
  • 网络primitive commune ownership;primitive communal ownership
  1. 在马克思笔下,亚细亚所有制是原始公社所有制的残余形式,是古代的、日耳曼的所有制的原型,具有普遍意义。

    According to Karl Marx , the Asiatic ownership which is universal , is the remain of primitive communal ownership as well as the antitype of ancient and Germanic ownerships .

  2. 马克思的亚细亚生产方式思想,不仅包含最为标准、典型的原始的公社所有制的意义,而且囊括了从原始的公社所有制向次生的奴隶制、农奴制的过渡。

    The thought implies not only the ownership of primitive commune but also the transition from the ownership of primitive tribe to slave-owning ownership and feudal ownership of land .