
  • 网络collectivist culture;collectivistic culture;collectivism;collective culture;collectivism culture
  1. 相比集体主义文化启动条件,个人主义文化启动条件的启动效应更为显著。

    Compared to collectivist culture condition , individualistic culture condition starts more significant priming effect .

  2. 集体主义文化维系下的柔性组织与模糊契约&浙江民营企业发展的自组织模式揭示

    Pliable Organization and Blurred Contract Under the Influence of Collectivist Culture

  3. 介绍了刻板印象内容模型(SCM)的来源、理论假设和在美国与欧洲(个人主义文化)、东亚(集体主义文化)样本中的实证研究。

    The paper introduced and gave comments on the original , theoretical hypotheses and its key empirical studies of the stereotype content model ( SCM ) .

  4. 通过问卷调查、电子邮件联系和网上MSN视频采访的形式对以个体主义和集体主义文化纬度为代表的,中国佳木斯大学和美国纽约城市大学共90名师生进行研究。

    The subjects of this study are 90 teachers and students separately from Jiamusi University and City University of New York representing respectively the collectivistic and individualistic cultures . The instruments used in the research are questionnaire , email communication and interview via video chat on MSN .

  5. 而相反,集体主义文化强调团体利益与协调。

    In contrast , collectivist cultures emphasize group welfare and harmony and Malaysia as well .

  6. 文化可分为集体主义文化和个体主义文化两种模式。

    According to some researches , culture might be divided into two dimensions , that is , collectivism and individualism .

  7. 第二,中国文化属于权力距离较大,高语境的集体主义文化模式,而美国文化属于权力距离较小,低语境的个人主义文化模式。

    Chinese culture are high-power distance , high-context and collective culture ; American culture are low-power distance , low-context and individual culture .

  8. 而对于任务关联度低,集体主义文化和任务关联度高,个体主义文化的组织两者结合起来使用更有利于团队成员积极性的发挥。

    The combination of individual motivation and team motivation is adopted in organization with collectivism and low correlative degree of the job .

  9. 结论:不适当的归因方式、低主观幸福感和集体主义文化价值观是预测少管所流动儿童品行障碍的重要指标。

    Conculsion : Attribution , subjective well-being and cultural value of the migrated laborers'children in the juvenile prison can be used as the affecting factors of conduct disorder .

  10. 例如,在集体主义文化中,个体普遍展示集体自我,采取间接手段处理冲突,如妥协或回避。

    Generally speaking , in collectivistic culture , the collective self is chosen as priority and indirect ways of handling conflict , such as compromising or avoiding are favored .

  11. 桑德兰大学中国留学生和英国学生文化定位的主要特分别征集中表在中国学生的集体主义文化倾向和英国的个体主义文化倾向以及由此形成的不同的学术文化思维定式。

    The cultural orientation of Chinese post-graduate students and visiting scholars in the University of Sunderland mainly is manifested in Chinese collectivism and British individualism which cause the different thinking formularies .

  12. 方法用从10个个人主义文化国家和10个集体主义文化国家共3811名被试收集来的数据对个人主义和集体主义文化中个体的幸福感水平、文化取向及其相互关系进行比较。

    Methods Collected data from 3811 participants from 10 individualism and 10 collectivism nations respectively , and compared the differences of SWB level , individual cultural orientations , and the relationship between them .

  13. 但对西方个人主义文化的接受程度也很高。(3)国内集体主义文化背景下大学生自我构念具有显著的地域差异和专业差异。

    A high degree acceptance to the individualism of Western culture is discovered , too . ( 3 ) Significant regional differences and major differences are discovered in individual self-construals in domestic collectivism background .

  14. 个人主义文化启动组在独立量表上的分数显著高于控制组和集体主义文化组,其差异主要体现在个人主义和行为一致性两个因子上;集体主义文化组和控制组之间没有显著差异。

    The score of independent scale of the group of individualism is significantly higher than the group of both collectivism and the control group , especially in the individualism and behavioral consis ; and there is no significant difference between the control group and the collectivism culture priming group .

  15. 这种集体主义的文化取向造就了中国式的关系主义思维。

    This collective cultural orientation made Chinese " relationship " thinking .

  16. 低个人主义(集体主义)文化指组织更强调个体之间紧密的联系。

    A Low Individualism ranking typifies societies of a more collectivist nature with close ties between individuals .

  17. 个体主义和集体主义作为文化价值观的核心纬度,对交际行为有直接的作用,因此一直都是跨文化研究的重心。

    The core dimension of cultural values & individualism and collectivism ( I / C ) has long been the research focus of intercultural scholars and I / C has a direct effect on communication styles .

  18. 在之前的研究中,个体主义和集体主义作为文化的核心价值观,常常被用来解释和分析跨文化交际行为与障碍,然而这一层面的解释忽视了个体层面的差异且难以进行量化和测量。

    In the previous studies , the differences between individualism and collectivism , the core of cultural values , have been the research focus on intercultural communication , while the factors on individual-level have always been neglected and the research methods cannot be measured accurately .

  19. 霍夫斯坦德提出的个人主义&集体主义这一文化层面被广泛应用于各种跨文化研究中。

    Hofstede 's cultural dimension of individualism-collectivism has been widely used in a variety of cross-cultural research .

  20. 也即,个体受西方个人主义文化的影响越大,其自我构念的独立性越高。(4)大学生自我构念特点在个人主义、集体主义两种文化启动条件下都有变化。

    That is , the individual subject to the greater impact of Western culture of individualism , the independence of their self-construct higher . ( 4 ) Two culture conditions can affect college students ' self-construals in the domestic collectivism cultural background .

  21. 消费者自信心对中国消费者观察倾向既无直接影响,也无间接影响。此结论与以西方消费者为研究对象得出的结论具有明显差异,而差异的形成与中国特有的文化背景和集体主义的社会文化有关。

    Consumer self-confidence has neither a direct impact on Chinese consumers ' propensity to observe , nor indirect effects , which conclusions have a significant difference from study of Western consumers because of Chinese unique cultural background and collectivist social culture . 5 .

  22. 为了加深对文化影响商业道德行为的理解,我们探讨了个人主义和集体主义(I-C)文化对道德决策过程的可能影响。

    To further our understanding of the impact of culture on ethical behavior , the current study examines ways in which individualism and collectivism may affect ethical decision .

  23. 走向后集体主义&当代大学生文化的价值分析

    Towards Post-collectivism & A Value Analysis of Contemporary Undergraduate Culture

  24. 从建立信任方式、内外部信任、对被信任方评估和信任发展过程中的差异几个方面,讨论集体主义和个人主义文化中信任建立的差异很有必要。

    Based on an analysis of forms of trust , internal / external trust , the evaluation of trustee and trust developmental process , the paper discusses the differences in the trust formation between Collectivistic and Individualistic culture .