristotle 's virtue ethics .