
  • 网络collectivism principle
  1. 关于社会转型时期集体主义原则的思考

    On the Collectivism Principle During the Social Shift Era

  2. 村庄转型的道德基石&论新农村建设中集体主义原则的时代价值

    Moral Cornerstone for Transformation of Village & On Value of Collectivism Principle in New Country Construction

  3. 论集体主义原则对整体主义思想的超越

    On the Principle of Collectivism Overstepping the Thoughts of Group Mentality

  4. 新时期坚持集体主义原则的再认识

    Reconsideration of Adhering to the Principle of Collectivism in the New Age

  5. 发展社会主义市场经济应坚持新集体主义原则。

    To develop socialist market economy should adhere to the principles of new collectivism .

  6. 道德调节的集体主义原则符合人类的类生存和发展。

    Collectivism adjusted by the moral principles is consistent with the existence and development of mankind .

  7. 在社会主义市场经济的建立和完善过程中,我们必须特别强调在处理个人与社会关系问题上的基本原则是集体主义原则。

    We must stress specially the collective principle on handling this relation in socialist market economy .

  8. 集体主义原则刍议

    On the Principle of Collectivism

  9. 集体主义原则是马克思主义伦理学,也是我国社会主义思想道德体系和思想道德建设的基本原则。

    Collectivism is the ethics of Maxism and the basic principle of the moral system and Chinese socialism .

  10. 第二,在计划经济条件下,集体主义原则的实践存在偏差,往往强调了整体性而忽略了人的个性。

    Secondly , under planned economy there are deflection that only emphasized the unity and neglected the personality .

  11. 第二部分,运用伦理学基本理论,对学术责任进行了整体把握,从真与善、自律与他律、道德的实践精神以及集体主义原则四个方面,明确了学术责任的伦理关涉问题。

    In the second part , we had a good grasp in whole to Academic Responsibility by using ethics theory .

  12. 中国传统文化关于个人与社会关系的论述上有不少与我们今天倡导的集体主义原则具有一致性。

    The relationship between personal and society in Chinese traditional culture are in agreement in some as-pects with today 's collectivism .

  13. 我们应结合我国市场经济发展的实际对集体主义原则做准确的理解,建立起充分重视个人主体价值的集体主义价值观体系。

    We should consult the condition of the market economy to accurately comprehend collectivism and to set up such collectivism which fully emphasise the value of the individual subject .

  14. 我国社会主义市场经济的发展,从根本上促进了生产力的发展,为集体主义原则的实践从根本上创造了条件。

    In China , the development of socialism market economy , fundamentally speaking , promoted the development of productive forces , which provide for the practice of collectivism principle .

  15. 高校学生的社会主义道德教育,应坚持集体主义原则,正确处理个人利益与国家、集体利益的关系、得与失的关系、个人与他人的关系;

    Socialist moral education to the students in colleges and universities should adhere to the principle of collectivism , correctly handle the personal , the country and collective interests ;

  16. 利群原则是由经济发展活动的特殊经济关系所内在规定的,是经济发展活动所蕴含的道德必然,是社会主义道德的集体主义原则在经济发展领域中的具体表现形式。

    The principle of " profit group ", fixed inherently by the special economic relations of the activity of economic development , is the concrete manifestation of socialist collectivism in the economic development field .

  17. 因为对它们的理解直接关系到集体主义原则本身的性质,关系到集体主义原则在道德实践中的生命力。

    Firstly , the conception and basic content of collectivism is discussed , which is directly relate to the nature of collectivism principles , to the power and life of collectivism principles in mortal practice .

  18. 并通过分析一系列的道德原则和规范,如集体主义原则、效率优先、兼顾公平的原则、互利原则等对以上观点进行了论证。

    These viewpoints are proved through the analysis of some moral principles and standard , such as the principle of collectivism , the principle of efficiency prior to being fair and the principle of mutual benefit .

  19. 道德辩护既要遵循一般的道德原则,即人为目的原则、真理性原则、和谐性原则,也要遵循社会主义的道德原则,即集体主义原则。

    Moral defense not only follows general moral principles , namely the principle of people 's aims , the principle of truth and the principle of harmony , but also follows the socialist moral principles , namely the principle of collectivism .

  20. 坚持为人民服务原则,坚持集体主义原则,坚持社会主义人道主义原则对科学处理好新形势下复杂人际关系十分有效,对构建社会主义和谐社会有着重要作用。

    Adhere to the principle of serving the people , collectivism and socialist humanitarianism is not only very effective in dealing with complicated interpersonal relationship under the new situation of science , but also plays an important role in building a harmonious socialist society .

  21. 集体主义道德原则确立的人学根据

    Basis of Moral Principle of Collectivism in Light of Human Science

  22. 当代集体主义道德原则的新内涵

    The New Connotation of the Contemporary Ethic Principle of Collectivism

  23. 对社会主义初级阶段的集体主义价值原则与网络带给大学生的变化,及两者的互动关系进行新的审视,以寻求集体主义价值原则新的发展契机。全国价值信仰与公民道德建设高级论坛综述

    Collectivism is the nucleus principle of socialist moral construction . On Socialist Moral Progress

  24. 对集体主义道德原则内涵的思考

    Thought on the Connotation of Collectivism Moral Principles

  25. 试论集体主义伦理原则的形成与组织性依附的关系

    On the Relationship Between the Formation of the Collectivist Ethical Principle and the Organizational Attachment

  26. 坚持以为人民服务为核心,集体主义为原则;

    For the core , collectivism was the principle to insist on thinking that the people serve ;

  27. 在市场经济条件下,集体主义道德原则受到了冲击。

    Under the condition of the market economy , the ethic principle of collectivism has encountered attack .

  28. 以集体主义为原则是社会主义道德实践健康发展的重要保证;

    And the principle of collectivism is the important guarantee of the healthy development of the socialist morality practice .

  29. 但是,在社会转型中,集体主义道德原则所处的背景发生了变化,集体主义道德原则面临前所未有的困境。

    But the background of the collectivism morals principle change during the Social Transformation . The collectivism morals principle facing unprecedented difficulties .

  30. 建立在集体主义的原则之上,或者建立在通常由政府监督下工作的工人所有和生产的原则之上。

    Set up on the principle of collectivism or ownership and production by the workers involved usually under the supervision of a government .